40 gallon Reef Journal

Yeah we used a table saw, normal teeth, smaller is better, but it doesnt matter. we also used a miter saw(shaves less than a hair off the edge every pass) to get a nice clean edge, so clean i cut myself on the edges there so sharp :0 My dad actually picked up some acrylic and the weld on in grand junction, CO while on vacation, cuz i was in california. I have seen it on ebay, and i would imagine it wouldn be too hard shippin g ground, but i could be wrong. SO....i rescaped it again.......:p....adn put the bubble tower in the sump. PICS


WOO! 4 pages!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Ok so maybe you are more indecisive....nah we're about the same haha.

I don't trust shipping much, i've worked at UPS and was responsible for breaking people's packages for months i know how it goes haha. I'm gonna check a glass and plastics company in town first and see what they have. Might even score some scrap pieces.

So i'm guessing the small box with holes is where the tank drains over some LR rubble or something? Then the large comparment is the fuge then baffles then the return?

And i agree with Lotus, very very good. Come to SC and build me one please? ;)

Thanks you guys! I pput alot of work into that, its good to see people like it.

C-man_exactly. I should have told you guys first, but oh well. I made the fuge as huge as possible, just cuz :), and the return area as little as possible, because since evaporation is noted there, when the ATO notices a drop of 1/8" in the water, the 1/8" drop is like a cup of water literally, which will leave me with nearly constant salinity.
Also palstic shops are cool. If there nice, they will give you advice on what to do and get for supplies, and techniques and tips. The guy my dad saw was really helpful.

Hmmmmmmmm...pay for the ticket and ill be there lol

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
You might want to consider putting a piece of acrylic around the top about an inch wide. Or just a triangle piece for each of the corners. Just for added strength to hold the corner together. I've had one split like that and it can be a little messy.

Here is a little to thing to all people wanting to start or that are starting in saltwater. PLAN IT OUT. I dont mean fish, stand color, and tank size. Like every flipping detail. From where your stand is in relation to the wall socket, to where you place your power strip, to the exact location of your sump, to the placement of your union fittings. Cuz i had problems with ALL OF THESE. Last night, i switched out sumps. not so bad, i tweaked the bulkhead to where it had a small leak, so i had to aligned it and gave the nut another 1/4 turn. I now need to redo most of my plumbing, because i am moving the sump from the left side to the right, and because my union fitting to my drain line drips just an inch from behind the sump when disconnected, leading to warped wood etc. So i now have to reroute it all. no biggie, but i wish i had done it in the first place, im getting some bad sleep over it. but its not the stand TRe! ;-) but seriously for all beginners, you hear everyone say have patience and plan it out. thay dont mean wait a week after your cycle to finish Patience, they mean dont jump into your project until your 100% absolutely ready and prepared. If you dont, you will end up spending a whole weekend or possibly two just cleaning up what you should have avoided in the first place. just something I have learned. But you cant read it all, and know it all, it does require some firsthand experience.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
what kind of bulb u got there? after seeing what it looks like on a bunch of peoples tannks around here i recommend the reeflux 12k, i plan on switchin my bulbs as soon as i can hold myself from buying corals for a few weeks to scrap up some $ :p


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea the guy whos house i was at yesterday had both the reeflux 10k 250w's on his display and the 12k reeflux on the frag tank sitting next to it and though the 12k was definitly a nicer color the growth he was getting on the 10k's was amazing ! im leaning towards the 10k's since i already have actinic supplements, 12k's dont need actinics...either way reeflux is the best route unless u wanna spend $100+ per bulb ;)

Its a 15K lamp for now, it came with the light. I dont want to run MH constantly for my light source, so i think i will do 10k with supplements, and run the Mh 2-3 hours shorter than the supplements. i have a quick question fo reveryobody with canopies....When you built it, did you leave the back end open? If not, what did you do for ventilation? If the back is open, did you have problems with your tank glowing from behind? thanks!

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
my back is open, however i did cover it with screen to both keep any possible jumpers in and cut back on the "glowing from behind"....lol yes my tank glows from behind but its not that bad at all... it was either deal with the glowing (which u get used to) or add a chiller.... i chose the open back + a clip on fan