40 gallon Reef Journal

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I go to CVS and get the super glue gel there. Comes in like a yellow and green packet. Get you some razor blades while you are there (might need them later ;)). Mushrooms slime a good bit when stressed and touched, be sure to have a cup of tank water beside you and after you glue it out of water rinse it and dip it in that cup of water. The water will help "seal" or harden the glue and rinse off most of the slime from the shroom. Then you can add it back to the tank.

Another way is to let it happen naturally. Get a small cup or something of rock/rubble, place the ric ontop and put bridal veil over it and hold it with a rubberband. The ric won't blow away and will naturally attack to whats under it.

Heres my fragging setup for now. Glue there on the right. Plenty of containers to house frags while they wait to be fragged or after they are fragged and for dips. Ziploc bags just incase, various razors, cutting board, and some frag plugs and discs. Yes those are 2 water jugs holding up my light above the station. ;) I knew i'd find a use for that 96w PC fixture....ghetto beauty!

Of course you are only gluing some rics....but once you get more corals it gets addicting to frag them, especially Zoas.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
just take the frag out , if u want u could pat the part u are about to glue dry and put a nice glob of glue on it and stick it in the tank where ever u want it.... hold it in place for like 20 secs ;)

Update 5/3/08

So i just got a new fish today, a firefish. i was also going to get an orange diamond goby, but they dont have any till thursday, so it is probably better that I go one at a time. Anyways here the pic of the guy. he is doing well swimming around actively(he is great in front of the camera) and eating well.



Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
nice addition! i had a firefish in my old 10g nano and one day i went to clean the sides with the magfloat n i guess i scared him n he jumped straight out.... so definitly keep it covered, screen should work but itll prolly block some light out

sooooooo....i got a fish. :) not the one i wanted cuz the LFS owner tries to please but cant always pull through. He said the orange diamond goby would be in by today, so i drove an hour there, no goby. so i decided on a yellow headed sleeper goby. Yes, a bigger goby. Currently he is about 4 inches long, and although it is said they grow to 12", no one has ever had them grow that large in captivity, only about 6". so we will see, if he gets to big, i will trade him for an orange diamond, but for now, he is there. ill post pics later, too tired lol.

Thanks matt! rics are doing good, not great, they haven opened up fully, they were in natural sunlight, and the only one that opened up was the one that got blown into the shade. :-/ so i glued them on the far left side of the tank, i hope they acclimate soon, they look nice opened up. so heres the pics you been waiting for



i don't have any good FTS yet cuz the light being so close makes a beam of light in the middle and black corners. not posting pic qualitay. Enjoy!

so i got the frame for my canopy built today, and with the light farher away from the water, i must say im in love with MH. all i have to say is wow. I love it. The frame is built out of strips of 3/4 inch plywood and biscuit jointed together. Anyways, heres the pics!

excuse the peices of wood in front, its so i dont blind my self.