40 gallon Reef Journal


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
six lines can be somewhat aggressive, at least mine is and will harass any additions to my 75 I can only imagine how they would be in a smaller tank. They will also deplete the pod population pretty quickly

So today I stopped by the LFS and got some more fish, i got an orange diamond goby, a clown goby, and a cherub pygmy angel! i love the angel, so cool, the clown goby is not looking so hot, he has a little tummy :( and the orange diamond is going to town on his hole. ill be taking the yellow headed sleeper back, too big for my liking, makes the tank look too small. anyways ill post pics later.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
clown gobies are very small and shy, bets on he is hiding out.....

nice pygmy, looks just like mine and I can never get a good pic as he is always swimming around.....He looks really cool with the yellow coris wrasse who is his buddy which is another great small tank fish and all around great candidate.

yeah, i always saw him hanging out in my diamond's hole. Your right, its hard to get a good pic, they are constanly moving! which is good cuz i wanted some action in my tank. BTW wut do you feed your angel? i haven seen him eat yet, but he looks healthy. I know they are grazers and algae eaters, but coming from someone who has owned one for 3 days, im not too sure what they will eat.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yeah, i always saw him hanging out in my diamond's hole. Your right, its hard to get a good pic, they are constanly moving! which is good cuz i wanted some action in my tank. BTW wut do you feed your angel? i haven seen him eat yet, but he looks healthy. I know they are grazers and algae eaters, but coming from someone who has owned one for 3 days, im not too sure what they will eat.

rule #1: never buy a fish without seeing it eat first in the store ;) i try not to buy a fish the first time i see it either... i try to wait till its been around for a few weeks to make sure its healthy and everything (than again im at the lfs a few time a week lol)

i would wait, but my LFS is so crappy. only one within 100 miles. besides petco. F that. and he gets a shipment every month. and he wont hold it any longer than a week. but its a healthy active fish, so lets hope. i should have rephrased that. "My angel doesn seem too fond of my flake food. What can i give it so it will eat more?" ;-P


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
None of my fish will eat flake, only some will eat pellets... but all like frozen mysis. I think it's a good idea to start new fish on mysis, then start mixing in pellets later.

If it's a herbivore, feed it seaweed/nori soaked in garlic juice (or with crushed garlic).

My gobies are all carnivores, and don't go for vegetable foods.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
My angel gobbles up everything and anything. He eats spectrum pellet food, prime reef flake and then I also alternate these with formula one and formua two frozen and frozen mysis, frozen cycolpeeze and loaded brine for a treat. He eats it all, what I have never seen him touch is nori......though I see him pecking at the rock all the time and the glass sometimes....he's a fat little beggar.

Update 5/25/08
So yesterday i GRADUATED!!!!08 baby! pretty pumped for that. Fun night, didnt wake up till two this afternoon lol, where i then proceeded to the LFS, and picked up 2 true percs, and a torch coral. The clowns are doing awesome, swimming actively, and munhcing down anything, also the angel ate some brine today! Still have yet to see my clown goby.........anyways heres the pics!

Little guy, little longer than 1", he is missing a fin too....NEMO!

Female, fat and healthy




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