46 Gallon Bowfront


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
BTW... to fight some of that BBA I see in there, you can use some H2O2. About 3mL/gallon has worked out safely for me, though, you may want to use less since you have some more sensitive plants in there.

And you'll want to spot-treat it, so turn off your filters and let the hydrogen peroxide work it's magic. My fish generally love swimming through the bubbles. ;) I do my treating before a WC.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
BTW... to fight some of that BBA I see in there, you can use some H2O2. About 3mL/gallon has worked out safely for me, though, you may want to use less since you have some more sensitive plants in there.

And you'll want to spot-treat it, so turn off your filters and let the hydrogen peroxide work it's magic. My fish generally love swimming through the bubbles. ;) I do my treating before a WC.
Ill look into it, thanks man.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I do have one or two types of ludiwigia in there but most of the tall skinny stuff is some type of anacharis I think... It's similar to anacaris but not as bushy and has better color to it.

Also I think the tank is brighter cause I moved the light farther to the back so the brace on the lid doesnt block it so much... Also it's a bright light as of a few months ago

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
My tank got taken over by BBA.... Instead of putting a lot of money in making my pressurized CO2 to work correctly (new regulator/diffuser) I just tore all my plants out but some java fern that looked okay.,... It will look very simplistic with wood, rocks, java fern and maybe some type of stem plant. I am accepting plant donations.

I need to rearrange one more piece of wood (boiling to try and get rid of the BBA) and then I need to tie down the java fern, but pictures will go up tomorrow or the next day.... It wont look anything like it did before.

I also needed to do a lot of cleaning... there was a lot of fish poo or mulm or what ever hidden under stuff in my tank so when I took it all out it was then obvious.... I probably did 5 w/c at no more than 50% a piece so there may be 10% of original water from earlier today. I also scrubbed a lot of the rocks to get rid of as much algae as possible and then cleaned my filter for the first time in months. I added another small piece of wood to try and get tannins in the water to make it look different and also see if that has an effect on my keyholes libido.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I could probably donate in a while. mostly from my 40 gal..
why didn't you just try to peroxide treat this stuff? you don't even have to spot treat all of it, just some spots, and all the rest will die...
I hate BBA...

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Since it's life time is only a few more months, I didn't want to stress out and spend a lot of time and or money on killing it off. So I just tore the stuff out... nothing that was tooooo expensive or irreplaceable. I am also doing a semi-black out... keeping the light only on for a few hours a day... like 4 ish im thinking.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Your 46gal bowfront gives me hope for what I want to eventually do with my 46gal bowfront, unwritten! I loved the way it looked with the driftwood. My eventual plan with my 46gal is to make it into an angelfish community with 2 angelfish, 2 GBRs, 8 congo tetras, 8 cardinal tetras and a gyspy king tiger pleco; heavily planted in the back with amazon swords and several other native SA plants; sand/flourite substrate; and a large centerpiece driftwood (hopefully in the shape of a stump with roots). :) Good job on your 46gal!