46 Gallon Bowfront

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I think they are interested in it cause it hides so often that when they see it they are curious. Not really predatorial just curious. I still never seen it.

If you live nearby I'd give you the gourami cause it looks like you have the tank space. I just couldn't bring it to work (petco) for adoption and see it go home with someone to a worse tank and possible death. I think hes stupid and my least favorite fish but I couldn't let it go in a less comfortable tank that most of my customers have.

Also I found an oto floating the other day and I haven't seen either in weeks so I bet the other is a goner too.... Also I found my oto in my 16 dead today so I guess it's a bad week for otos.

Apr 14, 2008
Coming from me - the one who rescues Feeder Guppies & Ghost Shrimp for no reason...I'd be willing to setup that gourami a 10gal of his own...Atleast till I get MY 46gal Bowfront setup. If you wanted to, you really could ship him to me! 2nd day is like 12$ and I can handle that especially for a HEALTHY gourami. *thumbsups

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Did a small rescape today. Took out my long lasting watersprite and tossed it, and also took out the hornwort. Moved around the hygro but still looking for another type of background plant that is really bushy and covers the back better than my ludiwigia right now...

Pictures soon.

I'm down to 2 cherry barbs, one male and one female but the male isn't gonna last much longer (he was part of my original cycle over a year ago). Down to 3 yoyo's lost one early but the other three look fine (with teh small exception that one is a bit skinnier but still fine). Keyholes, gourami, and tigers are fine though. I am considering ditching the gourami and adding gold barbs once the cherries go away. I like their color.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I dont think I like the middle back cause there isnt much thick stuff back there but I hope to find something to fill it out. That hygro on the left should cover half of it but I think I want something like a big sword or something to cover the rest.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Just ordered a new light. My room mate will use my current light on his new 29 gallon cause it'll fit better.

-Current fixture is a 30" 65 watt CPF with a 50/50 of 6700 and 10000K bulb.
-New fixture is a 36" 96 watt CPF with a 6700 bulb.

Not only will it up my lighting to over 2wpg but will extend the full legnth of my tank so the corners get more lighting. I also got the adjustable mounting legs but I don't know if they are going on the 29 or the 46 or my 20 SW.... decisions...

Apr 14, 2008
What about other fish? I'm not much of a fan of Rummy-nose tetras...too plain except for the red noses....I like Cardinal Tetras and Orange Von Rios a LOT better because not only do they have a ton of color, they can stand up to Tigers [I know this by experience!].

Also options include Odessay Barbs [sp?], Gold Barbs, & Rosey Barbs...

Just ideas!


unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
It needed a good cleaning and I figured I might as well do it before I leave it for thanksgiving vacation break. I removed the large piece of wood in there, did about a 40-50% water change and replaced the wood with rock... The wood was covered in algae so hopfully takeing it out will help cut back some of that algae. I also scrubbed my anubias, which was covered it in... it only has some still left on it. I moved around the remaining piece of wood in there as well since the large piece is now out.

In the last few months I have lost one tiger barb (one of the originals) and also one of my yo-yo's which never figured out where food came from so it rarely ate I guess... Now when I left one of the remaining two yo-yo's isnt looking so hot so I dont know how long it's gonna last. My sig has the updated stock.

here are the pics