55 Reef Chronicles

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Ha, the camera has a knack for really picking up the difference... but in person its really not that abrupt. And yeah it was intentional, I just wanted to try out a different K... guess I got what I wanted ;)

Well, I plan on keeping it in there and seeing what happens though I think its gone... just going to make sure. I nearly tossed it this morning though.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Yeah, I hear you, especially on what was such a nice specimen.

EDIT- after review, its possible it just bleached due to shock, thinking maybe give it time maybe try some feedings.. noticed it has a brown tinge to it and it might not be jsut algae...

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Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Turns out I made a stupid mistake. One word: salinity. More evap than I thought took place, so when I did a waterchange, I raised it way too high... problem solved now, did some more got it back down to 1.025.

And on top of that I cant seem to find my blood shrimp. Hmm.

Anyways heres some pics of the non coral inhabitants. Plan on adding a new fish sometime soon (you guys probably get bored of looking at the same two over and over ;))... I will be taking extra precaution... I made a divider out of egg crate, since the clown is overly aggessive the thought is to separate them, let the new fish get used to the tank while the clown is able to see him, hopefully all goes well, going to have to see though.


Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Yeah sorry bout the explanation I dont think I was very clear. Im going to divide the tank basically into 2 parts, clownfish on one side, new fish and coral beauty on the other. The fish will be able to see eachother through the eggcrate, water will flow, but the clown wont be able to harrass anything until it hopefully settles down. Its worth a shot, though it could be hopeless.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea thats what I thought you meant i just wasnt positive. Seems like it should work (would look pretty cool covered in coraline!)

Has the clown been harrasing the coral beauty? Should be interesting to see if isolation calms the clarki down. Best of luck with the "de aggrivitation" (made up word dont mind it :D)

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Nope, he never has. I think the coral beauty can hold his own pretty well, the clown just thinks hes tough, only goes after smaller and less aggressive fish, I bet hed get his rear end handed to him if he went against something his own size. I have ideas on what I want but have to see whats in, hopefully a larger specimin.

Heh, I call it Operation: Separation though de aggrivation doesnt sound half bad

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Yeah I really like that fish.

New idea... thinking of trying out a blue throat trigger. Supposedly the only reef safe trigger... I understand it may eat the shrimp once it gets big enough, but what do you guys think in terms of tank space? Ive head of it done in smaller tanks (less than 75g).. any opinions? Really looking into them but everyone is all over on size... nothing I see is consistant on them, and if I did this I would just have the clarkii, coral beauty, kole tang, and a blue throat.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
In a 75 I think it could be done but in a 55 I think it would be pushing the bioload pretty far and the tank itself wouldnt be large enough but I like to be conservative on bioloads unless overskimming is possible

If you did deicde to try it out I would watch out for inverts such as snails as they will eat them (and require them) for beak maintenance

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Moorish Idol? ha thats on the top of the near impossible list. My idea was a bit more down to earth but Im not going to keep a trigger in this tank... like you said no room... Id be a big hippocrate. Maybe the next tank ;)

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Well.... after doing great for a while the anemone is pretty much dead, clown has been all over it so Im done. Thats it. Im getting rid of that f---ing fish. Just adding a couple more inexpensive easy fish then some cheaper corals and saying the hell with it, at the moment I dont have the finances or the time to blow money on this tank.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Update... picked up a yellow tang instead of a kole. I know I know its a yellow tang... oh well. I bit the bullet and got one. Looks great in there. Clown is divided off and is going to be sold to a buddy this week most likely.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Actually, in the ever indecisive world of my tank, I decided to take a risk after work. Keeping the clown. I took out the barrier... and wow. Both of the other fish are acting like the tang has been in there forever.... they are even kind of haning out and the coral beauty is browsing algae alongside the tang... I am amazed. Clown was really freaking out when he was divided off... I think it did something but not sure what.

Oh yeah, and I got a large piece of live rock off same friend that was going to take clown. And yes I know the aiptasia is making a comeback... Ive been lazy with the joes juicing lately.