65 Gallon Journal

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
All but one cardinal made it so far. Everything else is doing great. I got 2 cardinals, but I seem to have bad luck with them. One did the usual, gasped over and over, until he died. At least I'll get my money back... Now I have one left and is how do you determine the gender? Will cardinals change genders like clowns?

I had to re-glue down the tubs, but they just opened up today. I'll get some pics when they open up a little more.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
definitly get pics up asap! (like right now! lol) cardinals dont change gender though and its really hard to tell them apart
btw i dont buy fish online cause i like to inspect them over and make sure ther eating/no ick ect. i understand u dont have a large selection of lfs to choose from tho

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I felt pretty good about vividaquarium and overall the fish are doing good. I hope everything opens up better tomorrow. I might go to a local lfs and see if they will order in fish and what their policy is on them. I don't want to buy it if it's not looking good...

Oh, I got a neat looking crab in the xenia. It scared the crap out of me when I was moving the piece to my tank. All I saw were these legs starting to crawl towards me! He is the same color as the xenia and from what I found so far he's harmless.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Tubs, GSP, a lot of xenia, hypnotic zoas, orange plate, frogspawn, 2 cardinals. I'm sure I'll get a little negative feedback on this, but I also got a small yellow tang. I did a lot of reasearch on this fish and it will do just fine in a tank 50g or more. I have a tank I can more him to if he becomes too large.

Not sure if I mentioned this before but at PSU they have a 500g reef tank and a 250g tank. I'm looking to volunteer with these tanks and i can't wait to do it! A few local reefers are passing some SPS(monti caps), palys, mushrooms my way. There aren't too many reefers in my area so i'm just glad I found a few.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
wow i cant belive u actually bought xenia! lol everyone around here gives it away by the handfuls! (if they could evn give it away) the yellow tang should ok for a little while.... but dam i was looking at the prices on vivid and u most of paid an arm n a leg!
so wheres the pics?

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
There coming.... Only 1 of the tubbs has opened and I'm hoping more open today. I get some pics when I get home from work.

I found someone giving xenia away buy they wouldn't ship! They were only like an 2 hours away.

I didn't think prices were too bad. I guess I'm just used to high prices with my last few LFS's.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
ive got xenia growing on one of my overflows and i rather it stayed right wer it is .... if it wer up to my wife every rock would be completly covered in xenia/GSP lol

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
oh my!

I like GSP and Xenia, but I need to keep them away from other rocks so they don't spread. I'll probably move them both when I get my 10g setup.

I'm not allowed ordering anymore stuff until September - October, but I plan on a few LPS/SPS then!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
lol thats the same thing i thought when i saw it! make sure u keep a close eye on that xenia or it will consume all yur valuble realstate! very nice frags tho very nice.... if yur tubs are anything like mine u should be able to make yur money back ;)

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