OK...i really need some help.
My nano is not doing very well.
Since i have changed to RO....the algae has gotten even worse. Its all over the sand, rock, walls, equiptment...everywhere. On the walls its just green algae but on everything else its a dark green/black algae...really ugly.
All my corals have slowly died, so there goes alot of money down the drain. My hermits dont look too good, they arent moving much. The only thing that is doing well is my clown..hes looking great.
I only test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph, nothing else. Is there anything that could be too high/low thats causing all this? I imagine it cant be phosphate because i have RO. Im going to the lfs soon, so i can get some more test kits if need be.
I just really want my tank to do well. Im doing weekly waterchanges but that doesnt seem to make the slightest difference. Even the aiptasia have all died and dissapeared
I have zoas that i think are alive but NEVER open up.
Can anyone help me out here?