a 10gal stomopod nano


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Octopus...are very sensitive to big water parameter flucuations...i would be really careful with the water changes.


Large Fish
Nov 8, 2004
southern CA
Although its only been about 10days since ive gotten the goniopora, id like to think its doing better than before. It seems to extend a little further than before:



Ok, so the pictures dont really do it justice, but they definitely look a lot more green, and they extend a little further as well. In fact, the before pic almost looks better than the after....pay no attention to it, because its lying to you

stupid crab, that was just a dumb move:

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Large Fish
Nov 8, 2004
southern CA
I just got another video last night of the octopus trying, and failing, to sneak up on a shrimp. Once i can get them hosted you guys can check it out. chromatophores are, by far, the most fascinating thing ive seen in marine bio. The octopus regularly changes color depending on its backround and mood. In fact, you can see him change from a dark maroon to white in the movie (as he moves from the LR to the sand).


Large Fish
Nov 8, 2004
southern CA
Some questions

Here are a few things i took pics of when i was bored. I have some idea what some of them are, but others i have no idea.

What the heck is this thing (white mass)? Is it some type of coraline growth? There is also a purple thing to the right of it that looks similar, dont know what either is

bubble algae im presuming:

Some type of barnicle? not sure, but they're freaking everywhere:

close up of the goniopora around 1030 at night:

some type of brittle star, though im not sure what type. Its bright white and seems to have little spikes on its body

Thats all for now, more to come


Large Fish
Nov 8, 2004
southern CA
Here are some new pics:

Its rather hard to make out, but im not sure if this is just a feather duster or something else. I saw something called a coco worm at my LFS that had the same type of white tube, is this a coco worm or just a feather duster?

Some of the octopus as he eats a crab *thumbsups:


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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
1) without seeing the head of the worm it is imposisble to tell what kind it is. if it looks like a christmas tree it is either a coco worm or a christmas tree worm (depending on the structure), if it looks like a feather duster its a feather duster...wish i could help more

2) for my own edification, how much is it costing you to feed the octopus? seems like he goes through a crab every day


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
do you have a secure cover on your tank? octopi are known to escape through tiny gaps in the canopy
this is a pretty interesting thread you have going here--the addition of the octopus was something nobody saw coming--great strategy :)
it's too bad octopi live for ~1 year because they are one of the most fascinating creatures in the sea: once when i was in rocky point, mexico, I was browsing through the tidepools during low tide when i was about to capture a crab--but to my suprise, i was two feet away when an octopus arm shot out and stole the crab away!!! it scared the hell out of me!!!


Large Fish
Nov 8, 2004
southern CA
1979camaro said:
2) for my own edification, how much is it costing you to feed the octopus? seems like he goes through a crab every day
um, as of now, quite a bit. He eats a crab every day or two (depending on whether or not we substitute with ghost shrimp). But I hope to change that in a relatively quick amount of time. He's already gotten used to me and is no longer afriad when i walk up to the tank, so i hope to train him to my presence enough that i can hand feed him. That way i wont have to give him live crabs, rather, i can just feed him a piece of shrimp or a small crab leg.

dbacksrat, here's a pic of the top of our tank:

It fits really tight, and the only holes in the mesh are where the filter intake is and were the wire for the heater is.

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Large Fish
Nov 8, 2004
southern CA
I have a friend who owns a 35gal tank and he only has a perc in it now becuase just recently his Flame Angel died of unknown causes (im presuming something to do with high nitrites or ammonia, though the tests didnt say anything was wrong). The Angel lost all its color and began to lose its ability to swim straight (like something was wrong with its swim bladder). Here are some pics of the perc, who is starting to show some similar problems. His fins seem to be dragging a mucous or something (white stringy stuff) and he isnt swiming as much as he used to. Should i take him into my tank while my friend carbon filters his tank? what should i do?


We moved the clown into a small tank with an airator and some water from my tank. My friend is thinking about treating it with copper sulfate; good or bad idea? He had a long tenticle anemone that died (which was expected, he didnt have much lighting), would that have anything to do with it?

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Large Fish
Nov 8, 2004
southern CA
Ok, so ive posted like 3 times in a row here, but here's some more pics:

What the crap is this thing (white, jellyfish/tunicate looking thing)? its hard to see, so i dont expect anyone to really be able to identify it:

Is there any reason why my button polyps are extending so far? maybe not enough light (pic taken at night, hence them being closed)?

I posted with embedded pics, rather than thumbnails, which is better?

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i like embeded, but other might prefer thumbnails if they are on dialup

cant id the first things...your polyps look fine to me, different varieties have different stalk lengths. what you may have is protopalythoa rather than zoanthus, hard to tell from the pic, you might look into it