Carbon filter


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Hello. I'm new so excuse the ignorance!

I have a 10gallon saltwater tank... been running it for 2 weeks now.. cycling complete. I have an aquaclear mini filter, with a 'carbon bag' filter medium in it. I was told by the 'lfs guy' that i only need that (as i have no fish for now) and to run it everday. But -- i've been reading a lot here and some people are saying to run it only once in a while, others are saying continue and change it once a month.

also, do i need a foam/sponge medium? Again from what I read i see people saying yes -- and to never throw that one out, but to just rinse it out with saltwater. Why? thank you in advance

Sep 10, 2010
wait for more responses from people who have experience in saltwater tanks to help you out. I did some research on it and saw that it can be done but it is not really recommended. do you have any other fish tanks or is this your first one.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I also keep a 10 gallon SW tank. it is not my first (a 3 gallon is my first) but its a TON of work to make sure that everything is perfect. since you have a tiny water volume, even the smallest slip up will usually mean an algae bloom. The larger the water volume, the more leeway you have. I would gladly ditch my smaller 10 gal (i would never ditch my 3 gal sicne thats a novelty lol) and get a 100 gal SW tank just for the ease of mind and maintenance.

I personally am running an AC110 HOB filter on my 10 gal. you may think thats overkill, but flow and additional water volume will really help a small system like 10 gal.
Its perfectly fine if you cant get a bigger HOB filter, in your case i would get a powerhead into that tank, something like a Koralia nano or evo.
Flow is very important, keeping your live rock in top shape is very important.
If you put carbon into your filter while cycling your SW tank, i can almost guarantee you didnt cycle it correctly. (and if you didnt use Live rock, than you certainly did it not do it the way it is meant to be done)
You see carbon will adsorb ammonia directly, not allowing the nitrifying bacteria in your live rock to do their job, thus preventing your tank from cycling.

Carbon is useful in SW though but only after you normally cycle your tank. Its useful in setups with coral, and is optional in FOWLR setups.
Sponges or filter foam should not be used. that type of stuff is ok for FW, and perhaps arguably good enough for SW FOWLR setups, but its a no go if you want to keep sensitive fish and invertebrates, so no foam in reef setups. Reason it that foam, especially if not rinsed frequently enough, will eventually cause a buildup of mad detritis and nitrates.

Filter floss is a better alternative, and just a little bit of it in your filter will do a good job of removing particulate matter from your water. toss the filter floss any time you see it turning brown. usually its good to replace it twice a week, so use small amounts at a time. you can run filter floss when youre cycling.

Right now what i suggest is remove the carbon for now, replace with some filter floss and add some source of ammonia to your tank (hopefully some of your rock is still alive). pure ammonia will work here in SW as well. it is sold in hardware stores as ammonium hydroxide. make sure you dont get the stuff with detergents and soaps. should be pure ammonia and it usually costs much less than most ammonia cleaning products. a big jug will cost around 2-3 dollars.

let this tank run and cycle with ammonia just as you would a FW tank. test your water. you should know the drill of cycling a FW tank. apply your knowledge here now.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
hey, thanks for the reply.
so yea, i have no experience with FW.. none whatsoever.. this is my first time.. i went with what the guy at the LFS said (with respect to the carbon filter). I totally understand what u said.. So my tanks not cycled then? or not cycled properly?. A little confused.. I put in a small piece of dinner shrimp, had an ammonia spike for a couple of days, which went down to zero. Your saying this is because of my carbon filter? I have 12 pounds of live cured rock in the tank. I put in 6 pounds first, then another 6 pounds a week later.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
sorry, another thing as well.. u mentioned 'hopefully ur rock is still alive'.. If there is a lot of algae, red, pink, purple, and polyp looking structures growing on it -- does that define it as alive? or just growth on rock, but actualy microbacteria in rock may be dead?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
LFS guys usually are not your friends. if you dont know them, its probably safe to be they just want to make the sale. Aquarium forums are the real place where you can have discussions and learn how to do things successfully. Because of this I highly recommend you ask around here and also visit Nano Reef Forums for advice.

Now your tank is probably not perfectly cycled because your carbon adsorbed w/e ammonia that shrimp produced. remove the carbon ASAP. actually its even safe to be that its useless now since it adsorbed everything it could. buy a new chemical filtration source for later (purigen, chemi pure elite are some good ones aside from activated carbon which is also good)
your 12 lbs is a good enough amount of rock for 10 gallons. some will even say its too much. Me? I have around 24 lbs in my 10 gallon (lol) so I'd say you have a fine amount as it is.
Alive means both things, but the way I meant it, I mostly meant that the rock still had its bacteria intact. idk if all of it made it since the carbon was stealing their food for quite a while lol, but i am sure some should still be alive enough to repopulate your rock and recycle your tank.

So yes, I would now try cycling the tank w/o carbon.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
thanks for the response... -- im going to remove that filter as soon as im finished typing this message.

I dont know if i mentioned.. I have 4 hermit crabs in there.. i hope I wont' be 'dangering their lives' by removing this filter and recycling the tank? Im thinking of ghost feeding tonite, and testing ammonia levels tomorrow...

I also wanted to mention -- and again -- I dont know if its important -- but I have diatoms blooming.. on the tank window.. I've read this means cycle complete? I may seem like im in a rush, trust me im not -- im just curious. I will be testing everyday tho, to make sure, and if you dont mind, keep messaging here to see what you think?

again, thanks for the advice.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yes, sure I'll try to help out.
Diatoms mean that there was food in the water for them...usually nitrates and phosphates but can be other things too. likely stuff from the shrimp decaying.
the hermits you ot prematurely lol, but you assumed you were done with the cycle. Now you get to do an in-fish cycle or in this case an in-crab cycle lol.
this is how i would do it to be humane:
1. do not add the shrimp or any ammonia into the tank. remove that carbon already.
2. if crabs dont seem to have anything to eat, then feed them. dont overfeed.
3. test water every 3 or so days.
4. if ammonia or nitrite gets near 1ppm do a 50% water change on the tank. this should keep your hermits in the safe zone.
5. dont let nitrates get over 20 ppm. that probably stresses the crabs.

so yes, this should work now.
Keep your light on around 3-4 hours a day if you have something growing on your rock that you suspect is photosynthetic and you want to keep it.
You will see algae, maybe the same diatoms crop up. some people use it as an indication that the cycle is almost finished. Since you sort of goofed a little, i wouldn't think you're done yet, but its entirely possible that you will not have a full blown cycle. very possible that it will be a very safe and quick one. So just hang on and dont give up :)


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
I'm definitely hopin for a quick and easy cycle, seeing as i did mess up a bit -- but i do believe everything is 'fine'... and I say this only because of the state of the live rock.. there is so much growth on that rock... and the crabs are all over it, eating things i can't see... I'll drop some lettuce in their and they ate it once, but i can see they prefer the 'stuff' off of the rock to the lettuce ...

so yess.. the CARBON FILTER IS OUT.. lol, the white mesh bag had brown stains on it.. im sure thats not good.. and the smell was.. well its in the garbage now..

So the filter is still running.. is this just purely for circulation purposes?

and u mentioned other filter cartridges to use instead of the carbon -- im not sure if those are available for the aquaclear... the only things i can get are the carbon, the sponge, and .. well thats it actually.. i guess the filter floss too... so according to ur last post, get the floss?

oh and to mention -- not sure if its important at all.. The shrimp was only left in their for a day. As soon as i saw the levels spike up past 1.5 i took it out. Two days later it was at 0. So it hasn't been left in there to decompose. The diatoms and white fiber lookin things on my windows annnd cotton lookin things on my heater are all probably due to the 10 hours of light that I have going on.. from a 11watt fluorescent incandescent (sp?) bulb.. -- why? i have no idea.. lol


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
get a Mag-Float or some magnetic algae scraper, you will be using it a lot to clean the glass.
The filter is used for circulation purposes, yes. you can probably fit a small bag of any chemical media in your filter (assuming its an AC 30+). if it fits, you can use it. You dont have to limit yourself with what is designated for the filter by that brand.(hagen)
I use chemi pure elite in my aquaclears. only use chemical media after youre done with the cycle.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
yes. you can probably fit a small bag of any chemical media in your filter (assuming its an AC 30+)
BLAH. I believe i have a 20.. its just called a mini, i think those got renamed to a 20.. .yeaa i realize now that i need the 30.. for circulation purposes...

forgive me for changing the topic here a dozen times ... but you think its worth me upgrading to the AC30 for 40 bucks, or get a rio mini 50 powerhead (66gph)for 20bucks or a maxi jet 400 (106gph) for 25bucks? I have this sinking feeling that ur going to say get ac30 and a


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
are you using a SW liquid test kit to test these? if youre using strips thats ok i guess but the little readings will probably slip past you then.

Get the powerhead rated for the most GPH.
I run the Rio 50 on my 10 gal, but i also have the AC110 on it lol.
You can keep the AC20 and not bother with a bigger one, but you will then no be able to make a refugium or use chemical filtration....maybe you can look into making a sump for your tank?

powerhead choice is important, dont just buy one right away cuz i said to buy the one with most flow, research them come up with one that you will think is best for your tank. IMO I would use my Koralia nano on my 10 gal, but its already being used by my 3 gal. Koralia evo is another good one i think...but you dont have to look at JUST those, shop around.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
I'm using liquid test kits. For the ammonia and nitrites im using tetratest laborett, and for the nitrates im using the API test kit... Now u think that this tanks good to go? I wasn't really gonna go that far with this tank.. im actually waiting on a 40 gallon thats comin in december-ish --- so this 10 gallon was going to be a practice run. But i dont want to just neglect it. Eventually id like to create it as a quarantine. I think its too small to be a sump/refugium for the 40 gallon...
I've been looking around at powerheads a lot -- for the 40 gallon. had no idea people would get them for nano aquariums like 15 gallon and less.. but im starting to understand the concept. I'm thinking of gettin more gph -- was actually thinking about the koralia nano -- and leaving the AC20 -- sticking to just carbon filter medium -- if my tanks cycled that is... I just dont want too much of a blast of current for any fish that I put in there...240gph (the koralia nano) seems like a lot -- thats why i was leaning towards the maxi jet...

But yea, i'll wait on that.. whats ur opinion on the levels then?


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Nono, I DO want the tank. I initially started it to see what it means to cycle, so i dont mess up on the 40 gallon. I wanted to put all the money and time and effort into the 40, and not go into it blindly either. Which is what the 10 gallon is. Once I get the 40, I figure i can mix the water from this 10 gallon into it, and use the live rock for the 40 gallon as well. Give it a nice boost in that sense.

As its been 3 weeks with this tank, I dont want to just 'let it go'. I thought I would be ok with just rock in it and cycling it like that, but now I want to get a pair of pink skunk clown fish -- lol. Before I do that, I want to make sure all is well.

I'm searching several forums, and so many people say different things. The general consensus seems to be that my tank is cycled, and that its safe to put in a pair of fish. You are the first to tell me what you have said about the carbon filter, and it makes complete sense. So Im definitely going to delay things. Sorry to sound impatient. But do you mean let it run a month more? or a couple weeks more to total a month since i started this? Thanks again Newman, appreciate it


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
lol you are impatient :p just as everyone is when first starting SW.
Wait and keep testing. a month is a long time but its better to be safe than sorry...
at least let it go like this for two more weeks and two more weekly water changes. then youll be able to see how things are moving on and whether your nitrates are increasing or not. your hermits should be good enough to keep your tank cycled.

skunk clowns should go in the 40 gal, they get too big eventually for the 10 gal.