Carbon filter


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
its too bad i cant rename this thread to something like 'step by step -- everything u need to get done" or similar.. lol -- Every forum I've been searching through (in the beginner sections) has so many questions that have been answered here, in greater detail, than the other forums "TRUST ME UR NOT CYCLED WAIT 3 WEEKS THEN COME BACK" , "YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH LIGHT, GOOGLE LIGHT" answers that I've been reading!

Plus then we could hit the 10,000 numbers of hits as


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Theres some nice guides on here too in terms of how to start up a SW tank.

The first picture in my tank thread is not the MOST recent (I will post up an October FTS at the end of this month) but my tank looks rather the same, if not a little worse from all the cyano haha.

I'll get a pic of my HOB filter.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Are you thinking of converting your HOB to a refugium down the line too? might be a worthwhile thing to do. you can do it with any HOB really, easily with an AC model.

Here are two pics of what mine is. its an AC110- a bit of an overkill, but i just had it lying around so i figured i might as well use it for something.

Fist pic is from above. Disregard the fan thing, thats my iceprobe chiller. i need it cuz in the summer my house temps get unbearable and corals cant stand it. there's a heater next to it. no use crowding the tank with an unsightly heater if you can just hide it there lol. next is a barrier to prevent stuff from going near the filter impeller. this barrier separates the chemical media and the Chaetomorpha algae. ignore the white probe, thats the temperature probe for the chiller.

what you see in the large compartment is basically chaeto spread out on the top and two chemi pure elite bags below it. you can see those chemical filtration bags easily in the second pic. This fuge is where my Peppermint shrimp lives since he decided to go crazy on my torch coral when i bought the torch coral. You can also see the small quantity of filter floss that i replace around 3 times a week here...gets dirty fast.

The light over the fuge used to be a small 10watt underwater light to grow the chaeto, but that broke for w/e reason and i had nothing around except my unused Coralife 36watt fixture (that used to be my lighting for my 3 gal befor i upgraded that one to LEDs). so 36 watts over the fuge was a bit extreme, so i unplugged one of the light bulbs so now i run 18watts over the fuge which is still pushing it to the extreme. All you need to light the fuge is a small light source. it does have to be a daylight light source though, just the same as if you're growing FW plants.

got any more questions, just ask :)



Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
wow, i see what u mean by makin an AC into a refug -- it almost seems like its built to do that? Im thinking about it -- not something Im going to go into yet -- I want to establish the tank, make it look better than it does now...

u had a 36 watt for a 3gallon?!?!?! lol

and you can fit a heater in your filter? wow... lol -- this is insane, i gotta spread the word to the one other person i know that has a tank.. lol

i attached a pic of the carcass.. i got another zoomed in one, but its not as clear....and the third one is my tank.. go easy on it, remember who i am, and what my status is in the aquarium industry.. lol



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Sure, no need to do the refugium now, it only becomes useful after you have cycled your tank anyway and added lots of corals/livestock.

On the carcass, idk sorry i cant tell if its dead and the soft body has been eaten away or if its just a molt. all i know if when i first saw the molt of my blue leg hermit crab, I thought he was dead too until I found him in his shell alive and well :p keep looking for em.
what species of hermit do you have? just making sure theyre reef safe.

Yes i can fit the heater in the AC. the heater for my 3 gal is also fit inside the AC70 on that tank. that one is a 25watt heater, this one i think is 50W. I can also fit the thermometer in the filter and view it through the filter's transparent walls. no sense having a thermo distracting from your display :p

Yes i had 36 watts of PC light over my 3 gal for a long while. but as you'd expect i grew nice algae lol(it wasn't horrible though). I eventually went with a DIY 18watt LED fixture for that tank.

Tips for your tank:
1. raise the water level higher...why is it so low lol?
2. remove painted shells, and leave only natural colored shells in there. some paint isnt safe so i wouldnt risk it.
3. I like the rockwork as it is, but have you tried stacking the rocks some how, or resting one on another to create different looks? how did that work out?


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
That's awesome -- fitting everything in your filter.. im still shocked... And I thought me havin my thermometer right up front was 'cool' and 'blinging' lol...

Yea the water level is low because im scared to fill it up to the top.. why? i don't know.. ill fill it to the top dont worry..

I thought ud comment on the background pic on the tank, maybe its not very visible -- the tank was once a freshwater, then given to me -- so the original owner had a background of plants, and shrubs.. lol

The rocks are awkward. I thought it would be easy to break rocks apart with a hammer and chisel (ok fine, screwdriver) so i got 2 bigger pieces 6 pounds each. The left peace 'looked' cool, and the one on the right looked like the rest of them. Then I realized i couldn't break em.. and stacking them would make them come out of the tank, but I actually didnt try leaning them.. just figured it would take up too much space on the top of the tank water, making less room for potential fish to swim around...? But I think i will try and stack it up or what not.. -- plus there's just that one 11watt bulb.. Im gonna order 2 20 watts and then it should look a bit better

as for the shells.. i just figured them to be natural colored.. ill take a closer look


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yeah green ones dont look that natural but i may be wrong.
I didnt comment on the background cuz that was obvious and I thought you already had the intention of changing it in the future :p

I didnt mean stacking them directly on top of one another, that would look odd lol.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
so this is the only configuration i could get without the rocks toppling over and creating the tanks biggest sandstorm to date. It would have been messy. This configuration took a while to do... who knew moving 6 pounds of rock in the tank water ever so slowly would be so difficult.... -- anyways, i think it would look better if the powerhead was moved to the left.. but the filter is there and i dont want to divert water away from it... ill move the thermometer.. IN GOOD TIME.. lol
I kind of like the setup actually.. im really used to my original 'stack the rocks in a single line' look.. but i might be able to get used to this.. I think i'll be doing the water change today... and yes thats when the water level will be raised.. lol
next pic ill post will be when the lights come in, and background is changed.. .lol



Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
oh yea, i hate to drop this on you.. but i use TAP WATER... none of that ro/di water... -- i have a water softener that specifically takes out chlorine.. tested the water for nitrates -- 0 . sooo yeaa... i dunno if this concludes our 'back and forth'.. lol


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ

get a TDS meter and test your tap water. if you get any reading, you're then better off to use some Distilled water from the store. also check some of your LFS (preferably not the big chain ones) to see if you will sell you RO/DI water for cheap.
you will run into so many problems with just tap water, that it WILL cause you to leave the hobby >_< Trust me some of the algae in SW can be a real pain, and tap water only aggravates things.

so yes, RO or DI water is important to a successful SW tank.

the new scape look nice btw. keep playing with it if you do not like it :)


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
jeeebus... tds meters are like 60 bucks.. all for one reading?!?! im gonna find a different way to do that... I hear yea on problems with tap water, but really now... -- for every person that i hear thats been in the 'business' for ages say tap water is horrible -- i see another person sayin they've been usin tap water for years w/o problems.. its such a controversy! blah..

anyways, buying distilled water is gonna get pricey here... and there is only one lfs in my city.. .and a petsmart -- which is bulls!@t.. anything else is like an hour or so away... I'll look into it.. how bout that.. lol

AND THE NEWS FOR THE DAY.. i forgot to mention that while I was moving the rocks, i found another carcass... I got depressed, thought i messed up big time with the live sand transfer or something.. -- then ... THEN... I FOUND ALL 4 CRABS.. ALIVE AND WELL IN THEIR SHELLS.. lol

The sg is around 1.024 now.. but the pH is still 7.8, 7.9... -- the color is in between the 7.7 and 8.0 colors on the legend... closer to the 8.0.. but obviously not 8.0.. soo... yeaa... do i have problems?

and ive been doin a lot of reading on acclimating corals.. do u personally temp acclimate, or drip acclimate..? do u use those nipple lookin plugs? or just glue em onto ur rock?

oh, bout the water -- its cool that in the states (im in canada) ur walmarts and grocery stores sell ro/di water by the gallon for cheap! We don't have that here... well I shouldn't speak for canada.. just the city i live in i guess..


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
theyre that much? wow, I guess i take mine for granted (it came with my RO/DI system).

Yes look into it lol. the people who do not have issues with using tap water are often the ones why have very clean tap water, or perhaps very soft tap water. think - if the tap water is hard, it already has minerals in it and the salt mix is designed to be added to pure water, so that adds a perfect share of minerals to the water too. combine, i think you will just have too much stuff going on in your water...its just a thought though. if the tap water is soft, this means theres not that much minerals dissolved in it (GH, KH) and also this usually means its acidic, but the salt mix buffers acidic tap water anyway at the designated 8-8.4 pH, most often 8.3 pH

Congrads! always fun to try and find everyone in tanks like these lol.

hmmm idk what to say about your pH other than it should be higher. have you tested your water change water? what doe sit test out to be? if its not 8pH or more, maybe its your tap water reacting somehow with the salt mix =/ I know that it will be around 8.3pH if you use distilled or RO water.

Personally i usually have no time to drip acclimate, although that is the preferred method, and I'd do it if i had more time on my hands. I temp acclimate, I emmidiately put a little seachem prime conditioner in the coral bag before i start to acclimate/when i open the bag. then i temp acclimate and start adding tank water to the bag a little at a time, keeping water oxygenated and eventually the salinity will match (i usually jsut take about an hour to do this) and I take a turkey baster, I rinse the coral frag well with tank water (into the coral bag) and then i put the coral into the tank. I used to do preventative dips of peroxide and iodine too. I recommend at least one of those, but dont apply the hydroxide directly on the coral, more so on the frag rock or plug its on. with iodine you just add 2-3 drops of it to the coral bag during acclimation. but not all things can be iodined, i know ricordea hate it.

If I get the coral on the nipple plug lmao, I usually just place the plug on my rock or bury it in the sand if the coral can live on sand, and forget about it. usually depending on the coral, it will eventually cover the plug and you wont be able to see it. I have tried to superglue things to rock before but that means I have to take out the rock to do it and thats annoying lol. I would rather risk my tank looking like frag plug hell (which is what my 10 gal looks like right now) than disturbing my rocks. he way to do it is up to you. scraping them off the plug and gluing them often allows for a more natural look right from the start.

I bought my distilled water for $1+ per gallon, before i finally got fed up with it and got my RODI unit. I am not one of those people who has access to cheap RO/DI water, but constantly i hear of people doing it so somewhere in the US it is possible lmao. i have no knowledge of how canada is like, so i am sorry if i am suggesting useless info here.

I am sure you can figure something out.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
yea ill test my tap water ph.. i forgot that the test kit came with a freshwater ph dropper ill check that out, and see what the deal is..

and thats what i was wondering.. I mean yea, it makes sense if u take out 50% water from 20 it goes to 10.. lol, but i didn't know if nitrates somehow proliferate in water if left alone by reacting with anything thats a nitrogen compound and combining with it to further make more nitrates? I was reading somewhere that if you leave nitrates alone (no water changes) that not only will it increase because of whatever is producing nitrate, but it actually can act as a catalyst for even more nitrate production? I dunno... but if its a straight forward equation like that, then thats straight. done and done

im gonna stay away from the nipple plugs cause they weird me out.. lol.. but i also dont want to bring rock out to glue it... is there no glue that 'works under water' -- im sure ive seen an instructional vid on that.. ill look into that...

so underwater glue, and ro/di... im still debating on gettin a zoa first for a couple of percs.. the excitement is killing me, one more week and i can say goodbye to ur imposed time limit on cycling.. hahahahah, im messin around.. kind of... oh and percs --> thats clownfish -- not percacet.. just incase.. lol


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
also test the pH of your water change water (the water already mixed with the salt mix)

yes look into the instructional vid, cuz i know my super glue gel inst very effective once it hits the water. it coats over to prevent leeching chemicals into the water, which is good but it also wont stick to rock when it coats over lol.

dont worry, there are different shape plugs, my favorites are shaped like a thin cylinder block w/o the nipple. but it all depends on what the seller decides to put his coral on i guess.

rofl, yes in reef talk percs means the clownfish. I have occies in my 10 gallon (...occies...heh) you want a pair of clowns in your 10 gallon too? will you eventually get them a bigger tank or will you just keep them forever in the 10 gal? if you intend to keep em, I would not add any other fish into the tank ;)


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
hahaha! occies! That's amazing -- i love it.. percs and occies.. i only want them cause i can refer to them as that.. nonono, everyone says' they're the best fish to get.. I might leave them in there forever.. .or transfer them to the 40 gallon when the time comes.. i did some research on that, and found out it takes several years for percs/occies to reach full growth -- sooo thats good news for me. I thought if i left them in the 10 gallon i would have to transfer them out in a couple of months.

Ideally id liek to get pink skunk clowns... -- two of those... -- they need to be in 20 gallon.. but again, i can buy two small ones and leave em in the 10 for a couple months -- transfer to 40, then later get percs/occies for the 10.

that link u sent me was sayin that that percs/occies are easy to care for -- for beginners, but that skunks are for intermediate hobbyists... no reason was given.. so that kinda discourages me i guess.. and it may be pushing it, but i was also lookin at 3 chromis for the 10 gallon..


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
haha, yes they should be ok in the 10 gal for a looong time. in the 40 gal they would do even better. i guess people recommend them so much because they are very hardy fish(they seem to accept foods as eagerly as goldfish), especially if they are tank bred.

OK so you want to get the skunks for the 10 for now? I dont see that as a problem as long as they will someday get into the 40 gal. but no other fish other than skunks in the 10 gal of course.

the skunks seem to be similarly hardy, I mean someone on here i remember did a pair for his first SW tank and they did fine, though he did upgrade to a 20 gallon or something in a few months. idk its up to you.

3 chromis and no other fish? you'd have to do like 20% water changes every week, but i think you can pull that off until they become very large and will have to be moved to the 40 gal.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
when you say "3 chromis and no other fish?" are you implying that i could put more fish?

so check this... wow.. i can't believe i never checked this before -- tap water pH: 7.5!!!!!! wow.. and, i didnt think bout this before (not that it matters now) but we have a de-humidifier in our basement.. and the water it collects dehumidifying is distilled water.. i just tested that water -- ph:5.5!!!! this is retarded.. so basically i HAVE to change the water...


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
no im not implying that you can put more fish in. but usally people love to squeeze in a some sort of small goby cuz they think they can lol. 3 chromis is a lot.

ok so what are you implying? you shouldnt base it only on pH reading,s test the GH and KH. that will give you the idea about how much mineral stuff is in each water source.
Do you want to use that dehumidifier water? i'd be careful if you think it has contact with metals or something else during the process.

btw the person with the two skunk clowns was unwritten law, so talk to him if you want.