Carbon filter


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
celebrating lol, glad thats sorted.

getting clowns can be tricky.
Here are the guidelines I followed to get my pair:

1. locate a store that has a tank with many of the same clown in it (5+). this likely means that they came from same litter or have been housed all together for a while.
2. you can pick from that tank two small, healthy looking clownfish. one will become a female and one will remain the male.
3. you can try to pic a larger clown and a smaller clown from that same tank of clowns. the larger will become female (most likely) and the smaller will be male.
4. you should really get clowns only from a tank that houses many of them and of similar age.
5. if you get one clown from a tank that contains only one, you run the risk of getting a female already, therefore you cant go back to the LFS when they get one more clown in that tank and buy that one too. both could wind up female.
6. if you run into the situation in #5, you could buy a small clown from a tank full of clowns. that should be a male and he'll do good with the female.

I just listed 6 points when the central idea is just one thing - get small clowns from the same tank full of them.

as for the type of clowns, you are limited to True Percula and Occellaris clownfish. those will do better in the 10 gal than the skunks or any other clowns (clarkii, maroon, tomato, etc...)


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
yea definitely, i totally agree -- i knew that part -- for once i knew something. .lol! I went to check out their tank.. the lfs has this one tank with around 25 little clowns in there... i was gonna pick two of the smallest ones.. but I wasnt sure if i should get them at the same time or not.. But im assuming from what u said to get the two together to avoid the risk of 2 females.. .but... -- i just dont want to mess things up by introducing two fish at the same time, as opposed to 1 for now.. and then another a week later... I think if i get two of the smaller ones ill be straight tho. they are pretty tiny...

any ideas why the occies are cheaper than the percs? i was gonna go with occies, but the percs are the smaller fish.. occies are a bit bigger, and various sizes, and about 5 in one tank.. with other fish two....


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yes you could get both at the same time, i did that with mine (........what cyano?)

true perc is supposed to be more "beautiful" thats why they go for more, and they grow slightly larger than occellaris. buy w/e you want. you can always wait for a sale.
youll be safe if you just pick two fish from that massive group (if theyre in one tank) it doesnt have to be the very smallest ones, those might be weakest too, but they shouldnt be the largest in the tank thats what ill say.
doesnt matter if there is other fish in the tank. just make sure theyre healthy.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
cool... ill be takin pics for sure... keep u updated.. i started a thread on nano for the tank.. so ill prolly just put em there.. be easier that way i think.

im startin to like this new scape -- growin on me... -- i think im obsessed with live rock.. i go in the lfs and just want to buy rock, no fishes.. lol



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
lol nothing, it was just a little innuendo...

live rock can be quite addicting. i want to add more to my 3 gal even though i already have a good amount in there.

i cant find you on NR, thats the only reason im not replying there lol.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
arite so i got the fish.. lol.. acclimating was hell.. i had them in a bucket and they kept swimming to the 'shallow' end and tryin to like hop out the first 2 minutes.. i was freakin out.. but then they were fine.. they're in the tank now, and cant swim against the current the maxijet is producing... i feel like.. they're bein tortured! lol.. they have to swim around that general area of the currrent.. have i reduced the 'space' because of this? this is hilarious...


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
nah ,theyll get used to it. mine were out of sync with the AC110 and the two powerheads (i have since removed one) when they first got into my tank. they adapt, and now they swim gracefully everywhere in the tank.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
no annoying questions. personally I'd prefer NR. not that i want to draw any activity away from this awesome site, its just easier on NR where youll get a lot more other views on your tank other than mine.