Carbon filter


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
wait wait wait, im super confused.. i shouldnt base it on ph? i mean who cares bout gh and kh? if the ph is low, the water is always gonna have low ph is it not? and gh and kh? isn't gh for fresh water and kh for marine? sorry but im extremely ignorant about this


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
no GH and KH both appear in water. you can test for them both in marine and in FW and i do. GH is general hardness and KH is carbonate hardness. do a little research to see their relationship with pH.

but generally youre right, low pH will have low GH and KH, but there are times when things get weird. like water that had no KH or little GH, the water can still have a pH of like 9 if there is something in it that can make it more basic. GH and KH kinda act ad buffers, KH more so than GH. if they dont exist, the water can range in pH vastly depending on what item is in it. water that has acid in it will have very low pH and very high pH if it has base. its less inclined to change pH if it has high KH and perhaps high GH.
but its possible i think to find low pH water with relatively high KH . this means that the water will stay at the low pH, reluctant to go higher because the KH is buffering it at the steady level.

...did i just confuse you more? just do some KH/GH/pH reading and youll see the relations.
My point was that you should really be testing for TDS (lmao back to this again) because dissolved solids can mean nutrients like nitrate and phosphate for algae blooms, it can mean metals dissolved in water, it can be a bunch of things that you dont want to mix with your salt mix and put into your tank....especially beware of copper, if your DI water-maker thing has any copper components, its not safe for reef.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
damn.. no i totally see what u mean..

first, what i meant was -- my test kit has the gh tester -- says only freshwater and the kh says both marine and fresh...

anyways, the tap water gh is like 1 or 2... kh is 11... the distilled water both gh and kh is 1 or 2... hmmm.... so i see what ur sayin.. doesnt matter about the acidity.. its when its mixed with salt, then mixed in my aquarium -- it'll bounce to the ph its surrounded by -- becuase there's no retarded strong buffer (thats my science vocab) thats gonna f#$k sh@# up (there it is again).. hmmmm

im still not gonna test for tds... lol -- im gonna use this distilled water.. gonna check the machine to make sure there's no copper.. which i think they stopped using in modern electronic machines.. but .. ill check again...



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
well some sort of distilled is better than nothing, but do make sure it has no metals that can leech into the water. copper was just something that comes to mind.

so now use that distilled water and mix up a sample of SW during your next water change and test it. the newly mixed SW should be around 8.1-8.4 pH! lol

do you think you need to add anything like dechlorinator to the distilled water to make it safe? any risk of chlorine or other crap?


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
naaah, i think the def'n of distilled water is no chlorine.. lol -- i mean no minerals no nothing... if it had chlorine then the na and cl could attract even more ions.. and then its just not distilled... plus its water from the de humidifer thats basically storing -- gets 5 gallons in a day, and stops working until u empty it... sooo -- when water stays out like that -- well u know, thats the cheapest way to dechlorinate water..

screw the next water change.. its midnite here now.. im gonna wait and do a water change tomorrow.. matter of fact im goin to a grocery store right now to see what their prices for distilled water are... if im gonna do distilled, and can get the 'real' stuff for cheap, then thats that... otherwise ill use my moonshine distilled water from the basement... lol


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
arite, so it seems like its a 80 cents a gallon... hmm.. i posted somethin on nano reef as well.. someone posted back sayin not to use de humidifier water.. they did. its not good.. no reason why... useless.. lol.. MOONSHINE HATERS... i think im gonna call up one of those water treatment companies, see what they offer for ro/di water for now.. then save up later for a ro/di adapter...
took me a little bit to figure out that unwritten law was a user.. lol


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
done deal, prepare to be educated ALL WHO ARE READING THIS! First for newman, i got a deal with one of the local 'water stores' -- got 40 cents a gallon for ro/di water.. 7 tds.. thats the best that i can do... my water was up at 400tds..!!!! i dunno -- thats pretty bad... he was shocked... so am i..

and for the rest of you .. DEHUMIDIFIED WATER IS BAD BECAUSE OF Dehumidifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
bam figure it out urselves..

newman, u can school any d-bags who try to claim that 'moonshine distilled water' is the way to go with that link. im out.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
yea did the 50% water change.. .whats weird is today my tanks ph was at 8.0... after mixing the salt with the ro/di water, adn gettin a sg of 1.025, i tested that ph and got 7.7......? weird right? hmmm... anyways, im hopin for fish this weekend.. decided to get that first over corals.. my daughters gettin sick of staring at crabs doing... nothing


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
ok you mixed to 1.025 and your test still came up at 7.7 for the reading on the mixed SW? that's incorrect. your pH test must be wrong expired, or for FW tanks, idk how else it would be giving you a bad reading. there is no way youre in 7s now.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
thats what im sayin... i dunno.. im gonna test again.. i already put it in the tank.. gonna give it like a couple more min to circulate, and then test the ph again... it wasn't the fw tester... and it shouldnt be expired.. only 3 weeks old... annd.. yea.. lol...


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
yea im gonna go to the lfs later this week and check it out.. just checked with ph strips.. sayin between 7 and 8 , and liquid test twice sayin 7.8 or 7.9... ARGH.. !@#$@#$@ well.. im gonna start a thread on nano see what those haters are sayin.. lol this sucks dude


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
seems like the response is `CALM DOWN ITS FINE..' and 'I NEVER CHECK LEVELS, U JUST DO, AND BE AN AQUARIST'.. lol

then there's the baking soda/powder crew...and the crew that uses additives for everything...

i stumbled across dragons breath.. looks awesome


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
dragon's breath? what is that a macro?

so they say its fine, i guess just leave it be and blame it on the test kit lol cuz the salt mix should be working if its new.


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
gracilaria or halymenia -- dispute on which one its called.. but it really looks like a dragon took a firey sh!# in the tank, i love it...

yea i guess i'll leave it be.. .but my ocd wants the facts to match the figures'... wtv... i wanted to ask your opinion bout gettin fish -- i want two for the tank... clowns.. whichever.. but u suggest gettin them at the same time due to their 'gender reassignment tendencies' or one at a time for obvious reasons?


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2010
Ontario, Canada
pH is 8.0 + !!!!!! Yea checked it again.. even tho we agreed to leave it behind us.. lol.. the legend is a bit weird.. goes from 8.0 as a green, to 8.3 as a blue thats lighter color than the green, then an 8.6 thats a blue green darker than the two... soo.. it was more than 8.0... but not the blue.. anyways... Its game time this weekend -- the pink skunks are no longer on sale.. 9 bucks a piece.. gone back up to 20 i believe... the other clowns are 20... and zoa's are 24.99 on a 'frag rock' or somethin like that.. some indonesia/bali sale at the lfs.. anyways, pH victory my friend -- make sure u celebrate down there in jersey!