no GH and KH both appear in water. you can test for them both in marine and in FW and i do. GH is general hardness and KH is carbonate hardness. do a little research to see their relationship with pH.
but generally youre right, low pH will have low GH and KH, but there are times when things get weird. like water that had no KH or little GH, the water can still have a pH of like 9 if there is something in it that can make it more basic. GH and KH kinda act ad buffers, KH more so than GH. if they dont exist, the water can range in pH vastly depending on what item is in it. water that has acid in it will have very low pH and very high pH if it has base. its less inclined to change pH if it has high KH and perhaps high GH.
but its possible i think to find low pH water with relatively high KH . this means that the water will stay at the low pH, reluctant to go higher because the KH is buffering it at the steady level.
...did i just confuse you more? just do some KH/GH/pH reading and youll see the relations.
My point was that you should really be testing for TDS (lmao back to this again) because dissolved solids can mean nutrients like nitrate and phosphate for algae blooms, it can mean metals dissolved in water, it can be a bunch of things that you dont want to mix with your salt mix and put into your tank....especially beware of copper, if your DI water-maker thing has any copper components, its not safe for reef.