Casper's babies update


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Congrats on getting this far, I am probably just a few weeks away from jarring my fry also. I have 28 jars (not enough yet) so far, and I am telling everyone in my family not to throw away any large jars (pickels/mayo/glass coffee jars, etc).

Most of my jars are 1/2gal, but I do have 14 x 1gal jars also. If anyone knows where I can buy more jars (in Canada), send me a PM ok?


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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The babies are almost 5 months old now.
I've jarred all the boy betta last weekend.
I've given Rudolph to a friend for her birthday. So now, I think I've 7 boys and 6 girls left.
4 of the girls are now living in my 55gal community tank, while the 2 smaller girls are still in the 10gal tank.

Interesting thing is - it looks like only 2 of my 14 babies actually got both ventral fins; 2 of them have only a single ventral fin; and the others just don't seem to have ventral fin at all! I was thinking they were still too small to have the ventral fins, but now looking like they really don't have them! Weird.

Still thinking of names for my 13 babies :)

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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Nope, it is not all that uncommon to have a batch of ventral-less betta fry. Another local breeder has had it serveral times in her many batches of fry. It seems to be a genetic defect in certain strains of splendins.

Ventrals will show around the 3rd week of a fry's life.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I have no clue mcschell, but I will ask the other breeder about it.

I would not promote the idea of purposely making ventraless bettas. I am not saying you should cull them, but maybe you should reconsider after you try to sell them and the LFS turns you down.

Mar 11, 2003
The ventralless problem is actually from bacteria that have eaten the ventrals off the fry. Its from fry that have hung around the bottom of the tank where all the nasty stuff is. This is NOT a genetic defect as far as any breeder knows and will not affect spawning or anything. Its just like if they got fin rot and their fins didn't grow back.

A few breeders recommend putting pygmy corydoras in a fry tank at around 3-4 weeks of age to clean up the bottom of the tank and keep fry off the bottom. They say this has cured their missing ventral problem.

So, If I were you I would not be too worried with the ventral problem, but just try to avoid it in the future. And, of course, these fish should not be shown since they are missing their ventrals.

Hope this helps!



Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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Thanks Alexa :) From that it sounds I can still choose a strong ventraless betta for my next batch.

"And, of course, these fish should not be shown since they are missing their ventrals."
Do you mean I should hide them and not show them to anyone?? Not even posting pictures?? LOL


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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haven't been to the board for a while :)
Here's some pictures of the babies taken recently.
Yah, i'm still calling them babies - although they're ~ 7+ months old now ;)
These pictures are taken when they're ~ 6+ month old.

This one is my favorite one - taken when they were flaring!


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