I don't get to enjoy seeing my fish swim joyfully in the 100g because the ammonia is still 4ppm, but I do get to enjoy seeing plant growth! It's awesome!
Ludwigia glandulosa is showing lots of magnificent growth and color, it's a very bright red (the new growth, the original parts are still reddish/green)! From what I've read on it, it's growing at about the rate people claim it to grow; 1"/week. I'm glad I chose this as my 'centerpiece' plant.
Ludwigia Repens is recovering, a bit slowly, but recovering. It's still mostly green, but the new growth is showing some hints of red. I can't be too sure if it's lack of some type of nutrient(?).
Hygro Polysperma Regular (Gold/Green) is growing rather quickly. I don't know if this is one of the plants I should thank for keeping algae at bay for the moment (more on this in a bit). I really like the gold on it, so it'll be a bit sad seeing this plant go, eventually. I don't think I could keep up with the growth on this monster!
Hygro Polysperma Rosanervig (pink w/veins) is making a great recovery as well! Lots of pink with this plant. It's growing a bit on the quick side as well, but definitely not at the same rate as the golden variety.
Blyxa Japonica is getting bushier as well!
It was sad to see so many stems of blyxa die, but these are making up for it.
Hemianthus Micranthemoides is showing some growth as well. I only added them on Saturday, with only (how do I describe this?) one 'head' sticking out of the substrate per stem, and now there's multiple. I can't wait to see it get bushy like it is in my 20g.
Dwarf Hairgrass was just planted on Saturday as well, and they're sending some new runners as well. Hooray! *thumbsups
Dwarf Sag has sent out its third runner. I was expecting the dwarf sag to get between 2-3" minimum in size, as they had in my other tanks, but this one has stayed around 1" long. I may end up preferring this as my main foreground, so as it grows out, I'll be thinning out the dwarf hairgrass.
Glosso also has a bit of new growth. One of the two nodes of glosso that hitched a ride in the hairgrass I got on Saturday has already sent out two runners. Question for any glosso experts... are there differently sized glosso? I've seen some glosso in a display tank at one of my lfs, and the glosso was bigger than the one in my tank. I could easily fit at least 10 glosso nodes on my pinky fingernail; is that the emersed shape of it maybe? Anywho, this'll be going into one of my other tanks, eventually.
Now for the algae. There is none. *thumbsups
I'm a bit surprised, but glad. I haven't had the time to replace the broken timer (which resulted in that massive die-off after setting the tank back up after the crack), so I've been turning the lights on when I leave for work or school, and then turning them off after I get back, which gives me a photoperiod between 12-16 hours. Hopefully I get to get another timer this weekend, as my school schedule is about to get crazier.
Fert routine is nothing like it used to be, for the moment. I'm only dosing excel every day, and flourish every other day. I was only doing flourish 2x a week, but bumped it up when the new growth on my l. glandulosa wasn't coming out as red as it is now.
But anywho, that is all I have for now. Enjoy.