Emmanuel's 100g Tank


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I spoke to my dad, and he said the lights on the 100g never came on like they were supposed to... i guess he didn't consider that it wasn't doing what it was supposed to a problem... oh well.

I'll see what happens with the tank... I'm still too tired to even deal with it.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Tom, in regards to specs:

  • 100 gallons
  • 2.6 wpg, coralife pc, 2x 6,700K, 2x 10,000k
  • Amazonia AquaSoil substrate
  • 8 hour photoperiod
  • co2 injection, 30+ppm (my drop checker shows more of a lime green/yellow than green)
  • No ferts since I was out of town, but usually excel daily (b/c I have so much of it... and to help with the algae I used to have), flourish comprehensive 1x a week, (dry) potassium 2x a week
  • No fauna since it was set back up right before going out of town and tank had to re-cycle due to amazonia substrate... and b/c it was a brand spanking new replacement tank.... well, there were some pond snails that hitched a ride... these aren't any ordinary pond snails though... they have a white shell, and have been able to survive several cycles in other tanks... I think they're mutated super pond snails... :rolleyes:
Flora I had prior to trip:
  • blyxa japonica (gone)
  • Ludwigia Glandulosa (mostly gone)
  • Ludwigia Repens (less than half gone)
  • Hygro Corymbosa Augustifolia (mostly gone, managed to salvage a few small offshoots)
  • 1 lone dwarf sag (somehow still thriving and managed to send a runner)
  • Hygro Polysperma Rosanervig (mostly gone)
What's currently going on/has gone on
  • I cleaned out the tank yesterday.
  • My L. repens should be back to normal in no time, it grows pretty quickly.
  • I may just throw my L. Glandulosa into the 20g to grow out, since it's so small and makes the center of my tank look pathetic. I'm going to the LFS after work later today to see if they have any more.
  • I stole the blyxa from my 20g. Hopefully it'll grow a lot faster in here now that it has a better substrate. Maybe within a year I can have over 200 stems of blyxa again? :rolleyes:
  • Stole some hygro polysperma green from the 20 to help speed up cycle. Hopefully it'll suck up the ammonia quickly!
  • Planted the bits of hygro polysperma rosanervig I had, hopefully they'll grow moderately quickly and can have quite a bit of it once again.
  • Thinking of getting a foreground that consists of dwarf hairgrass, and e. tennellus sp. pink... still up in the air.
Fauna I'm thinking of trading my previous fish for:
  • 50 Green Neon Tetra (stay smaller than regular neons)
  • 6 Bolivian Rams (already have 2)
  • 3 Bristlenose Plecos (already have)
I'm afraid the BR would eat the GNT as they get bigger though, so my alternative is
  • 30 Rummynose Tetra
  • 6 Bolivian Rams
  • 3 Bristlenose Plecos
I'm going to talk to the guy at the LFS whom is holding my fish to see what he recommends I get with the Bolivian Rams. I'm going to have a lot of red/pink plants in the tank, so I was hoping something that would pop out more... We'll see.

I'm going to take it extra slow, and not let this tank consume me, since classes start up next week, and I'll have to really focus on school because it is my last year, and I really want to graduate and start grad school already.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Yay! The LFS I got the L. Glandulosa from had heaps of it, and cheaper than what I originally got it for! So I bought 6 bunches, but since they were longer this time around, i was able to cut them in half... and technically end up with 12 bunches! :D

So the L. Glandulosa is back in the tank, in all its glory. I would say the tank is at least 3/4 of the way back to being the way I left it last week. Now I have to let the plants just grow in, decide on a foreground, let the tank finish cycling, put the fish back in, maybe buy some 'daily' bottles to fill with ferts for each day of the week, and prefill so I don't have to worry about it when classes start next week.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Agh! This is the longest cycle ever!!! Well, considering that I had some previously cycled media in my 2 filters...

I had to pick up my fish yesterday too, so now my 29g is cramped with roughly 50 green neons, 2 gbr, 6 bolivian rams, 1 bnp, and some mystery snails...

All these guys will be going into my 100g.

The plants are doing very well though. I decided on getting some dwarf hairgrass also. There were a couple of glosso nodes in there, so I planted them just for the heck of it, for now...

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Agh! This is the longest cycle ever!!! Well, considering that I had some previously cycled media in my 2 filters...

I had to pick up my fish yesterday too, so now my 29g is cramped with roughly 50 green neons, 2 gbr, 6 bolivian rams, 1 bnp, and some mystery snails...

All these guys will be going into my 100g.

The plants are doing very well though. I decided on getting some dwarf hairgrass also. There were a couple of glosso nodes in there, so I planted them just for the heck of it, for now...
Yeah my cycle is taking forever as well. Fortunately for you your plants are actually living, I lost my val most likely because of my lighting. Lets race to see who can get fish in their tank first!


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Thanks! :D

I just wanted to say thanks for this thread says a lot of good stuff and very nice tanks
No problem, I hope people can learn from a lot of my mistakes while reading my thread(s).

Yeah my cycle is taking forever as well. Fortunately for you your plants are actually living, I lost my val most likely because of my lighting. Lets race to see who can get fish in their tank first!
Sucks about your vals, I thought most of them were low-light, so they could technically survive anywhere. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get overrun by jungle vals in the very near future, so if you'd like some, let me know.

The race is on! *twirlysmi (<-- that's me 'running' to get fish in the tank, haha)


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
That's what happens when you're missing arms and legs, haha.

I think I may have to tear my 29g apart just to get all the fish out, so when I 'rescape', I'll let you know how much jungle val I have.

My tank is just so weird, the ammonia is not budging... the ph is at 6, some nitrite is present, and nitrates are at 5ppm... The plants definitely aren't suffering from N deficiency at the very least.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Ill take anything you got that you think would work for me, haha,.

That's how mine is looking right now. I though that my dieing plant was adding ammonia so I took it out... but its still around 3ppm


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I'll let you know when I've got the vals ready... at the rate my cycle is moving though, I may have a full-blown jungle of vals before my cycle is half done, haha.

I'm going to cheat a little bit and add a sponge I had on my powerhead into my 100g, hoping that it helps seed it. :rolleyes:


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I don't get to enjoy seeing my fish swim joyfully in the 100g because the ammonia is still 4ppm, but I do get to enjoy seeing plant growth! It's awesome!

Ludwigia glandulosa is showing lots of magnificent growth and color, it's a very bright red (the new growth, the original parts are still reddish/green)! From what I've read on it, it's growing at about the rate people claim it to grow; 1"/week. I'm glad I chose this as my 'centerpiece' plant.

Ludwigia Repens is recovering, a bit slowly, but recovering. It's still mostly green, but the new growth is showing some hints of red. I can't be too sure if it's lack of some type of nutrient(?).

Hygro Polysperma Regular (Gold/Green) is growing rather quickly. I don't know if this is one of the plants I should thank for keeping algae at bay for the moment (more on this in a bit). I really like the gold on it, so it'll be a bit sad seeing this plant go, eventually. I don't think I could keep up with the growth on this monster! :)

Hygro Polysperma Rosanervig (pink w/veins) is making a great recovery as well! Lots of pink with this plant. It's growing a bit on the quick side as well, but definitely not at the same rate as the golden variety.

Blyxa Japonica is getting bushier as well! :) It was sad to see so many stems of blyxa die, but these are making up for it.

Hemianthus Micranthemoides is showing some growth as well. I only added them on Saturday, with only (how do I describe this?) one 'head' sticking out of the substrate per stem, and now there's multiple. I can't wait to see it get bushy like it is in my 20g.

Dwarf Hairgrass was just planted on Saturday as well, and they're sending some new runners as well. Hooray! *thumbsups

Dwarf Sag has sent out its third runner. I was expecting the dwarf sag to get between 2-3" minimum in size, as they had in my other tanks, but this one has stayed around 1" long. I may end up preferring this as my main foreground, so as it grows out, I'll be thinning out the dwarf hairgrass.

Glosso also has a bit of new growth. One of the two nodes of glosso that hitched a ride in the hairgrass I got on Saturday has already sent out two runners. Question for any glosso experts... are there differently sized glosso? I've seen some glosso in a display tank at one of my lfs, and the glosso was bigger than the one in my tank. I could easily fit at least 10 glosso nodes on my pinky fingernail; is that the emersed shape of it maybe? Anywho, this'll be going into one of my other tanks, eventually.

Now for the algae. There is none. *thumbsups
I'm a bit surprised, but glad. I haven't had the time to replace the broken timer (which resulted in that massive die-off after setting the tank back up after the crack), so I've been turning the lights on when I leave for work or school, and then turning them off after I get back, which gives me a photoperiod between 12-16 hours. Hopefully I get to get another timer this weekend, as my school schedule is about to get crazier.

Fert routine is nothing like it used to be, for the moment. I'm only dosing excel every day, and flourish every other day. I was only doing flourish 2x a week, but bumped it up when the new growth on my l. glandulosa wasn't coming out as red as it is now.

But anywho, that is all I have for now. Enjoy. :)


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Because I know people enjoy photos, and this journal is useless without photos; enjoy!

Picture to accompany my novel from... earlier today?! WTH, my school/work schedule is tripping me out, I thought I wrote that last post on Tuesday, haha.



Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Haha, OK then, in that case, why don't we make a 2nd race; let's see who can get their tanks full of plants first :p.

Ammonia finally went down a bit! It appears to be 2ppm this time around. Nitrites also went up to .5ppm!!! :D It's going!