As stated....not easy to care for. Mine wasn't nearly as nice as the one you have, I bought it and it was bleached out and on it's way out when I got it. If your light is not strong enough you will need to supplement it and not with mysis.....mysis is too much work for them for little return. Buy some silversides and then provided you have a healthy anemone it should be sticky and it should grab a hold of the minnow and move it to it's mouth. They should be fed a silverside about once a week. More anemones die from overfeeding and insufficient light or they starve to death. Get some plastic hobby canvas and cover your power heads and filter intakes with the canvas attaching it using zip ties. You do not want your new nem to get chewed up by the powerhead. Hopefully it will settle in. If it doesn't you will want to take it back. In fact knowing your tank is so new I would be tempted to just return it hardy though these anemones are, they are all difficult. For an anemone they are hardy but compared to other life forms in your reef they are difficult at best. Also, your tank size is too small. A healthy bubbletip can reach a foot in size an a tentacle reach of more. They will sting anything in their path also. The chance of your clown hosting this anemone also is probably slim unless it is a maroon and even then some captive bred clowns do not automatically host. Your clowns will probably host something else in your tank..........even a powerhead.