good luck, but those bottles of pods get expensive as a mandarin can blow through the population in that bottle in a few days. This is one of the main pitfalls of keeping a mandarin, as some do accept prepared foods, but some do not, and need a large very established tank simply to support one mandarin.
I recommend you do everything possible to encourage the pod population to be able to establish itself, which is extremely difficult with a hungry mandarin around.
1. build rubble piles that the mandarin can not get into so the pods have somewhere to hide
2. add this bottle of pods, but purchase another and start a "pod farm" in a large jar of some sort.
3. Follow lordroads example..put sponges in the "podfarm" and once a week transfer the sponges to the main tank.
4. Read lordroads entire sticky...realize how much of a commitment you have gotten into, but with alot of work you can be as sucessful as he has been, going on 2 years now with a mandarin in a 10 gallon tank.