Finally 20 Gallon Setup


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536

Got a few more corals. This time found them for cheap. $12 for both. One I know but the second pic I don't know. Any idea's?? Oh and made a few changes to the plumbing of the sump. Have much better flow now....
Pics speak for them selfs.



Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536

Got a few thing to mention..

Coral I got last week and is doing good.
Today I got a mandarin goby and he/she is already eating pods. I read many things about this fish and people say it is very hard to take care off. Lets see how it goes. pics below. Sorry this is the best I could do.

Coral Can anybody identify it!

Do not hesitate to reply!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
He looks nice, i'm not sure but i though you were just going with the 2 clowns lol
what coral you talking about?

EDIT are you talking about the one in the post above? it looks like a torch coral

Yeah I was only going for 2 clowns but when I saw this guy all alone I just had to get him/her. An impulse buy. I am very happy with it. As for the coral I was talking about the orange one in the back ground of the clowns. The Leather coral!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Small Update!

Katie217 said:
Mandarin looks like hes doing great! still waiting for that full tank shot tho :p


Lost a clown to one of the powerheads. Poor guy just got sucked in. Today will go a get a new one with some copepods for the mandarin. Found a LFS that sells copepods in 6 oz bottles specially for mandarins. which makes things much easier.

I will post full tank shots a little later. Having some problems with the camera.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
YahooFishKeeper said:
thats good that you found copepods for sale, but id try to get him on mysis too if i were you, it'll probably make things a lot easier for you.

I have tried but he is a very selective eater. The LFS were out of the pods so I got some cyclops. Hope he eats that other wise he will go to heaven soon. I did not get another clown cuz I am going to upgrade to a 72 gallon bow front tank. So be sure to see a new 72 gallon build up thread by next month. I got a good deal from an LFS. So I can't wait.

Pic of the torch!


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Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Mandarin Update

My Mandarin is not eating anything. I basically tried everything mysis, cyclops, blood worms etc. The only thing left was the pods. So I went out and got live pods and will see if he will eat any. Pic below.



Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
good luck, but those bottles of pods get expensive as a mandarin can blow through the population in that bottle in a few days. This is one of the main pitfalls of keeping a mandarin, as some do accept prepared foods, but some do not, and need a large very established tank simply to support one mandarin.
I recommend you do everything possible to encourage the pod population to be able to establish itself, which is extremely difficult with a hungry mandarin around.
1. build rubble piles that the mandarin can not get into so the pods have somewhere to hide
2. add this bottle of pods, but purchase another and start a "pod farm" in a large jar of some sort.
3. Follow lordroads example..put sponges in the "podfarm" and once a week transfer the sponges to the main tank.
4. Read lordroads entire sticky...realize how much of a commitment you have gotten into, but with alot of work you can be as sucessful as he has been, going on 2 years now with a mandarin in a 10 gallon tank.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
aresgod said:
good luck, but those bottles of pods get expensive as a mandarin can blow through the population in that bottle in a few days. This is one of the main pitfalls of keeping a mandarin, as some do accept prepared foods, but some do not, and need a large very established tank simply to support one mandarin.
I recommend you do everything possible to encourage the pod population to be able to establish itself, which is extremely difficult with a hungry mandarin around.
1. build rubble piles that the mandarin can not get into so the pods have somewhere to hide
2. add this bottle of pods, but purchase another and start a "pod farm" in a large jar of some sort.
3. Follow lordroads example..put sponges in the "podfarm" and once a week transfer the sponges to the main tank.
4. Read lordroads entire sticky...realize how much of a commitment you have gotten into, but with alot of work you can be as sucessful as he has been, going on 2 years now with a mandarin in a 10 gallon tank.

Thanks for the advice. I have followed every step mentioned above. Built a rubble pile, Added another bottle and added the sponge too. The mandarin is doing pretty good but you never know!