Finally 20 Gallon Setup


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Everything is going great. Today I am going to do a water change after adding the sump. The algae is slowly dying. Yesterday a few of my crabs killed one of my snails and emptied the shell. Don't know why. Other then that its going pretty good. With in 2 days my sump has 100's of pods and even in the main tank i noticed 100's if not 1000's of pods. I am just waiting for a bulb that I ordered for the sump. In the coming future I am thinking of upgrading my lights to MH. Let see how it goes.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536

Got a few more cleaners. 3 Nassarius snails for $9.00 I know very high but the LFS is close to my house. 2 Scarlet Leg Hermit and some live rock. Pics below.

As soon as i put the snails into the tank they just went under the sand. Don't know when they will some out. Will post pics once they do.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
i thought they like flow idk kinda weird... what type of lighting you got over it? your probably good with lighting have you searched about diseases?

I could not find anything on the net. I know they like flow. I didn't have much flow before. Now I have made a few changes and have a little more flow in the refugium. Hopefully this will help. I have 15 watts of regular lighting on the refugium. Will be getting new sump lighting on friday!


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
mine are melting pretty fast. I have hair algae and Cyanobacteria. so there must be nitrates. Well lets see how it goes. The Cyanobacteria is going down slowly means that the macro must be getting some nitrates. Actually come to think of it. it is possible that I don't have any nitrates cuz I just did a 25% water change and added a skimmer. Do you think it is the cause of the melting. i had read somewhere on the net that the macro algae ball should tumble in the refugium. meaning there should be enough flow for it to tumble. I made a few changes and now the macro ball is tumbling. Lets see if there are any changes after that..

I finally resolved the micro bubble problem. No micro bubbles at all. The drain does not create and bubbles thus no micro bubbles. i figured it out when I did a water change and just increase the return flow which reduced bubble.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
looking good are you going mostly zoa? is that light from melevsreef?

LOL Not actually these are the ones which survived the poisoning. I have GSP too. growing pretty fast. I am waiting for the my paycheck and I will get some more. At present I am fighting a battle with cyanobacteria. My sand was green before now it is red! Yup this is the same light that melevsreef recommended, what do you think?


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
joeyjoeq said:
Your tank is coming in nice!

Thanks joey!!

Not much of an update.

Have not yet received my paycheck. Hope fully will get it tomorrow. I am planning on getting 3-4 red hermit crabs. They like munching on Cyanobacteria. Some macro, 1 scarlet shrimp. And will get some frozen foods and ideas and what to get, the only frozen foods I am feed is mysis. Any suggestions will be helpful.


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Panther28 said:
Thanks joey!!

Not much of an update.

Have not yet received my paycheck. Hope fully will get it tomorrow. I am planning on getting 3-4 red hermit crabs. They like munching on Cyanobacteria. Some macro, 1 scarlet shrimp. And will get some frozen foods and ideas and what to get, the only frozen foods I am feed is mysis. Any suggestions will be helpful.
Ohh man if you live in Chicago my LFS had a huge sale this week. Had just about every snail, crab, shrimp, in pairs of 6 for $1. Sweet!:D Have you ever heard of Rod's Reef Food? Many people have not, but that stuff is great! My fish and coral all go crazy for it. It's a blend of frozen food put together.

Edit: Get some more Nassarius snails to help shift your sand.