Finally 20 Gallon Setup


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Mahamotorworks said:
DANG. That looks sweet. When I need a sump you are going to build it right? That is a Good looking sump how much did it cost you to build? Cant wait to see pics of it in place.


Thanks Maha! You are the guru of DIY. I am sure you can do a much better job then me. The acrylic was not costly the only thing that was costly was the labor for cutting the acrylic.

Thanks everyone. It took to 1 and a half week to finish. Wanted everything to be perfect.

Before gluing the acrylic together I had bought some scrap acrylic ($ 0.50 per piece)and tried gluing it first. Pics below. I might use it as quarantine. Its about 3 gallon cube. Any idea's on what should I use it for.



Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Did a water leak test and to my luck NO LEAKS!! I got the plumbing in place and am waiting for about 12 gallons of water to age. Very simple plumbing for now but later might do a few changes with the plumbing. Pics below! Will post more pics once everything goes ok. I still have to get snails. Don't have any snails in the tank. need some sand too for the refugium.

Pic of the water test.



Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Mahamotorworks said:
Are you going to move the Heater to the sump? You could also move you HOB filter there so you dont have a lot of Equipment on the display.


Yeah I will move the heater to the sump and the hob filter will go cuz the over flow will take its place. Will use the filter in the sump to remove sand particles. Going to petco now. I heard they have started selling everything even corals snail and live rock. Maybe will get some snails.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
nah i seen that too on the bottum of the bag anyways tell me how it turned out BTW you know your losing more head lose then you could...

I know I am loosing more head. My Pump is really power full so its still pretty strong. My over flow is rated 600 GPH and the pump is 1200 GPH. The valve is half way open. Still pretty strong. i am kinda scared to start everything. I don't want to repeat what happened last time.