Finally 20 Gallon Setup


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
oh you got the 600gph one i thought you got the one i did and 1200gph pump gess lol
anyways just start it you don't have the wrong stuff this time i don't think

Well Just started the sump and its running without any problems except for a few micro bubbles. Which I will take care of later. Pics below.

big54bob said:
your setup is to confusing
to lazy and poor a sw tank
No comment!!!

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay nice little set up you have. Now to just get back to where you were....I know it is a heartbreaker but you are off to a good start. You could add some cleanup critters to clean up the algae.....

big54bob said:
your setup is to confusing
to lazy and poor a sw tank
haha... i dont get it... hey panther, your tank rocks. i wouldnt take what big bob said as an insult since it apears he ate his words and they came back up in the wrong order.

Ps. you might try getting more flow lower in the tank to help out with your algae problems.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Lorna said:
Okay nice little set up you have. Now to just get back to where you were....I know it is a heartbreaker but you are off to a good start. You could add some cleanup critters to clean up the algae.....

Thanks Lorna. The tank is recovering slowly but steady. Today I added a few snails.

saltwater4life said:
looks good what type of light you running on the sump?
anyways when you restocking the tank?
Nick I have regular lighting 15 watt bulb which I had on the 10 gallon. Will change it by the end of the month after getting paid.

Mahamotorworks said:
Looks good. Just for info what was you total cost of the project?

The total cost for the sump only was $150 cuz I had to get it cut by order!
Pump was about $ 97 and the over flow was around $60.

Guysy1110 said:
Think it looks really good.

And if hees started up a saltwater tank he cant be lazy !

Good work, but i would get some shrimp to try and clear up the algae.

Thanks Guysy! I got a few snails. Pics below!

YahooFishKeeper said:
haha... i dont get it... hey panther, your tank rocks. i wouldnt take what big bob said as an insult since it apears he ate his words and they came back up in the wrong order.

Ps. you might try getting more flow lower in the tank to help out with your algae problems.
Thanks! I never took bobs comment as an insult. I just ignored it. I have directed the flow downwards. Had a lot of algae cuz didn't have any snails. Got a few today. They will help out.

Mushroomman said:
Lookin good, panther.

I dont think bob was refering to the tank, I think he was just saying he thinks he is too lazy and poor for a saltwater tank and the concepts confuse him.

Thanks Mushroomman!

Ok Now that I have replied to every message Let me post a few pics of the updates.

Got a few corals. $20 for both Will post more pics once they open up.

Got some Macro algae for $8.99 and 10 Atrea snails for $18. Prices were a little High but had no choice.

Full view of the sump.

Snails started doing their job.

The Corals. Still need to open up.

The Macro algae.

Still have a little problem with micro bubbles. Will deal with it later. Oh I still have to setup the skimmer. Which I will do on Saturday.

Any Suggestions.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
aresgod said:
How much flow is in the return pump? do you really need those two powerheads in there? It would look much cleaner without them.

The pump is rated 1200 GPH. But its running half open. I might remove the powerheads at a later date. Just want the tank to settle down with the new flow.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
Looking good i figured you were just letting the fish get less stressed before you removed the PH's but the sumps looking good

yeah exactly! I will leave the PH's and will remove them when I am more comfortable with the sump's functionality.

Mahamotorworks said:
I see you useing the Proto-type in the first pic. Looks good.

Yeah the Proto-type came in pretty handy with acclimation of the corals. Thanks..


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
saltwater4life said:
Hey you got a GSP they are fast growing i've made like 5 frags out of mine and it's still way bigger then it was when i got it.

Thats Always good to know. So how is your sump coming out? Any updates? I am having a little problem with micro bubbles. Still thinking and what action to take. The baffles are doing a good job but there are a few bubbles which escape.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Mahamotorworks said:
Add some Filter FLoss to the Last set of baffles it Should take care of any bubbles that make it past the fuge.


I don't want to use and floss it just reduces the flow in the sump. isn't their any other way to reduce the micro bubbles. For now I think I will leave it the way it is and see how things go.