Fishmonger70's 75 Gal Reef Journal

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
No, but it does need to be alive. Should I leave the bioball chamber empty or should I put something else in it. Should I leave the Pre-filter pad in. Its nice to have in cause it catches any crap that might get in the system.

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Ok, will sift through the bucket of tonga rock and pick out the nice pieces and put those in the sump. They don't have any grwth on them what so ever. I will have to pick up a small PC light to put on top of my sump then.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I agree, you've done the right thing. People confuse the term "live rock" and think it refers only to rock covered in coraline or other "visible" growth. The term live refers to rock that is coated in beneficial bacteria and unless you have some mighty microspopic vision I doubt you could tell just by looking at it if it were live or dead. Any rock that was in the previous set up is probably live and will benefit your new set up. Bioballs are okay in a fish only tank where nitrate buildup isn't a major concern......but are not recommended in a reef due to their becoming a nitrate sink. As to the filter pads, that is hit or miss but would need to be kept clean to be effective. I would definitely upgrade on your me, I have a used Aqua Remora Urchin Pro that I used in my sump on my great and maybe we could work out a deal..... :)

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Thanks Lorna, I might just do that. It will have to wait a week though. I'mgoing on vacation next week and I won't be around. When I get back my light fixture will be waiting for me and I will be ordering my live rock. I will send you a PM when I get back in town. I will try to snap a pic of the tank tonight and post it before I leave town in the morning. It cleared up quite a bit overnight from the sand storm so you can actually see inside the tank now.

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Well boys and girls, I'm back home from vacation and I have an updated pic. I also changed my water flow a little from what it was. I now have 2 Koralia 3's and a Koralia 2 for powerheads so thats 2300 GPH of flow plus I have my return, which is approx 600 GPH itself. Hopefully it's not too overboard. I think it's safe to say that I shouldn't have any dead spots now. My lights should be here by Tuesday and I am ordering 90lbs of LR this week. I'll keep em coming as things progress.

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Yeah, I think I'm gonna go with the Urchin Pro with the drain fitting and the Mag Drive 3 pump or is the drain fitting not necessary? I sometimes go out of town for about a week and it would be nice to have an option to have a container to collect extra waste.