Fishmonger70's 75 Gal Reef Journal

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Things are progressing well. got my lights today and they look great. Ended up getting the Current USA 48" Nova Extreme Pro T5's 6x54W. LR will be here tomorrow and Skimmer should be here by monday. I've got Friday off so I will probably be aquascaping all day. I'll try to take a pic tonight of the tank w/the lights.

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
With lights off

With actinics on

With whites on(looks much brighter in person*SUNSMILE*)

Now I just need to to put a black backdrop on the the back of the tank. Hmm....should have thought of that before I made it unmovable


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
if u got a glass cover u wanna get rid of it since it screws with yur oxygen
btw your coming along great and yur on yur way to an outstanding reef!

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
I do have glass canopies on it. Do I need to leave them off permanantly? The manufacturer of my light fixture says I shouldn't use it over open water.
And the sand is just regular aragonite substrate.

I now have the LR in the tank too so now begins the curing process. I'll get pic up tomorrow.

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
I may have gotten the finer grain stuff...I bought 2 35lb bags of it and mixed it with about 10-15 lbs of the stuff I had leftover from my 20gal setup. I think that stuff was a hair bit coarser though. I like it too, even though my Koralias make a mess out of it.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
The glass cover will keep your tank warmer than without it. So heat might be an issue for you. Egg crate from home depot will work as a cover to keep fish from jumping out..... They call it light defuser and it sells for about $10. Although, I had a firefish jump through it before.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
the sand will become weighted down with bacteria (the good stuff) and won't blow as much also with the rock in it will redirect the flow somewhat also....better to have the ph deeper and pointing sort of to the surface creating some surface agitation to increase oxygen exchange..... :)

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Well I do have my returns split into two(I'm using 3/4" loc-line and they are aimed at the surface, and I have moved my center Koralia upward a bit more so there is definately good surface agitation and with the other two Koralias pointed downward a little and toward the center of the tank, there should be some pretty good flow through out the tank. As far as heat in the tank, and other issues related to the glass tops, I'm not really sure if it will be a problem. I have always had a cover on my 20 Gal and the temp has always remained pretty constant at 78 - 80 and that is a much smaller volume of water so one would think a bigger tank would be more stable. But if I start seing flucuations, I will definately take the tops off and see if it helps. BTW, I still owe you guys/gals a pic with the new LR in the tank so I will get one up this afternoon.

I got some stuff at the hardware store last night to organize the inside of my stand so I'm gonna work on that too, but first I need to change some water because my nitrites and nitrates starting to spike.