Hello Kiara1125; Saving money on aquarium setups has been a necessity at times and I have searched for ways to do so. It is clear that some members on this forum have the capacity to spend significant amounts on the hobby. That is fine for those that can afford it. Prices at fish shops are often high on decorations and accessories. On some things there is not a choice, as they cannot be found elsewhere, and it often is less expensive in the long run to pay more for healthy fish from a good shop. On things like clay pots and some other techniques money can be saved. As stated in my earlier post , I cleaned some pots and used them without a problem.
I do not consider the folks that suggest things like ultra low stocking numbers, very high gallon per minute filtration parameters or CO2 injection and the like to be wrong. These suggestions will not lead you astray. There are, however, ways to keep healthy aquariums without having to spend so much money.
For example, the flow levels on my current tanks are low by the standards of some posts I have read on this forum. Were I new to the hobby, this would worry me some. I have been keeping freshwater tropical fish long enough (50+ years) to know my filtration rates work just fine and consider the suggested flow rates to be a good idea, but not necessary to maintain a healthy tank. Do not be shy about asking for the less expensive ways to solve problems. A lot of us are do it yourself types and may have worked out a solution.