Fry Tank Decorations


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Dan, if you knew me as a friend then you would know why I don't like to work with plants. I currently have an Amazon Sword in my 10 Gallon Community Tank and it's on the verge of dying. I trimmed it and tried to replant it, but I'm just horrible. The only thing I was able to grow successfully were Morning Glories, but, of course, winter murdered them. They'll be back though!! :D So much for my dream of growing pistachios. I love them, but they're like $7 for a small, couple ounce bag!!

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Ok fair enough haha, i used to be terrible with plants...

The three i have now are very hardy and look great.. i focus on Java Fern, Java moss, and Anubias Nana. All widely available...

How about an ornament like a stack of rocks... Like the ready made ones in lfs.. they have lots of holes and the hollow ones the fish can hide inside are good.. they look great too...


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Well, Dan. I'm currently tight on money. I heard Terra Cotta Pots are good and I have 4 of them. I wanted a cheap anmd easy way to decorate my fry tank. I cleaned the pots and set them up for the fry to swim through. I think that they will love it!!


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello Kiara1125; Saving money on aquarium setups has been a necessity at times and I have searched for ways to do so. It is clear that some members on this forum have the capacity to spend significant amounts on the hobby. That is fine for those that can afford it. Prices at fish shops are often high on decorations and accessories. On some things there is not a choice, as they cannot be found elsewhere, and it often is less expensive in the long run to pay more for healthy fish from a good shop. On things like clay pots and some other techniques money can be saved. As stated in my earlier post , I cleaned some pots and used them without a problem.
I do not consider the folks that suggest things like ultra low stocking numbers, very high gallon per minute filtration parameters or CO2 injection and the like to be wrong. These suggestions will not lead you astray. There are, however, ways to keep healthy aquariums without having to spend so much money.
For example, the flow levels on my current tanks are low by the standards of some posts I have read on this forum. Were I new to the hobby, this would worry me some. I have been keeping freshwater tropical fish long enough (50+ years) to know my filtration rates work just fine and consider the suggested flow rates to be a good idea, but not necessary to maintain a healthy tank. Do not be shy about asking for the less expensive ways to solve problems. A lot of us are do it yourself types and may have worked out a solution.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Thanks sk!! I'm currently soakng my pots in the vinegar and water solution like you said. The pots only have a small rim around the inside from where the water would set in the pots. other than that, I got everything else off. Do you have a good way to grow algae too?? I'm hopeless on that and I have 2-3 Otos coming in. I have a window that I can use to help the algae grow, but what can I grow it on?? Do I just put something (maybe a Terra Cotta Pot) into water that's in a bowl and leave it in the window for a week or two??


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I have not deliberately grown algae, but feel that longer light periods tend to promote it. Say 16 to 20 hours of light. You could also leave the lights on for 24 hours every so often, at least until the algae starts to grow. I had the photo period set to eighteen hours light/six dark in the past and reduced reduce it to 14 light / 10 dark as the algae became a problem. (I use a timers on planted tanks and play with the photo period until I get a balance between algae and plant growth. ) Plants require a dark period on a regular basis, usually each day. Real daylight thru a window should work. In the meantime canned sweet peas are a good veg food source for fish. ( All my fish eagerly take the inner portion of peas. Snails and plant eaters will work on the skins.) I have not kept ottos, but from reading posts understand they are proficient algae eaters. I also keep some veg wafers from wal-mart on hand for an adopted plecostomus, but since the algae began to grow it likes to graze on that and the hornwort that I keep in all my tanks. If I can find them, I intend to get some ottos the next time I am in Knoxville TN.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Well, I have to do the lighting with what's right with my schedule. I get up at 5:30am and go to sleep at like 9:30-10:00pm (depending on how tired I am). I currently have my tank light on for around 16 hours, give or take 30 minutes. I'm wondering what my Otos will eat (besides peas, they and my other fish LOVE them!!) during this time because so many veggies are out of season right now. Ugh!! My Otos are so cute though!! They eat my algae like crazy and even though they're only an inch long and I've only had them for 2 days now, I'm probably gonna run out of algae by the end of the week. I only $3.88 right now, so I'm looking for some cheap algae wafers. If I can find a veggie that they will eat, then my dad will probably pay for it. He keeps on saying, "Jeez. By the way you're feeding these fish, it's like we're going to fry them up and eat them!!" I know he's joking but it really hurts when he suggests eating my fish. Make it ssssstttttooooppp!!!!!*crazysmil


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
zucchini and squash work well, if you have a window near enough to the tank to get it some direct light that will help.

I buy zucchini all the time on the old produce shelf. I think algae wafers make a mess.... You can also try letice, spinach, peppers etc. Basically if it's green give it a shot. :) just remember to wash it well as pesticides and fishies don't mix


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Thanks nanu!! I really don't like peppers, the taste and smell, (although everyone else in my family likes them) so I'll try the lettuce. That seems to be plentiful in my house.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Grr!! I tried baby lettuce (only thing we have right now) and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. It was really soft, so i waved it around to cool it off and I put it in the tank. My Oto swam right over it (less than a milimeter away!!) and ignored it. Well, at least my Platies and Neons like it. They started attacking it after he ignored it.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
ummm well I never cook anything I put in my tank.... Fish don't have microwaves in rivers, lakes etc....

I use a veggie clip (you can use a chip clip or the likes attached the the tank wall) or you can use a natural colored rubber band and tie it down to a rock, piece of pot, slate, decoration of any kind.

Also not to chastise you but etiquette on most forums is to only have one open thread at a time... That way when people read the thread they get all of the info, there are convos that are getting split up by 15 threads.

Try attaching your veggies to the wall or bottom of the tank and don't nuke them...

I saw that you wanted to make decorations, check my thread about saving money there are some good tips in there.

Feb 27, 2009
My Oto swam right over it (less than a milimeter away!!) and ignored it. Well, at least my Platies and Neons like it. They started attacking it after he ignored it.
Not all otocinclus will eat veggies or algae wafers as I said before you got them. You said they were eating veggies at the fish store. What were they eating there? Might want to offer the same food.

I keep three species of otos, and one does not even try veggies, even after 2 years.

Also, now being alone, he/she will be less likely to feel bold enough to explore and try new things.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Not all otocinclus will eat veggies or algae wafers as I said before you got them. You said they were eating veggies at the fish store. What were they eating there? Might want to offer the same food.
They were eating zucchini. I don't know how the guy got it, because it's out of season and not in stores. I think he has some sort of supplier where the weather is warmer. idk.

Also, now being alone, he/she will be less likely to feel bold enough to explore and try new things.
It's swimming all over the tank and doesn't mind the other fish. I think my Neons like to play with him (I'm just gonna call it a him, cuz I named it Fang, sooo...). When he swims all over tha tank (almost like exploring, not exactly looking for food) they will follow him around. Not like chase him, but just calmly follow. It's funny, and it's both the females and males. My Platies just ignore him. idk if it's just because he's a little bigger than them, but smaller than the Platies.... again, idk.

Feb 27, 2009
They were eating zucchini. I don't know how the guy got it, because it's out of season and not in stores. I think he has some sort of supplier where the weather is warmer. idk.
I live in Iowa where zucchini is 'out of season' too, but find it at any grocery store, including Walmart. I cut it into slices about 1" thick and put them in the freezer. I feed one slice at a time to my tank of 29 otos. It takes a few days for them to notice its there, but once they find it, they pick it clean in a day.

It's swimming all over the tank and doesn't mind the other fish. I think my Neons like to play with him (I'm just gonna call it a him, cuz I named it Fang, sooo...). When he swims all over tha tank (almost like exploring, not exactly looking for food) they will follow him around.
Healthy otos will feed constantly. They will also gulp air and not use their gills when they find a good food source. They hang out in a small spot for hours and rasp the food with their mouth.

When stressed, they will swim all over the tank. Your singleton is likely stressed out being alone and cannot find food. :(