Hazzzy water and dust like particles in water..

Mar 8, 2010
Oh can that be small air bubbles... Wow thats good.. Yeah that can be.. This has started after I kept that new air filter.. which oozes that air out of it.. May be i wil check and get back... But how do i Avoid. Because that makes look the water hazy.. I dont want that to happen.

Mar 8, 2010
I tried buddy, But i could not get the pics of it.. But i can give you an imaginative idea about it.. What happens when you clean the glass with a cloth that sheds some fibres out of it.. Or some material .. Its similar to that.. Even though.. If u dont understand.. I will check for a high zoom camera which can help me to get this snap..

Mar 8, 2010
Ok will try the other way.. Do u see food particles floating inside water in your tank.. What if it sticks on tank.. Its something like that.. Hope u get it this time.. Or else I suppose you will have to come home now..

Mar 8, 2010
Hey some one asked for my Tank size.. Here is it..

length 2.7 feet Cms 82.296
height 1.5 feet Cms 45.72
breadth 1 feet Cms 30.48

I have given it both in feets and cms.. Now its ur turn..

Mar 8, 2010
I dont know if this are eggs... But I suppose if they were eggs then it would smell a lot.. But they dont.. Again.. I have tinfoil barbs.. and Rosy barbs and One Molly. Molly is single and she doesnt give egg. For rest I dont know.. Can that be eggs... Thats great then.. But what do I do now.. And one thing that i noticed.. They are on the side of light and not on the other side...

Feb 27, 2009
Sounds like eggs to me. I've never heard of a white algae.

Your tank, I think this has been mentioned before, is much too small for a shoal of tin foil barbs. They reach adult size of 35cm or 14" and require a huge aquarium to thrive. Keeping them in a 29 gallon aquarium will stunt their growth and cause premature death.

If you have no snails, I am at a loss of what they could be. Snails will lay eggs where there is a food source for their young, and on the glass where it gets the most sunlight would be ideal for them.

Breeding tin foil barbs has not been documented except in large public aquariums having thousands of gallons. Rosy barbs breed readily in tank, but they are egg scatterers. You would not see eggs stuck to the glass of an aquarium.