Honey Gourami Sentenced to Death by Freezer!

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Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Well yesterday I senetenced my honey gourami to death by freezing. He killed the last fish that he will ever kill. Somebody brought him home as a gift to me several months ago and he started right away by killing 3 of my dwarf gouramis. He was almost twice their size and apparently thought he had the right to be king of the tank. I sentenced him to prison int he prison tank for several months where he shared a cell with a rather large synodontis euruptus. However, the clean up crew that had to clean the prison were scared of him, so i put him in solitary confinement in the 5g QT. He stayed in solitary confinement for about a month, but I thought it would be beneficial to add a molly to help on the algae in there and by the next morning my molly was floating belly up. The trial was quick, the jury merciless, and the sentence carried out swiftly. The governor didn't even have a chance to grant a pardon. By evening he was an ice cube waiting for a wild party.

Bring on the hate mail.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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I disagree. I usually find your posts interesting and enjoyable to read, but this one was just absurd. You are a knowledgable a fishkeeper - but acting vindictively against a freaking fish? come on. That's just lazy. You could have taken him to the store, given him to a friend, left him to be solitary as he clearly belonged rather than killing him and your molly, whatever. no need for this.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
PunkRockFish, my thoughts exactly. This was a fish meant for big tanks apparently, and somebody would have put him in probably the same size tank I have, and it would have gone on yet another killing spree. Ashleigh, I really did try to make the post enjoyable to read and I am very sorry that you could not see the good in what I did. Spock said in one of the Star Trek movies the famous line, "The Cause of the Many outweights the Cause of the Few". Wise words from a logical "person". This fish was KILLING many, so I put him down. It's not like I killed a baby or something, it's just a fish. When is the last time you ate meat?
But then again, I guess I did say something like, "Bring on the hate mail" *crazysmil
PS: None of my friends have FW aquariums either


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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The last time I ate meat was about 20 years ago. And the fish wasn't killing many when you had him alone. you're the one who decided to add the molly- I would re evaluate the logic here and ask your good buddy spock who was responsible for the molly's end.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
OMG, you ate meat, you killer!

Since you brought it up, I'll pounce.

Isn't it just like the bleeding heart liberal to be more concerned about the rights of the murderer than the rights of the populace? My QT is for QT-ing, not for solitary confinement.

IT WAS A FREAKIN' FISH FOLKS. If I grind him up in my cuisinart and feed him to the fish will that be okay?...

OK, I've had enough hate mail now.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
life is 5% what happens to you and 95% how you react to it, so any reaction I receive is 95% external to me, but anyways...

I posted this to let folks know that it's ok to euthanize a fish that is causing them problems. Sure we all "love" our fish, but we need to remember that they are fish, not humans. We kill plants to eat, but we think nothing of it. Is killing a plant less wrong than killing a fish. Neither are human? Plants can sense light and move towards it. Fish see food and swim towards it.

If I had a sick fish I'd probably euthanize it to prevent the spread of disease. In the wild, a sick fish would get eaten up, so I am mimicing the effect of survival of the fittest by doing that. I guess it would be better to let my fittest fish to kill all the others since that is what he would do in nature, huh?


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
I usually respect agressive fish because they are so innocently selfish and I would rather forgive them. I was lucky to get rid of one of my sharks only because my friend did not have any. If she did and was unaware of the shark's vicious ways how I could give it to her? To ruin her tank?
I think the owner can dispose of their fish as they like if it painless and quick (I oppose torture!!!)
So, good riddance honey! :eek:


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
ashleigh said:
then why keep them? and why post something like this just to get the reaction that you did?
Sory ashleigh, I forgot to answer your question in all of that:
I keep fish because I think they are an attractive addition to a room, and because my wife is allergic to cat and dog dander. I wanted a rottweiler, but I ended up with an aquarium. I also enjoy creating a peaceful environmentally friendly glass box for my fish to call home. If I was really that worried about the "lives" of the fish, then I would refuse to buy fish from retailers as buying them only propogates the harvesting of fish from their natural environments. Every time we buy a fish we tell them to catch more, and split up more Nemos from their parents.

I exercise my dominion, kinda' like people do when they get on a horse and make them carry them around........... (Broken spirit?)


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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Odd set of arguements you've got going there. To address your question in your second to last post- no, not exactly. As you have pointed out several times yourself, an aquarium is not nature, it is a glass box. That is why planning and assuring species compatability is important. I don't agree with euthanizing a fish as a first resort to dealing with compatability problems any more than I would agree that it is okay to put your dog to sleep because you can't get it to stop barking. That's just laziness and bad stewardship. You can call me a bleeding heart and make anthropomorphic nemo analogies all you would like but I don't think my opinion is any less valid than yours here.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005

Go ahead, make my day

Seriously though Ashleigh, what would you do if Rex Killed Fido, Spot, Max, and Benji? Return him to the pet store so some innocent kid would buy him? Would you keep Rex, but put him in a special part of the back yard away from the other 60 dogs you have?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Alrighty...agree to disagree here guys. By saying "bring on the hate mail" you KNEW there would be people who disagreed with your methods right? Ashleigh was expressing that she disagrees...valid as any other person. So lets move on.

I have to admit your post made me laugh so hard I almost choked on this chicken strip I was eating for lunch. Of course I would never advocate killing a fish as a first reaction...but my parents always tell me stories about this one gourami they had that was just MEAN they tried different things with it and finally one day my mom got so mad at him that she netted him and flushed his butt down the toilet. Not quite as "acceptable" as putting him in the freezer...but hey. They are fish and its necessary to point out that they are our pets just like a dog or a cat. If my dog ate another dog...or in some states if they even drew blood from another thing (whether it be a cat or a person) the dog would have to be put down. In some cases this could be drawing paralells from that. If a dog is considered "dangerous or vicious" it is a bad thing to have as a pet, and usually illegal. Are fish that different? Obviously most fish aren't going to kill their owner...but if you needed some kind of justification...there ya go.

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