Honey Gourami Sentenced to Death by Freezer!

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Apr 18, 2004
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i just want to ask a simle question, just to get some ideas as to what other think would be the proper way to take of my situation. ok over 1 1/2 yrs ago i got a siberian husky free off of a lady that could no longer take care of him. he was 2 when i got him, after talking to the lady i found out he had not lived the best life( pinned up in a kennel, no attention other than feedings and watering), for 2 yrs he lived this way. i brought him home to my old house and had a wonderful 2 weeks with him when one afternoon he got 1 of my cats. now he has never been around cats before so i expected it. i punished him for it. 3 weeks went by and he got anouther one. i tryed to get him to except cats around him with no luck. he would wait till one cat had its back turned and lung. i was sitting there so id stop him. ok before we moved to the house we are at now he got 4 of our cats all together. i knew then he did not like cats. well the house we moved to has a full fenced in yard which hadnt been lived in, in over a year. the neighbor to the south has 30 some cats outside. they got used to the open free running yard. well they soon found Dakota in the yard. with in the first 4 months of liveing in this house he nabbed 8 cats. well its been over a year and no cats have climbed the fence. well guess what the neighbor lady still has a few stupid cats. they sit on the top of the fence. and he knocks them off or they climb over when hes not looking. i wont give details but i have tryed every little thing thats human and discusting to get him to stop killing cats, with no availe. alas anouther cat got killed 1 week ago. i was polite and remove the carcas and proceeded to tell the nieghbor what had happened. she walked over to my yard and i gave her the cat at witch point she says to my face "if he kills anouther one of my cats ill kill your dog" Ok I SNAPPED i BI$%^ED her out and she did the same to me. now what do you think the dog pound/catcher had to say? LOL its her fault for haveing cats running loose. as i said i have a fully fenced in yard, she trys to make it sound as if he jumps out, grabs a cat and takes it back into the fence. there is a leash law stating dogs have to be on leash but nothing of cats not even a total amount limit. i dont care but i am not at fault, because my dog dont like animals and it is not the dogs fault either, 1 its huskys nature to hunt and be a predetor, 2 why should i punish him any more for doing nothing wrong, and why should i pit him down if hes doing what comes natural. just like the fish its in its nature to do that but its your decition to add other fish or to move him to anouther tank. im not saying its wrong, i might have done the same thing. i try to keep in mind what other animals i have in the tanks that will be compatable with the new fish and witch ones will not. i raise apple snails and have way to much invested in them to buy a fish that will use them as a main course. but thats just my oppinion. Sorry for the long read but id like to get some of your oppinions about the cat VS dog in a fence deal.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Wow that sucks...but you're totally right about it being the neighbor's fault for letting their cats run free. I live in an area where zoning only allows 3 domesticated pets (cats and dogs combined, think it also includes pot belly pigs haha) so personally I would call in a tip to the zoning commission and they'd have to respond and check the lady out. If you've had animal control out to the location before, then the lady should know well what her rights are and you should know what your rights are legally. If the cat is trespassing in your yard (its pretty stupid) but your neighbor knows that your dog eats cats.

Personally, I have an adopted dog who was almost 2 when I got him and he loves to chase things, but wouldn't hurt them unless they were after me (he's very protective) He wasn't socialized well as a puppy. He's admittedly doing much better after being around people and other dogs and animals for the past couple of years, but when I first got him I was scared of him and more scared of things like you are describing, only with people. SO I made sure to know what my rights are legally with pets in my area and my state.

Sorry for helping to hijack this already totally friendly thread :D We can split it if you'd like Delta.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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Seriously, 30 cats? yikes. but I think you are right, your dog is in his yard. If the woman was truly concerned about her cats she would keep them out of your killer dog yard. It's not your job to mind her pets (or babies as she may call them) on your property. It sucks, I bet it's no fun for you to deal with this, and I would say if you are really worried about this behavior you could consult with a trainer of some sort. But legally I don't think there is much she can say. I might get yelled at for this but I don't believe in letting cats roam outdoors unsupervised. For all intents and purposes they are an artificially introduced, non native species screwing up the ecosystem. I think it was the Audobon society that released some stats a few years ago on what they do to the native songbird population and it was pretty staggering. Letting any other non- native pet loose is illegal. You might throw the bird thing at her if she gets testy with you again. Domestic cats were introduced to the US in like the 1700s.

Mar 8, 2005
delta I understand about the dog thing. In Mexico dog is also a delacacy (haven't tried it but was offered several times while I was down there). I was refering to being in america and saying that. And I never said which of you were pro-life and pro choice. Not that it makes a huge difference, but nothing wrong w/ being either.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
WOW. we're really, Really, and I mean REALLY a group of fish lovers on this forum. I really thought that they eating-dog comment I made would have elicited more of a response tan the fish execution. I AM GLAD it did not. I am glad most of all that so many of you have enjoyed reading this thread. It really lightens up the day after all the threads about cycling, phosphate deficiency, and all the other mundane topics we have to go through to enjoy the end result, our beloved fish. Yes, I said it, "beloved". I really do love my fish, in a non-attached sort of way, if that makes any sense to you all. You may remember, I am the one who started a thread a few weeks back about "Eating Aquarium Fish Sushi Style", pertaining to my rough-housing RedTail Shark. I am a firm believer that one should NEVER own a pet that they are not willing to eat someday. I have no idea where I picked up that little nugget of, uh, wisdom, but it has stuck with me ever sense. For example, last night I had a dream that I was in a room with a dozen or so very large spiders and I was killing them. Now I would NEVER want to eat a spider, so I'd never have one as a pet. I think pets should look nice, appealing, maybe even tasty dare I say. So I look at my fish like little herds of chickens and pigs, wondering whether they would go better with soy sauce or barbecue sauce. Sure, they're small bite size members of the herd, but so are kumquats, and grapes for that matter. And oh, don't any of us have FW clams in our tanks? I do, thanks to MrParker. So viewing them all as potential snacks makes it easier to euthanize them I guess. So call me Loco. I can't wait til I post the pics and video of the RTS Sushi meal. It's gonna' happen in the next 2 months, because I may be moving out of SE PA and I have a friend here who I owe it to as a Saturday evening treat.

Bring on the love,


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
As much as I love my discus, they look really tasty looking, with their discus body shape and all. One thing that would stop me from eating him, other than the sheer cost of an adult discus and how much I love the fish, is I'd be worried about possible past treatment with malachite green and other toxic substances.

Ok, I'm curious... how will you prepare the RTS for consumption? A little scalpel to clean it? Some sushi is cooked, like crabmeat and stuff, don't know about fish... will you braise it a little?

My uncle had a rainbow shark that was the scourge of the tank, and we'd always joke about eating it if it was only a little bigger. Instead he ejected it into a coldwater stream, which ran straight into Pensacola Bay... lol.... ah, the innocence of the early nineties...


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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But that's not wisdom, it's just your opinion. I know you intended much of this to add humor to the board but I thought (and this may be just me) that there was a lot of condescent in your posts. That was what I didn't appreciate- you often seem to be attempting to instruct rather than just share.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I like to share my thoughts even when they're not wanted I guess. Sorry if I came across strongly, but as most people, I feel strongly about things. I had someone PM me about this thread and they noted how funny it all was and when I replied I told the person that I like to see people passionate about things because so often in life we float through not taking sides on issues. I guess we can all learn that death is a hot topic, to be either avoided, or embraced. I prefer to embrace it, the topic that is, not death itself.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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It's not a matter of your thoughts not being wanted at all. What I meant was that I think every once in a while you tend to belittle a bit people when they disagree. Like saying people are too attached to their pets or calling me a bleeding heart when I disagreed with you earlier. Being passionate about something is fine, but I don't think it should cross a line and become disrespect of others. I was not offended by your dog consumption becasue different cultures eat different things and so what? We (well, not me) eat cows,Peruvians eat guinea pigs, Europeand eat horse, some Asians eat dog. Big deal- it's all about to what animals people have access and cultural selection. I wouldn't berate a Korean for eating a dog any more than I would a Hindu for not eating a cow. People have different values. I don't see the inherent harm in not imagining how my dog woudl stack up as a meal.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Orion said:
So will you be having a side of Co2 slurry to go with that sushi?
You've caught the vision Orion!

Actually "CO2 slurry" really conveys the WRONG thought. My buddy is distilling** gin, rum, vodka, and whiskey using my old CO2 slurries. He's really exceptional at it, and as soon as he buys a hydrometer, we're gonna' calculate what the proof is, because it's stronger than the stuff you can go pay for.

Sushi and Saki, homegrown style. That's the vision man.

I by no means meant to belittle anyone. I guess it is because I am so thick skinned that I forget how words affect other people. I'll try to temper my typing from here on for you all. Please don't hate me; I'm not an axe-murderer or anything, well at least not with humans, haha. I just honestly think that we anthropomorphize our pets a bit too much here, to use your own word. (been looking for an oppt to use that one for a while). I think. Think is the operative word, IMHO, with an emphasis on the H there.

** Disclaimer: I do not endorse the distillation of alcohol. WHile the fermentation of alcohol as well as the possession of distillation equipment is not illegal, the process of distillation is strictly forbidden by US law.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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Not a hate thing at all. I work part time as a (very crappy) writer, so I tend to pay almost neurotic attention to people's usage and linguistic mannerisms, add to that I studied Anthropology and it all equals nitpicky freak. So going back to an earlier post, why do you think that- I know you said you don't know whan you formed this idea but you must have some idea.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Well, first of all here in the US we sleep with our pets in the bed with us. In most other countries of the world the dogs stay outside, let alone actually be in bed with us. I love dogs, even let them lick on me a bit if I like them, but i just couldn't bring myself to let my dog crawl up into bed with me. Here we pay thousands of dollars to give our little mammalian buddies surgeries for everything from glaucoma to cancer to hip replacement surgery. This is ludicrous! I love dogs, let me say that again, both as a pet and as a meal, but I think it is a horrible thing when we have health benefits for animals and there are people (HUMANS) that die because they can't get a surgery or treatment. It's just another societal imbalance that our level of luxury in the US allows. My wife says I think about things too much, maybe she's right.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I guess I didn't really answer your question there, did I?
Well, I guess I need to put my words into action, and eat the healthy, but frozen gourami. Maybe that will appease everyone concerned, then his death would be for food, and nobody has raised concern about eating various foods.

Does anybody have any gourami recipe? I'm thinking it might be like a real small flounder. *GOLDFISH*

Sometimes I wonder how we ended up here....


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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I see what you are saying- but at the same time I guess I don't see that providing good health care for pets is detracting from human health care. It is disgusting to me that my dog gets better care than a lot of kids in this country but changing how I care for my dog doesn't affect that in any way, that's a government issue. I totally agree with you that the way we treat our pets directly correlates to US wealth, but I don't think that is absolutely tied to the way that we value our pets. And I don't see that people who value pets value humans any less. A lot of cultures through history have placed value on the well being of their animals- opulent lifestyles or not.

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