Honey Gourami Sentenced to Death by Freezer!

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Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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That wasn't meant to be snide- tiny knives could be a whole new market for LFSs- especially chains who dispense bad advise on compatability. It would cut down on returns, let employees be more productive. The implications are HUGE!


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003

Has anyone seen that show on Nation Geographic the Dog Whisperer? I caught it on last night and watched parts of a few shows and wow. I had heard of it before, but I was thinking that it was along the lines and the 'pet psycics' and what not. Far from it. Instead of focusing souly on the dog in question for training, he also retrained the human masters. One comment that stuck out for me was 'They do not think that they are little humans, YOU think they are little humans.' My wife is HORIBLE for doing that. GooGoo nosies, and treating him like a baby is going to make him act like a baby. I try to tell, her, Honey, its a dog, treat it like one.

And she wonders why the dog does not listen to her ...

Im with Delta, I love my dog, but hey if it came down to it, I would eat him. If it was between him or me, well....we didn't become the dominate species on the planet by playing nice with nature.

Delta- I never heard that distillation was illegal. I thought that it was ok as long as it was for personal use. Meening you were making small amounts, not enought to package and resell. Mabey thats just with beer.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Orion said:
Im with Delta, I love my dog, but hey if it came down to it, I would eat him. If it was between him or me, well....we didn't become the dominate species on the planet by playing nice with nature.

Delta- I never heard that distillation was illegal. I thought that it was ok as long as it was for personal use. Meening you were making small amounts, not enought to package and resell. Mabey thats just with beer.
You may be right about the distillation thing. When I introduced my friend to fermentation we looked online about how to do it and found some references about it being illegal, but we never actually looked at the US Code on it. It did seem really odd that owning a distillation setup was legal but using it was not...


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
You may want to check with your local, then state laws before going all the way up to federal law. I belive that localy will be your best shot for finding something out.

I say this because this past election our town voted to sell by the drink for the first time in over 50 years. So if a city can make this into a law, I would think that they (or the county) could determine the private production of it as well.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
ashleigh said:
That wasn't meant to be snide- tiny knives could be a whole new market for LFSs- especially chains who dispense bad advise on compatability. It would cut down on returns, let employees be more productive. The implications are HUGE!
Yeah, got'em. My wife was a chef for several years so that's no problem. I'm not sure MFT users and viewers have the stomach to watch it happen, so I'm honestly not sure how much detail I should give when I post that event.

I like the level of humor we have all risen to.

Mar 8, 2005
The distillation for most states/counties is illegal. Though that doesn't stop all of us. ;) lol. There may be a few areas that it may be legal but from what I've researched and found most are illegal. Beer may be an exception but I know hard liquor (corn wiskey) is illegal. But check and let me know so I can move there if it's legal. *celebrate


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Yeah from what I understand as well, fermentation is perfectly legal (beer and wine is fermented), but distilling (liquor like gin, rum, etc) is ilegal. I think this may be a throwback from prohibition days.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Hmm, could be I was getting the two mixed up.

Of course, when has the legality of something stoped someone before? You want fresh shine? No problem. $10 and I can have a quart in less than an hour. :D (good and smooth too)


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Just read thru this thread and I must admit, I'm a bit astounded. Isn't this a fish care forum? This thread is out of control IMO. Eating dogs, eating aquarium fish, killing aquarium fish, dogs killing cats...come on. I really try to be a good member of this forum and not get into pi$$ing matches with anyone but I truly find this thread distasteful and offensive. (And if you knew me you would know I am a pretty easy going person) but I don't see the point of this. This isn't an informative thread and I don't see any value in it? It just leads to heated emotions on one's value of their pets and what is the point of this on an animal/pet care forum?? There must be forums for this kind of discussion somewhere else on this vast internet but I can't see how it belongs here. This is one of the only threads on this site that I shake my head at and think...why even start a discussion about it???? If you are a member here and posting here, then you must be a pet lover, so why talk about these distasteful and macabre issues?

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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my grandpa used to make plum brandy, or maybe vodka (not sure, before my time) in his basement, but since he just added the plums to the alcohol and let it ferment it was not illegal...and apparently it was pretty good, according to my father, gotta find that recipe somewhere, being 21 and in college it only seems fit to carry on the family tradition.

Mar 7, 2005
Westchester Il.
You go right on David!
Your right,its just a fish. To be honest with you im halfway looking foward to the time when its time to euthanise my arowana and have a fish fry!(did I mention Im a cook?),and I do oppose unnecessarily hurting any animal,but I do enjoy flesh ! Im a carnivore!


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
So Cal
lol ok i stopped reading after post 25. 1 because i have a hard time agreeing with people that feel bad for their fish. 2. because i froze 3 of my guppies that had some sort of disease i didnt feel like curing (probably because the guppies were only $1.39 and it would cost more to try to heal them than it would to buy more PLUS i had 10 of their fry i saved) Point being, we are humans, we dominate this planet, as long as we are not ABUSING it....its no big dea. if a fish is a killer, and clearly mr. no delta had tried SEVERAL ways of fixing the problem...switching from tank to tank...and there was no better solution.

Mr Parker

ps. freezing is the best way to go, easy painless, and saves it for the next fish scampi. haha
One day, NoDelta and myself are going to have a fish fry...raise a big aquarium of colorful meaty fish....and fry em fresh outta the aquarium. HAHA yesss

ok just read the posts above kinda...
The thread where we fry up our fish will be called MFTF (My Fish Tank Filet) haha


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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Ashleigh: It is disgusting to me that my dog gets better care than a lot of kids in this country but changing how I care for my dog doesn't affect that in any way, that's a government issue.

Through all the heated emotions (pro-lifers), I see the major jest of the conversation, pets are not human; they are here for a reason, and it is not to sleep with us (yuck). With the exception of the Egyptians, who had major grandiose issues anyway, ‘pets’ began for very functional meanings, and MANY still feel this way (after all, it is the most logical). If someone honestly feels guilty that they spend too much money on their dogs health care and the neighbors can’t afford to bring there toddler in for a well check, then skip the dogs annual and send the kid!!! As of when is it our government’s responsibility to GIVE us FREE healthcare? Dogs wouldn’t need hip replacements if they didn’t have to get in and out of cars, climb stairs etc anyway.

Delta, don’t temper your typing. Why bother being a member of a “group” if you can’t even be yourself? I didn’t see any personal one-sided slams here…I think the first was the troll statement BTW, so please, it is nice seeing a little thick-skinned honesty and humor. I respect the loving gesture you meant to send your wife. Maybe if we all had someone that caring in our lives, then we wouldn’t need to think of our pets as our significant others…lol. Even if he is a cube, I am sure she recognized the sentiment (knowing you better than we do of course).

You know, he is kinda small for a meal, what about an appetizer drizzled with orange Béarnaise sauce?

You guys are like family, bickering one minute and giggling the next....


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
One day, NoDelta and myself are going to have a fish fry...raise a big aquarium of colorful meaty fish....and fry em fresh outta the aquarium. HAHA yesss call me sick, but ashamed i shall never be.
That is very very sad...and you are in the wrong forum IMhumbleO
This is becoming a very un-favorite forum for me with comments and posts like this.....


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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I never said I feel badly for my fish, I feel an obligation to care for them as a responsability I have undertaken. I get that not every one feels that way and that if they want to handle fish problems with euthanasia I can't do anything to stop that, but that doesn't mean I find it an acceptable recourse in most situations.
Edit- actually new person, the insults started with delta.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
So Cal
ok just read some more hahaha

Agreed that this thread is not informative and has no value to the members that are looking for information on fishcare. This thread should probably be moved to the Lounge...then that solves that problem


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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I am sorry, I didn’t realize that being called a bleeding heart was an insult, but I guess that it could be. I figured that you would have taken that as a compliment from the feelings that you are sharing here.

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