Honey Gourami Sentenced to Death by Freezer!

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Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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I would not let my dog get to the point where it was a problem. Very, very few dogs are born viscious, problem dogs are created by bad owners. So that analogy is pretty faulty. If a dog is killing other dogs or a threat to people, 99.9 out of 100 times it's the owner's fault exclusively. If it gets to that point then sure it should be put down. But that really has little to do with this conversation. Just answering your question.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
:D FYI, David, Captain Ahab saught revenge against an aquatic creature too... and look how he turned out in the end. :) Granted, a gourami isn't quite the white whale, but with enough supply of mollies and dwarf gouramis and a big enough tank, who knows... *SUPERSMIL

On a non-joking note, I had to put down a gourami once too. It was a powder blue dwarf gourami that was meant for my planted tank, but in the course of two days the beautiful little guy ate up my whorly rotala and fluviatis for his bubble nest. I moved him to my 55 gallon, and then I noticed an ich outbreak in ten gallon... Also, in the period of only two or three hours, the gourami had all but shredded my angelfish's dorsal fin. I did not have a Q-tank, it was past closing hours at the LFS, and the gourami was most likely carrying ich, as well as IP due to stringy feces, which I had just cured in my 55 gallon. I made an executive decision and froze him. When I took him out, he was still alive and staring right up at me. Put him back in for an hour, then felt bad for the rest of the night... but it was a decision I made for the good of a) my plant community b) and my angel and the health of my 55 gallon inhabitants.

Powder blues are supposed to be plant safe, but I had no way of knowing they ate feathery plants until after the fact and I posted some questions here in the gourami section.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I'm going to address the dog analogy too. If you bring a dog into a situation where he doesn't fit, it is really your own fault for not checking out the dog first. You should never have allowed Rex to play with Fido and the rest if you didn't watch them a little first to see if they would get along. It is the responsibility of the owner not to put their dog into the situation where it will get into that kind of trouble. If someone else bought you Rex because he was just so darn cute, and you knew or suspected he wouldn't get along with your other dogs, then you tell them "no thanks, please take him back and ask before you get me another dog." This is exactly the same as with fish... it is the owner's responsibility to prevent any compatibility issues (not deal with them once they've already happened.

The honey wouldn't have been a problem if you thought before you threw him in with other, smaller gouramis (Gouramis are related to BETTAS, people). He probably would have been fine in the big tank, once the other gouramis were gone. Regardless, killing him doesn't bring back the molly or the other gouramis. And if the QT tank is for QTing, then what was the molly for?! And if you just got the molly, how do you know it didn't just die because it started sick? You obviously couldn't have QTed it first.

I see no reason not to take the fish back to the store rather than killing it. Someone else could put him in a perfectly acceptable home. Same with Rex... he'd probably do fine in a single-dog home.

And at the risk of sounding hypocritical, I see no problem with what lordroad did. He likely saved the angel's life by removing the gourami, and he had nowhere else to put it, and it was likely spreading disease. Your fish was healthy and not causing any problems when you decided to kill it, and you could have just as easily taken him back with no risk to your other fish if you had to wait.


Medium Fish
Feb 23, 2005
San Francisco, California
(Gouramis are related to BETTAS, people). He probably would have been fine in the big tank, once the other gouramis were gone. Regardless, killing him doesn't bring back the molly or the other gouramis. And if the QT tank is for QTing, then what was the molly for?! And if you just got the molly, how do you know it didn't just die because it started sick? You obviously couldn't have QTed it first.
I agree with Capslock. *thumbsup2


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
If someone else bought you Rex because he was just so darn cute, and you knew or suspected he wouldn't get along with your other dogs, then you tell them "no thanks, please take him back and ask before you get me another dog." This is exactly the same as with fish... it is the owner's responsibility to prevent any compatibility issues (not deal with them once they've already happened.
when your wife who isn't into fish buys you a fish as a present, sometimes it is BEST to say "Thank you dear, what a nice thought", and toss him in the tank hoping for the best. I value my marriage more than I value my fish. I've returned incompatible fish she has bought for me before and to see the look of failure on her face is NOT something I like to see.
He probably would have been fine in the big tank, once the other gouramis were gone.
I wasn't willing to wait for him to kill all my other gouramis...Not sure I see your point here.
Regardless, killing him doesn't bring back the molly or the other gouramis. And if the QT tank is for QTing, then what was the molly for?! And if you just got the molly, how do you know it didn't just die because it started sick? You obviously couldn't have QTed it first.
The mollies eat the algae that I have going in two of my tanks, he was a healthy specimen on clean up detail, but instead he got his clock cleaned! His fins were torn to shreds, so it's kinda' obvious how the mollie died. The molly died a tortuous death at the hands, er, uh, lips of the KILLER GOURAMI that all of you are defending.
I see no reason not to take the fish back to the store rather than killing it. Someone else could put him in a perfectly acceptable home. Same with Rex... he'd probably do fine in a single-dog home.
Gas costs $2.25 a gallon nowadays! Sure I get 37mpg in my Tercel, but still...
And at the risk of sounding hypocritical, I see no problem with what lordroad did. He likely saved the angel's life by removing the gourami, and he had nowhere else to put it, and it was likely spreading disease. Your fish was healthy and not causing any problems when you decided to kill it, and you could have just as easily taken him back with no risk to your other fish if you had to wait.
he was "not causing any problems"?...He just killed the 4th fish of mine.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I just can't see how you can say its ok that lordroad did that, but its wrong when NoDelta does it Capslock. Sounds like 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.

I had a RTBS. I had him for a couple of years. He decided that as he got older, he liked his tankmates less and less to the point he just about cleaned out my tank. The straw was when he killed the vale-tale angel I had who was almost the size of my hands. Not to mention the 8 hatchet's, 4 corys, 4 kribs, 6 rams and others that have sence been forgoten. (The kribs and rams were not in the tank at the same time for those of you counting. ;))

I kept the rouge fish in a 5 gallon planted for a few months all the while asking every week if the LFS will take it. She wouldn't because of its nasty disposition, so I was left with no other option. The shark barely would leave the clay pot that was in there with it even to eat. So I did the same as NoDelta and froze the guy. I didn't want too, but the way I saw it, it was better that the life it was living.

So I see nothing wrong with what he did. Just because he put a comical spin on it does not meen that it was done out of spite or hatred for the fish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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Okay so help me out on this one
return wife's present = bad.
KILL wife's present = all is well.
I think you're just flat out resisting any logic to fool with people at this point. I mean gas prices? that counted into you reasoning?

Mar 8, 2005
I bet (not naming anyone) but one of you is pro-life and one is prochoice (between ash and delta). This is what it is. A choice unfortunately (just like w/ an unborn child). If a person feels they need to dispose of a fish then they have that right. No I personally don't agree w/ it but this was delta's choice and to him this was the best one, that's his right as the fish owner. But can we please quit the teenage bickering? You have both posted on this website enough to know that no one ever wins when you arguee on a forum.

Mar 8, 2005
And delta, FYI i wouldn't go around telling peole you killed (if you ever do) your dog b/c it killed another dog. People get arrested for that and have huge fines imposed upon them. It is much cheaper to pay the $2.25 for a gallon of gas and take it to the animal shelter and let them deal w/ it. If they put it down then they have the legal ability to do so, that's a choice you don't have, unless you like carring a bar of soap around on a string? :eek:


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2005
I understand why you euthanised the honey gourami, but I'm not sure I agree with your 'prison tank'. Synodontis euruptus need a bigger tank than that, I don't think it's fair to punish the fish for growing too big when you knew when you bought him that he'd outgrow the tank for which he was intended.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Now we can argue about the synodontis in the prison tank. YIPPEE!!!!


About my wife, she would have been heart broken had I returned her loving gift when she brought him home several months back, but since then she has witnessed his murderous ways and has lost all attachment to him by now. Watching our dwarf gouramis float to the surface dead one after another after raising them from fry fresh out of their bubble nest was heartbreaking.

I support limited abortion (rape and incest only) only because this is a very imperfect world we live in, but i really didn't think it would come to this. I value life HIGHLY, but only HUMAN LIFE. Like I said, I exercise my dominion. I really thought after my "bleeding heart liberal" comment you would have pegged me as a neo-con on the pro-life side of the coin. I am neither left nor right as this is an illusion pulled over our eyes. I shouldn't even be telling you all where I stand on things like that, but alas, we did digress in this thread didn't we.

It's amazing how people come out of the woodwork when a thread as FUNNY as this one lands.
And again, "I'm no troll."


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Ashleigh, I am sorry that I called you a bleeding heart liberal. Will you please forgive me so we can all play nice again?

And on a completely different nore, CulinaryArtCook, I tell people that I ate dog when I was in China in language school, so I wouldn't at all be worried about telling them that I put one down. We get too attached to our pets here. In Asia, dogs are food like beef and lamb. You gotta kill a dog before you can eat it. I took the red pill. My mind is freed.

Considering how many of you were up in arms about me killing a fish, I can only imagine what you'll say when hear about my dog soup experience.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
the meat looked like turkey leg, dark, and long and stringy. The soup was so spicy that I could not really distinguish the taste of the meat. We had to go to a Korean restaraunt to get it because the Chinese don't really eat dog, the Koreans do. Did it twice, just to say I did it.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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no hard feelings. you want to hear something really weird? I am less offended by your dog soup than your fish cube. As for mabeling this an arguement Culinaryartcook- it's just a discussion, don't worry. People post these things to be discussed- and not to start anything new, but this was clearly posted to start a conversation. .Sometimes decently productive things come out of threads that can be construed as arguements. And just for the record, I totally disagree about people being too attached to their pets, that's just a random cultural judgement. As long as everybody's civil, no big deal. And you are way, WAY off on your political guess, but I can see where you could get that. ;)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
NoDeltaH2O said:
when your wife who isn't into fish buys you a fish as a present, sometimes it is BEST to say "Thank you dear, what a nice thought", and toss him in the tank hoping for the best. I value my marriage more than I value my fish. I've returned incompatible fish she has bought for me before and to see the look of failure on her face is NOT something I like to see.
As someone else also pointed out, killing a present is better than returning it? If you've had to return incompatible presents before, she should get the hint.

NoDeltaH2O said:
I wasn't willing to wait for him to kill all my other gouramis...Not sure I see your point here.
See, this is because I didn't know you had more gouramis. Why would you wait for it to go through 4, in this case?

NoDeltaH2O said:
The mollies eat the algae that I have going in two of my tanks, he was a healthy specimen on clean up detail, but instead he got his clock cleaned! His fins were torn to shreds, so it's kinda' obvious how the mollie died. The molly died a tortuous death at the hands, er, uh, lips of the KILLER GOURAMI that all of you are defending.
Also, not informed about this. You should be watching fish if you put them in with others that you KNOW to have caused problems in the past.

NoDeltaH2O said:
he was "not causing any problems"?...He just killed the 4th fish of mine.
Well, when he was in the QT tank, he wasn't causing problems. With the molly gone, what more harm was he CURRENTLY doing?

The difference between this and what lordroad did is that lordroad's fish was likely unhealthy, and there was no where else to put him without him continuing to cause problems. Delta's fish was healthy and was doing just fine in the QT tank by himself.


Medium Fish
Mar 30, 2005
I just want to say that I loved reading through all of the posts on this thread. It made my day! Thank-you, NoDeltaH20 for starting it. *laughingc

Just for the record, I agree with the choice to euthanize in this case - and I am very much pro-life. It is a much better choice than flushing it - which is what many beginning fish keepers would be tempted to do - especially if they get the impression that euthanizing is not a popular option.

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