Katie217 said:
Eventually they will go into my 10gal. Or the 20...IDK yet.
Depends on what your future plans for fry-rearing are, I suppose, eh?
Katie217 said:
Shes not shakin round him yet, I think they are just getting to know eachother
It's good that you've got them in a larger tank to start out with so that they'll each have their own space while they size each other up. That way you won't be nearly as likely to have as much trouble (if any) on your hands when it comes time to move them into a smaller setup together.
If I recall correctly, my female basically started swimming near the male and doing the wiggling thing within the first 3 days. He would then follow her around a bit, and they'd hang out and scavenge together, like a couple.
As you know, the darkening reddish/purplish belly on the female is typically a sure sign that she's ready to spawn. Another sign is when she starts hanging out in a cave, just barely poking her head out for the male to see her.
This is an open invitation for him to get in there with her and...well...you know...
Can't wait to see the pics---they'll turn out great, I'm sure!
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