Krib Tank (Planted 10 gal.)

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
VirgoWolf...yes, I'll be raising the 5 remaining fry.

Fuzz16 said:
and in your experiance are they very thinking about getting acouple for my 55g
Put it this way, they were fine in my 38 gallon tank with 6 small angels, a dozen or so tetras, and a clown pleco. BUT, when their first batch of fry was free-swimming, they began terrorizing every other fish in the tank!

At first they'd just keep them at bay, but then they even began attacking the others until they were all huddled-up in one or two corners of the tank at the surface of the water. Oh...and you should've seen how they tormented the clown pleco---relentlessly! That's right about when I said enough's enough and removed them to their own tank.

Let's just say that it would definitely be a gamble for you once the first batch of fry start swimming.