Goodnight, Helena. lol
Just to confirm...I definitely have a male and a female, right?
The male has some orange flecks on his belly that are similar to the ones on the female, but his finnage and body shape appears to be distinctly male.
I'm hoping they'll pair-up and live in relative harmony.
They were housed with 3 other convicts at the LFS. Two were albinos, and one was a slightly larger male 'regular' (zebra) convict like the ones I bought. It's weird, because even though he was larger, he seemed to have duller coloration than the one I picked out.
Maybe my two had already paired-up in their tank at the LFS; thereby making the male I bought the 'dominant' male...even though he was smaller. Then again, the LFS guy said they were probably too young to be paired-off already. Hmm...somehow my theory doesn't sound quite right then.
Sorry...hope I'm not putting anyone to sleep here.
I'll post more pics as soon as they've settled into their new home.