Here's another one of my 'essays,' as Helena would call it.
Definitely worth reading though...I think I've set things up for success (as far as getting a pair goes) this time.
This is really getting crazy!
According to what you guys have been saying (and I do very much appreciate the input
), some males apparently have some 'female coloration' on their bellies, and some females apparently have 'male finnage,' and some males are plumper like females.
Here's what I did---maybe a tad overboard for a 10 gallon tank, but whatever...I'll do lots of water-changes until a pair forms---I bought 7 more convicts (I meant to get 6, but who cares at this point).
IF you think this is way too many (even temporarily) and a 'recipe for disaster,' let me know and I'll change strategies completely by returning these guys and getting an albino pair---ones that I am 'assured' are a true pair...just AS LONG AS I can be sure to get darker cons as a result of breeding them (I second-guessed my decision on passing these guys up the entire way home
First pic shows them lined up in 3 'columns'---from top to bottom...
1st column = female, male, male
2nd column = male, female
3rd column = female, male
YOU guys be the judge...check it out and let me know if I'm right this time!
Second pic shows the larger of the two females I bought yesterday swimming in front of the 7 new convicts (for size comparison purposes).
VirgoWolf said:
Now I want some cons! LOL At least that leaves my big guys with variety.... Would you like guppy or convict for supper, Oscar? Hehehe
I'll feed the convict fry and platy fry to my angels...unwanted adults (mostly platies) go to the crays. Of course I will keep a brood here and there from time to time, depending upon tank space---maybe I'll happen to raise some beauties to replace the parents with...
THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! (not yelling---just grateful to get this whole mess sorted out and get some more feedback