I've just about had it with this sexing of convicts crap.
One pink started chasing the bejesus out of the other one. Meanwhile, of the two regular cons, one female kept hidden to herself (despite receiving no aggression whatsoever from any of the others), and the other remained in the penalty box.
Returned the pinks today, kept the two regular females, and bought what I thought was a male. Now that I look at the pics, it looks like it might have some orange on its belly.
What luck I'm having...I can't possibly imagine that 99.9% of the convict population in the LPS's/LFS's are female.
Now that all 3 are together in the tank, the one that keeps to herself keeps keeping to herself, and the one from the penalty box chases the crap out of what I thought was the male......once again leaving me at a total loss.
Maybe it's time to throw in the towel.