the netting is very fine. The reason why the saulosi were able to eat them is because the fry were mostly laying on the floor because their egg sacks were too heavy for them to move about. When they did try to move the weight of them just made them go back to the bottom.
The saulosi didnt suck the whole bodies through the net, they just sucked the bottom of the net to get the egg sacks. There was only 2 bodies left in the net breeder, one was just a dead body with no egg sack and the other was still alive until the saulosi came and sucked his egg sack off.
The saulosi didnt suck the whole bodies through the net, they just sucked the bottom of the net to get the egg sacks. There was only 2 bodies left in the net breeder, one was just a dead body with no egg sack and the other was still alive until the saulosi came and sucked his egg sack off.