Well it's been a bit since I have updated, I had a small problem with 2 of my mushrooms melting away into a brown jelly, but I took care of that problem and all is well now in the tank.
I have added a few things into the tank including:
- Electric Blue Hermit Crab (Calcinus elegans)
- Branch Montipora (Montipora digitata) Frag for $5.00
- Pulsing Xenia, $10.00 frag already trippeled in size in 1 month
- Court Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi) had for about 1 1/2 months
I also fraged/propigated some of my corals succesfully including:
- Spotted mushroom
- Ricordea mushroom
- Candy cane
- Branched frogspawn
Some other good news is I noticed just last week that I now have a second Porcelain crab in my tank, he is a baby one about 1/2" in size. Must have hitched a ride on my LR back when I set up and I just never noticed him till now.
Well I will post some new pics of the tank as I had to do the teardown and rebuild it the other week.