New 20g w/15g sump & refug.... Picture time!!!

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Wow Salty Waters. That is one very nice tank.

Possibly, it is the best SW I've seen posted on this forum.

I don't know much, but is the tank a bit crowded with the corals? Its very colorful and you have many, but does it do any harm to have the corals so close to each other?

How many gallons is it again?

Edit: Never mind. Found the answer--20 G w/15 G sump

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
TheFighterFish said:
I don't know much, but is the tank a bit crowded with the corals? Its very colorful and you have many, but does it do any harm to have the corals so close to each other?
No I have plenty of room (actually I would like some more variety in the future) and I am running a Skimmer, as well carbon on my system. As long as you do your reaserch and match your corals properly and allow room for the one that need it (ie. my frogspawn for instance) so they do not sting the others around.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Thanks for all the great feedback everyone!

Small updates:

Electric blue hermit and Halloween hermits gone missing in action for a week and a bit now... one Halloween is okay that I put into my fuge.

The new clown "Nemo"... (NOT just jokin' I didn't name it that I'm still thinking of a suitable name for him, I will let you know when I come up with one) is doning great, eating and swimming all about in the new home.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Fun with the camera!

Well I picked up some Montipora frags (4 branches approx 1 1/2 -3" each) and as well a frag of Colt coral, I got them all for an amazing price "$0".

Here is a pick of one of the smaller Montipora and the Colt frags:

as well here are a few shots I thought were pretty cool:

And here is a cool shot of Scooter that I got to late to enter into the Bottom Dweller POTM Contest... oh well another time, another pic! Actually it turned out a little blurrier than I thought it was, but still a very cool shot!

As for my Ocellaris Clown I'm still thinking of a name...

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
aresgod said:
very nice pics salty, I assume your using a macro lens?
Ya I had it on the "macro" setting on my digital 5.0 camera. The pic of Scooter turned out blurrier as it was actually taken when just the Actinic lighting was on so the flash had to be used. Unfortunatly that is basically the only time he raises his fin regularly when the actinics are only on... guess it gets him in the mood:)

Last edited:
Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Well my girlfriend named my Clown "Maja" (the "j" is pronounced like the english "y")

I also went to the LFS yesterday and picked up a small (1 1/2") sandsifting star for my fug and 10 more blue leg hermits

As well I purchased replacement bulbs for my coralife on the display tank, they have been running about 10months.