New 46 Bowfront Reef


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Well after what seems like a year, I converted my 46 bowfront to a saltwater tank. This has literally taken all weekend. Getting 40+ gallons of RO water from the LFS is no picnic.
Here's what is used to look like...

And here it is now:

My 37gal tall sump:

Have to go to my parents tonight to pick up the macro my dad is holding for me.

The hole I put in my wall (sump is in a closet):

And the tank itself:

My fish, corals and smaller pieces of LR are in a 10gal for the time being until everything settles down. It's still a bit cloudy.

There are a few hermits in the display, 1 nassarius snail and my emerald crab who is impossible to remove from the LR. And 1 nassarius snail in the sump.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
JeLeAk said:
kinda off topic but, did you go a little overboard on your step down walls and accidentally add a 4th one?
No, that's how I wanted it ;) I wanted the water to flow in from the bottom and have 3 chambers.
I still have some things to do before it's complete (is it ever?). Need to mod my Aqua C Remora to sit in the sump rather then on back of the tank (that's the maxi-jet pump you see in the back of the tank). I could hide it with the black over flow box...but then I'd have 2 overflow boxes in the tank = yuck.
Then I'm going to do a closed loop system and get rid of those ugly powerheads.
And I need to mod the overflow box because it sucks water so fast it sounds like a toilet is flushing every second.
I'm not that confident in my plumbing abilities so I kept waking up every hour last night to check on it and make sure I wasn't flooding the house. So far so good *thumbsups

Thanks for the compliments everyone :D The tank should be cleared up more tonight so I'll take more pics.

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Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Mushroomman said:
Looking very nice lisa. Are you planning on any more rock? the rock looks amazing right now but it is kind of empty, maybe room for a couple of good pieces.
Thanks! I do have a couple more pieces of LR in the 10gal where the fish is - so I'll see how it looks when everything is in there and go from there.
I made a elbow from pvc for the overflow......but I think it's too tall so it isn't completely working yet. I'm almost used to the toilet noise by now. :rolleyes:

I'm slowly going to acclimate the corals to the new light...I already noticed a little white spot on one of the hairy mushrooms from the light shock. I think it'll be fine though. On another long do people run the lights on the fuge? I set it last night to be on from 10pm until 8am. Is that too long?
The closet looks like poltergiest with the light shining out of it.

I plan to do the display tank lights as follows:
10am actinics
11am full lights
10pm back to only actinics
11pm lights off (moon lights are on)

How does that sound?

Wasn't really home last night, so I'll try for pics tonight. Got cheato in the sump now :)