oh no!

Oct 19, 2006
i think my fish is going to die. :/ i cycled my tank today and the damn fish keeps getting out of the freaking container... this lil bugger keeps jumpin out! im mad at him/her... i think i should punish him.. but no because i think hes dying.. as i said before :p well anyways... i added them conditioner and salt and what not.... filter/bubbly thingy.. clean the gravel.. and tank... hrmmm.. im just wondering if i put to little or too much conditioner or salt.. he just floats there on top... hes still alive. the only time he moves if i drop some food... soo whats the verdict??

xtr1gunf00lx-First of wich find out what fish you own and/or get a camera and take pics so we can help identify them. Second, get a test kit ASAP. A test kit will become your best friend and can help us help you if something were to go wrong. Third, I found IME(In My Experience) that adding conditioner to my tank while fish were in there caused problems with their normal behaviours and some even died. IDK(I Dont Know) if it was from the conditioner or water parameters, but still it was odd that it happened after adding it. Fourth, what do you mean by "i cycled my tank today"? Cycling a tank usually takes at least a month IME.

EDIT: Do Not, and I repeat Do Not, trust conditioners that say they remove Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrates because they usually just remove harmful metals. Nothing can excuse you from doing your job as a fishkeeper to do regular wc's(Water Change(s)). Thats just pure laziness.

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
xtr1gunf00lx said:
and the damn fish keeps getting out of the freaking container... this lil bugger keeps jumpin out! im mad at him/her... i think i should punish him.. but no because i think hes dying..
What container are you talking about?

Please spend some time (more than 13 minutes) to really look through the profiles. You can also try FishProfiles.com - Complete Online Aquarium Resource for more images.

How long has your tank been set up? When did you add the fish?

By the way, if you constantly write "lol" at the end of your posts, and don't bother to think before you post, no one will take you seriously.