

Large Fish
Feb 10, 2003
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this is hudson a 2 year old cattle dog. she was in a cage to small for her in a pet store (9 months).it messed her up big time and they were going to put her down.it was a no brainer to bring her home.


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Large Fish
Feb 10, 2003
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fishlover i see you are from NJ. the pet store was in paramus park and it got shut down by the aspca.she was also beaten and sprayed with a hose through the cage to clean her.when we got her home it was 2 weeks befor anyone could even get close to her.hudson is small for bread and will not go near anyone she dose not know.steve

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Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Don't mind if a post a few more pics of Shadow (my dog) do you guys? :D

I like everyone's dog! They all look good.

Here he is....this is during our last ice storm and he got to come on the porch. :D He is a beast....pics don't show it but this dog is a HORSE....he is buffer than me.....and thats BUFF! :p

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Large Fish
Jul 18, 2003
SW Wisconsin
Very nice dogs everyone. I'll have to pull out a pic of our dog Fenn. Sort of a boarder collie crossed with don't know what. I like pound pups because there are too many of them and they can be great disposition-wise.

Fenn is short for Fenris who was the wolf dog of a Norse god in their mythology and he was so naughty they had to tie him up with magic thread. Fenn has become a very nice dog though.


Medium Fish
Feb 4, 2004
Lancaster, Pa
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Advice for a first time dog Parent:
First off......Don't think you should buy a pure bred. Often, Unless you know a GREAT deal about the breeders, you will find they are poorly bred. Most Pure breeds have some genetic health problems that show up much more rarley in mixed bred dogs.
If you decide to get a dog, Go to the local resuce shelters (PAWS the Human Society, ASPCA, ext.) Wear nice comfy old clothing, and play with all the dogs.....find one you can't go home without. Thats how you find a dog.
I prefer big dogs, because they aren't as easy to step on (You may think that little poodle fallowing you around is cute, but wait till you are washing dishes one day and you go to back up and accidently step on the little critter)
You want to do a lot of research into training. And when you get your dog home, start out treating it like a puppy. even if the previous owners or the shelter told you he was house broken, go through all the steps anyway, remeber, its a new area, so they need to know what YOUR rules are.

If you are going to get a pure breed, make sure you research them too, check out what diseases or disorders are comon in the breed, and consider if you can handle it if those things happen to your dog.
And Please, PLEASE don't take other peoples predjudices in to accoutn, Rottwielers, Dobermans and PittBulls are NOT vicious dogs...training is everything, and my Pitbull mix would never hurt a fly, and she is huge....85 lbs.

If you want a dog that is highly trainable, look for dogs in the working breeds. This is because they are bred for inteligence. A lot of the toy breeds, or other breeds are bred purly for looks, and the breeders never took brains into account.

Thats all I can think of now, good luck, and I hope you can get a dog when you are ready.

Mar 11, 2003
Actually, training isn't everything, bloodlines are. You can raise a dog like a queen, but if they have bad bloodlines they have the ability to be vicious. We had to put our pit bull pup to sleep because it was attacking us and that pups sister also had to be put to sleep. Nothing was wrong with how we raised them, or their training. They came from a pound and it is proven that bloodlines contribute to the temperment of dogs.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Tho I scout the pound for our dog - in reality we'll be going to a breeder. The thing with mix breeds is you never REALLY know what you're going to get. Temperment, physical attributes etc are all unknown. With a purebred dog, you pretty much know exactly what you're going to get.

Breeders vary of course, but it's not that hard to tell which ones are good (just like fish breeders). And in the age of the internet - research is pretty easy - it's not hard to find out who the 'bad' breeders are.

Just my .02



Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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You just have to do what it takes to find the right dog for you, I think. Pound dogs are not for everybody, pure breds are not either. What I'm inarticulately saying is that if you make a compromise, you're likely getting the wrong dog.
I'm kind of new here, so I don't want to sound like I'm trying to be a troublemaker, I just enjoy these sorts of discussions, I tend to agree with Kestryl in that nurture is more often of greater importance than nature. I have a cousin that bred Rotts for years. Her dogs did well in regional competitions, she used American lines as well as some imported stock. Anyway, point is Her dogs are immaculately mannered. wonderful family animals, you say stay, they'll stay for hours. She sold one of her puppies to an idiot cousin of ours, he got the dog minimal training and it was a snarling beast. He had the bloodlines to be a champion, but the upbringing worthy of a junkyard mutt. My point is, there is simply no way you can say either one is "Everything" . The best breeders can't eliminate every bad quality from an animal anymore than bad breeding can negate a lot of good qualities. Saying there is a right or wrong here would be silly.


Large Fish
Aug 31, 2003
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i agree with ashleigh on this subject, for me i prefer pound dogs, theres something about saving an innocent animal from lonliness and unhappiness that is more important to me than having a pure-bred. I would much rather save something that isn't necessarily going to get a home than something that is, whether i buy it or not.

Anyways, i want to see more doggy pics!!! post your dogs here!! this is a pic of me and my dog taken about 5 years ago, she's looks similar to a manchester terrier but we believe she has some alsation and doberman in her aswell as something that makes her smaller than both of those types.


wow, so many dog lovers, personally, im not one (BAAAAD experience with them as a child *shivers* happy to make it out alive...) but i do tend to stray off to look at them at times. i love the golden retrievers and black labs, nice big gentle dogs are my type (yes i know they can get quite vicious..evil bums...),

if i had the chance, id go for a dog (even though i have a problem with it) but since someone in my family is allergic, cant have

precious: still love that Leyna!

Sep 11, 2003
Everyone's doggies are so cute, so I thought I would join in on the fun of posting too:

This is my pommie Koda, when she was a pup, she'll be 3 in August

Another one of her after she thought the water bowl was perfect for bath time, LOL:

And my two "yo quiero taco bell" dogs, Pico (little one) and Salsa <heh> Believe it or not they are both 8 this year:
