Quaddity's 70 gal corner build


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Tank is running well. It cycled quickly, the rock was all from running tanks. I got rid of the large branch and replaced it with smaller fiji pieces. So far a not a bad diatom bloom. It's on the walls but not heavy. Three large turbos are keeping it in check. I have about 10 hermits in there, the bangaii cardinal, and a bicolor angel. I'm going to let the tank run for a few weeks and then put a McCosker flasher wrasse in.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
The tank looks great! :D You got an outstanding deal! I ran across some equip. like that a while ago on ebay, got like, $500+ in parts, pumps, etc. for like, $13. What can I say, I'm an ebay addict! I have a spotted hawk (Dino in my pic) he rocks! He just perches on my rocks, he's cool. Are you using any reef supplements just yet or are you waiting for it to cycle a bit more?


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
It looks better now without the big white branch on the left! The Phoenix area is huge on reef there's always cheap deals for tanks on the local forums and craigslist.

No supplements, I'm pretty much sticking to FOWLR with some low light corals (mushrooms, GSP, etc.). The only supplement I did on my 90 was a two part calcium dose everyday for my SPS (if you look for my old posts from last year you can see my 90 I still miss that tank!). I'm going to try that newer Brightwell salt I think.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
I'm still trying to get my calcium levels correct with my supplements, which my coraline algae really need. I can't have any mushrooms, richordea, etc. my puffer will eat them! :( My calcium stays high enough for the bit of life on my live rock that I have and my bubble anem. I'll have to go check out your 90 tank! I'm stuck with my 55 and a 10 gal. ER tank until I get a new house! The economy stinks!


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Two weeks ago I lost 2/3 fish in the tank. Don't really know why I lost both the bangaii and the bi color angel. None of my CUC or the couple zoa frags were affected. The only fish in there for the last two weeks has been a Talbot's damsel. Ammonia has been 0 the whole time. Yesterday I put in a McCosker's flasher wrasse and yellow watchman goby.

Gotta love $2.99 frags at Pets Inc



Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
What a great looking fish. I love wrasses. I have a six line and I love watching him. Not quite as pretty as other wrasses but he is a great looking fish too.
I was going to get a six line for this tank but decided I wanted something red to stick out against the blue acrylic. This wrasse is great, I thought he'd hide for days after putting him in but the next morning he was out. He doesn't stay in the reef much, he swims out in the open water where the higher currents are in the front of the tank most of the time.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I've already ruined my attempt to go FOWLR with this tank I have 4 frags of zoas in it, 2 leathers, kenya tree, and anthelia in it now. A local store that always has tempting $2.99 frags of zoas and my friend are to blame ;) Everything's looking good under the measly 56 watts of PC light but they are up 12" or so under the lights. Next paycheck I'm buying a 12" EcoExotic Panorama LED module to put in between the PC lights. A lot of people and stores are running them here with good success. A bit pricey Dr. Fosters has them for $94 but I've seen very successful SPS tanks run under them. Eventually I'll ditch the PCs and have 3 of the 12" modules running.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Finally got a skimmer running. These corner tanks have no room underneath. My sump is tiny probably 10 gallons and it's divided with a Little Giant MD 2 as the return. I was able to just barely squeeze in an Aqua C Urchin skimmer yesterday (I had about 4" x 7" to work with). Fortunately it has the fitting on the overflow so I don't have to mess with taking that off while it's full of skim to clean it. Hopefully I'll add a 12" EcoExotic Panorama LED to the system this weekend.