Quaddity's 70 gal corner build


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Finally I have scrounged up the measly $100 I needed to put a 12" EcoExotic Panorama module in the tank tomorrow (4x blue 8x white leds) The two PCs are on a reflector on a hinged hood. The Pano module will fit perfectly between the two of them. Eventually I'll get rid of the PCs and put two more Pano modules in. No problems in the tank the corals are all looking great. We had a great new reef store open here a couple weeks ago http://www.reefculture.com/ I bought a really nice Coral Beauty. Well behaved so far not picking at corals.

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Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I picked up an EcoExotic Panorama module tonight. I'm impressed it's really bright for a 12 LED (4 blue 8 white) 12 watt light. Even with the two PCs on there's a nice halide type of shimmer in the tank now. I need to get some shorter screws to mount it properly I couldn't screw them all the way down or they'd go through my lid but the module fits perfectly between the two PCs. I have a fan that blows across the lights in my canopy and even with a lid covering the tank opening (don't want my McCoskers BASE jumping) it's staying at 79-80 degrees.



Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Took a few new pics. Battling Cyano on my sand bed added more CUC yesterday I think it's starting to burn itself out now. My 90 went through the same stage when it was a couple months old:
The coral beauty I bought at the grand opening of Reef Culture is doing great:



Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
My wife and I went to our newest and best reef store, Reef Culture, today. She had to have a clown fish and the first ones she saw were the platinum and snowflakes. Way out of our budget. $200 for a clown fish? No thanks haha. Instead she settled for a false perc. I loved an ORA striped fang blenny and had to buy it. Awesome looking fish and a great price at $13.99. She wanted an ORA Sharknose Goby too but that will wait till a later date. They also have ORA Spotted Mandarins for $59.99 that were tempting.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I went and picked up the EcoExotic ultraviolet Stunner strip that I won in the Reef Culture raffle today. With the PCs and Panorama LED lights on you can't see much difference, with the PCs off more of a difference, with just the UV on WOW. My tank is glowing tonight. I'm really impressed.

With just the stunner on:

For 6 watts of LEDs it's really bright:

Here's just the two EcoExotic LEDs on. 19 watts of light:

All the lights on:

The nuclear green palys and Palau neon green nepthea from the auction:



Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Thanks. I'm happy with the progress considering I started by buying the tank 3 1/2 months ago!

Amazing sometimes it's hard to keep coral alive. Here I have a survivor. 6 weeks ago I put a 6 head PROP hammer in my tank there was a baby head too that I broke off and it fell behind the rock work. Lost pretty much as the only way to get back there is to tear down the reef. Well 6 weeks later I'm looking in my tank and in the back rear corner I spot some glowing green. Some how that baby hammer made it across the tank to an area where I could see it. I lot of maneuvering later I was able to net the frag. I put it on the rock work and the head opened right up. It's looking translucent from the month and half out of the light but I'm surprised it was alive.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
would you care to add another ocellaris? if they pair they might breed which means their babies can feed your tank if you decide to not collect them and rear them :)
all you have to do is find a store that holds a tank full of tank-raised ocellaris and pick one of the smaller ones.(as yours might already be a female if it was alone for a while)


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Yeah I didn't want an ocellaris at all my wife had to have one when I took her to the reef store ;) She wanted a platinum clown at first until we saw the price $200! She wanted two but I was the getting the fang blenny so we only got one. I think I'm done with fish I don't want to overcrowd. The tank doesn't have much horizontal room.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
wtf you got ONE ocellaris for $200 ?!!!!!!!!!?!

i really hope you didnt go for that deal lol and just went with a regular one for $16-$20. You look like you have a regular one in there :)