Quaddity's 70 gal corner build


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
Those ones are ugly lol the snowflake ones are cool tho! I wont pay $200 for one but I can see myself paying $100-$150 for a pair sometime in the future! :p


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Yea the snowflakes or picassos look much better IMO.

A friend of mine had a rock of green bay packer zoa that wasn't doing good, I put it in my tank and I spotted this worm type of thing that looked to me to be eating the zoas. Well it turns out it's a sundial snail and it does eat zoas. Most of the time these guys are small this one was the size of a quarter. None of his zoas have ever done well probably because this thing was lurking in the take eating them and causing all of the to stay closed up.



Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I still have an ongoing battle with cyano on my sand bed. I just found out my friend's DI water I'm using is not very good it's 70-80ppm so that's probably the cause. Bright white sand covered in red hairy cyano is not very appealing. But my corals are all doing great. I bought a tiny fresh cut frag of neon green Palau nepthea at the auction and it hadn't done much looked any different since I put it in the tank until today the thing tripled in size this week. Hopefully it keeps growing fast (it's to the right of the nuc green palys):


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
My whole tank is turbulent even the sand I have 600 GPH return pump and two Koralia 3s in a narrow tall tank. There's a constant current at the sand level so I can't figure out what the deal is. I'm trying to avoid putting an antibiotic into the tank. I'll probably just black out the tank but it's going to drive me nuts not looking at it hehe. I had the lights off for about 36 hours earlier this week but there was still ambient light. Most of the cyano disappeared but it came right back once the lights were on for a day again.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
Lights out is only a bandaid to the problem... Youve gotta figure the cause otherwise itll come right back... Ive used Dr G's Red Slime Remover and yes it did wipe out the algae but it came back eventually! I was skimming heavy and Running GFO but it still came back! I did the lights out for 3 days with a sheet over the tank and it went away but when I turned my lights back on within 8 hrs a few SPS colonies (Purple Plamsma ect.) had started to RTN and by the time the lights turned on the second day were completly gone...Than I turned to my RO unit and replaced all the filters and still had stupid red slime lol. I replaced the membrane on my ro unit and not sure if it was a coincidence or not but that was when it went away. On top of that when I got it to go away I was doing weekly 30% water changes and before each water change I would remove all the red slime I could by hand...


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
I belive the nutrients might have been leaching out of my rocks because in the old tank before I broke it down my RBTA split and one of them roamed across the tank and stung this huge green sinulara (leather)... It actually stung it so bad it killed it completly and I didnt notice for a few day untill it had complatly melted. in turn it killed 90% of the corals and polluted the tank/rock which than got neglected and sat there for another few weeks while I was setting up the new tank....


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Tanks comming along nicely, love that wrasse! How much was it if you don't mind me asking..
Hey Jim! I bought him from a local guy that ships stuff in from wholesalers and then resells them out of his garage. It was a whopping $14! They are around $50 in the stores here. I'll always have a McCosker's wrasse and a striped fang blenny in my future tanks both of them are great fish.

My cyano looks to be starting to burn itself out. Hoping anyways.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ

After more than a week no cyano has returned to the sand. There's some higher in the tank on the rocks that didn't completely die off the first time. I think I"m going to suck as much out as I can and do another black out and hopefully wipe it out. Definitely happy to see white sand the last week instead of a red hairy mat! *celebrate

I put a mated pair of red pistol shrimp in last week too but haven't seen them. There's tunnels dug all over but they haven't come out or hooked up with my watchman goby yet.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Well the first blackout did take care of the cyano on the sand it did not come back. The cyano on the rocks about mid level went crazy and started covering the rocks, corals, etc. I blacked it out for 4 days a second time and wiped it out for good. It has not come back at all in the last week and a half. So I'm happy for that! The pistol shrimp are doing good but have not hooked up with the goby yet.

I added a great looking yellow Aussie octopus frogspawn Saturday. I bought it at our local auction for $16 (2 heads). Crappy cell phone pic and it's not fully opened but it should be a great looking frogspawn.