Reverse flow under gravel???


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
You do know that you are mixing African and South American Cichlids right??? Thats not reccomended as they need different water condtions. IMO you really need to do some more research.

Jul 28, 2006
guppy_newbe said:
You do know that you are mixing African and South American Cichlids right??? Thats not reccomended as they need different water condtions. IMO you really need to do some more research.

well I do realize that and every LFS you go to someone has a different opinion of what will co exist with what and soon and so forth..I do know that water requirements of some of the cichlids are different but half of the stores i go into have all of there freshwater fish cycling in the same water??? who really knows I guess. i have provided the fish with many hiding places and have introduced them all at about the same size. I guess the rest is up to nature.:confused:
I would love to go to three different fish stores and have them all agree on something...anything I guess I will see how well things between them go.

My last tank was a 55 gallon with a green terror, a red devil, and a piranha. It stayed that way for over five years with no problems.. many told me that would never work as well..but it did.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Pet Stores are not there to offer the best care for the fish they carry. They just try and keep as many alive as they can to sell them and make a profit. Just because they do it at a pet store doesnt mean that its ok for a life time of the fish. IMO fish are the most abused animal on this earth.

Jul 22, 2006
I agree with Going For Broke. Its very common that many people think this fish do not go with that fish, but its been known to be mixed together for a long time. Everyone have different opinions on which fishies can be together. I've read that Gouramis can not be with Tiger Barbs, but it is no problem for me. Each fishies have their own personality, so you just got to try and see what happens. As for what Guppy is saying about mixing Africian and South American mixtures, he is right, but any fishies can adapt to the tankmates and water conditions. I believe that fishies introduced to each other at such a very young age will have a greater chance to coexist together in the tank peacefully as they become older.


Jul 28, 2006
guppy_newbe said:
Pet Stores are not there to offer the best care for the fish they carry. They just try and keep as many alive as they can to sell them and make a profit. Just because they do it at a pet store doesnt mean that its ok for a life time of the fish. IMO fish are the most abused animal on this earth.

Well my point was every fish store employee will have a different opinion on what fish will co-exist with each other. Of course they are there to make a profit. Thats what business is about.*thumbsups no profit, no fish store, no fish store, no place to buy fish. ahhh the vicous world we live in..


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL

Ok you guys and gals. Rift lake cichlids can only safely be kept with other rift lake cichlids. There is more than water parameters at work here. Most of the Rift Lake cichlids have an aggression level far beyond any other SA/CA cichlid. This means that is you mix them chances are really good that the Africans will rip them to shreds.

There are very few exceptions to this rule. Yellow Labs for instance are one of the less aggressive species and may do ok with a fire mouth or JD, but I would still be hesitant to mix them. Some shell dwellers can also be mixed provided that you have enough room for the other inhabitants to stay clear of the shells. They will defend them unmercifully.

Research your species before trying anything. It is our job to know what our fish need. Not the pet stores. Most are just after a sale, and it is very rare to find one that actually wants you to get it right the first time.

And thunder comparing tiger barbs and gouramis to Rift lake cichlids and SA/CA cichlids is like trying to compare keeping a toy poodle and a cat together vs keeping a pit bull and a cat together. The difference in the amount of damage that can be done is astronomical.


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
The only non-SA fish is the Kenyi - and I have to say, I'm concerned about it and its tankmates' well-being long term. I'm also somewhat concerned about the relatively smaller, less aggressive Rainbow amongst the Firemouth, Convict, and Jack Dempsey. Still, there may be enough space for him to carve out a safe haven - it's really the kenyii that I think you may be better off taking out of this tank.

Thunder, with all due respect, this is an entirely different issue than the relatively mild concerns some may express about keeping gouramis and tiger barbs together.

FWIW, the Green Terror-Red Devil-Piranha tank you mentioned was, at least, all highly aggressive Central/South American fish.

Also, if you feed the tank meatier foods that the SA cichlids will like, you're facing Malawi Bloat in the Kenyi.

Here's more on the issue:

And here's a little more on the various fish you're keeping. Read up and it'll become clear why so many are expressing concern:

Kenyii - - Pseudotropheus lombardoi
Convict - - Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus
Firemouth - - Thorichthys meeki
Jack Dempsey - - Archocentrus octofasciatum
Rainbow - - Herotilapia multispinosa

Likes: FishGeek


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Just agreeing with what Pure had to say...

Water parameters shouldn't just be discounted, they are important (reason enough by themselves, IMO), but they pale in comparison with the aggression issue. (However, in this case, it's the African I'd worry about getting beat up by the JD and Convict)

Jul 28, 2006
ok from what I've read there the fish I should be most concerned about isn't eh Kenyi (except his diet) but rather the rainbow..? Funny thing is I'm not sure I have a rainbow since the examle I have is of a gold color with noblack markings down the also seems to be fairly aggressive at this point. The firemouth is probaly next in line so far as aggression is concerned.

Jul 28, 2006
FreshwaterJeff said:
Possibly a gold severum?

Google Image Result for

Also, look at the Kenyi's water parameter needs - that's where more concern is found.

ahh i see... thank you.

as far as the fish being a gold severum it's not that color but rather a real rich gold color.. I'm not sure what it is..I looked at all the cichlids on the site here and seen nothing like it.. could be because its a juvenile though to I guess??


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
You need to be worried about all of them. You havent had them in a tank long enough to get a full picture on their personalities. But yes the ones that is most out of place are the Kenyi and the Rainbow. Convicts are nasty fish and JDs and Firemouths can be. I can see a mess of clashing in your tank.

Jul 28, 2006
FreshwaterJeff said:
Any chance you could get a picture of your mystery fish?

If you can't find it in the MFT pictures, look here: - List Species

Rich gold color...could you describe its body shape?

i didn't see anything that resembled it there but I will try to get a picture tonight. it's body shape is similar to the rainbow but it has no black down the middle of it's body from my recollection.

After reviewing all of the parameters of the different species I have in the tank I agree that the kenyi is most out of place...seems is needs water with a higher ph then the other fish..
the rest of the fish should be fine in there enviroment so long as the water is kept in the high 70's and they have room to spread out and all have there own space. No?


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
Going for broke said:
After reviewing all of the parameters of the different species I have in the tank I agree that the kenyi is most out of place...seems is needs water with a higher ph then the other fish..
the rest of the fish should be fine in there enviroment so long as the water is kept in the high 70's and they have room to spread out and all have there own space. No?
At very least, they'd have a better shot. Let's figure out what your "rainbow" really is, though...

Jul 22, 2006
We talking about fishies clashing together. Since for many years, breeders are able to alter the looks of many fishies, why not personalities and such? The breeders should start breeding fishies and as soon they are born, put the mix together and let them be raised together. If they do this repeatly for years, the fishies will be able to live together! ai ai ai ai
