Shipped fish?


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
ApistoDave is one of the top guys around when it comes to Apistos -- so I wouldn't blame him too much (and I don't think asking for $10 is unreasonable, although it would be nice of him to send the replacements free).

I really hope it works out this time :D Good luck!


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I'm not blaming him for anything. He seemed to do everything properly to me and has handled things well I think. I agree $10 isn't a big deal and not too much to ask for. So far with my experience with him I would still recommend him to anybody looking for apistos.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Most everything I have heard about him has been good. I may have said something negative about him last night but if I did it was out of disappointment. He has been extremely helpful as far as working with me goes and I'm sure I will be extremely happy once I get my fish. :D

I'm just looking forward to next week now :p


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I don't think I've ever gotten a shipment in that the fish hadn't been doped. It's called Bag Buddies, and it really just chills the fish out from the shipping and helps them not be so stressed. This can cause the fish to look dead, or close to dead, and the best thing to do is get them out of the bag water ASAP and into clean, fresh water. I'm not sure if this had anything to do with what happened to your shippment, but this is the first thing that popped into my head.

I also agree that's generally best to try to plan your day around the fish when they are coming. And it's a good idea to see what the upcoming weather is going to be like in the area where the fish are leaving, and around you so you can at least have and idea of what to expect the fish to go though, and if it's bad enough don't be afraid to call it off and wait for the weather to get better.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Thats good information Orion and I did suspect that they would have put something in there to calm the fish or something. Even with this though I would the fish be floating belly up? I also took a long hard look at the fish when I got home and they were not moving at all; no gill or mouth movement at all.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Well, no gill movement pretty much = no fish.

I'm a little confused though. When did you really give them a good look, as soon as you got them, or after the 2 hours you were gone? I thought you said the fish were not floating belly up when you first got them?


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well they weren't right side up when I got them. They were like tail up or kinda on their sides when I initially got them. I did look at the gills on both of them for a minute or so before I left and I didn't see any movement either but it was kinda wishful thinking on my part that they were just really doped up and that was the explanation for them being that way when I got them. I really suspected that they were both dead on first inspection. When I got home I was able to give them a much closer examination and they had been sitting in one spot at that point for awhile so the water wasn't moving and thats when they were belly up.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Thats my big goal is to have them lay eggs so I can breed them and raise some of the fry. I hope to sell them to the LFS or maybe share them with other members of the forum once I figure out exactly what I'm doing.

This is going to be my first attempt at breeding anything so I'm not sure what to expect. I have had guppy and molly fry in the past but they are pretty common and easy to breed I think. I never actually tried to raise the fry properly before and I am going to do it with these in their own 10g fry tank.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Yeah I have really been reading quite a bit about them and I believe that they are not extremely difficult to breed. I really look forward to getting them and hopefully having them lay some eggs :D


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I don't think I've ever gotten a shipment in that the fish hadn't been doped. It's called Bag Buddies, and it really just chills the fish out from the shipping and helps them not be so stressed. This can cause the fish to look dead, or close to dead, and the best thing to do is get them out of the bag water ASAP and into clean, fresh water. I'm not sure if this had anything to do with what happened to your shippment, but this is the first thing that popped into my head.
Ok since I will be getting more fish later this week what is my best option as far as acclimating them? I'm pretty sure I can't put them from the bag water straight into some tank (clean fresh) water. I was going to drip acclimate them but that seems like kind of a slow process to get them in the clean fresh water.

What is my best way to get the fish from the bag water they were shipped in to nice fresh water?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I'm a big fan of the bucket method. I use water bucket or a 2 G fish bowl and fill it 1/2 with tank water, then float the bag in that for about 20 min, drip into it till the water is 50/50 and then let them loose in the bowl/bucket and monitor their behavior closely. A lot of fish find the bucket method easier cause it's darker too. The light can be really upsetting to new fish especially ones that have been kept in the dark a while.

If after an hour or so in the bucket they're not showing signs of stress some times I'll offer a bit of food and see if they'll take it. If they do that's super awesome and they can go into the tank, if they don't I'll scoop the food out (a lot of fish won't take anything within 24 hours of getting to a new home any how) and continue to watch them and give them usually another hour (and more tank water). Still no signs of stress - into the tank they go. Lights off for 24 hours though.

This is of course the: If you don't have a QT method. If you had a QT you could do all that in there. And of course while doing all this it's a good idea to take a sample of the bag water to make sure there's not any massive differances between it and your tank's perameters.

Last edited:


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Since they will have been in a bag for several days, to me it's best to get them into clean fresh water ASAP. I keep a clean 5 gallon bucket for the drip method to use. What I've done in the past is take about 50% of the bag water and immediately put it with the fish in the bucket, along with some water from the tank. Then I start the drip. If they did use Bag Buddies, I would normally leave the fish in the bucket longer than normal to let the fresh water volume build up to help the fish 'come out of it'. Once the fish seem normal, I'll then think about adding the fish to the tank if I think it's ok then. Always keep the lights off in the tank, this will help the new fish, as well as any existing fish as well.

This is just how I do it though. But the drip method is always your best way of starting.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Thanks for the info. I will probably end up doing something similar to what you stated orion. Thats kinda what I was planning on doing but I wanted to hear it from others first to make sure I was going to be doing things properly.

I really look forward to getting them and hopefully having them lay some eggs :D
Hehe. Hopefully you'll do as well as I am right now! My cories are laying eggs again. I don't know why they just don't stop. I'm assuming they got excited about the new plants I got. Anyway, hope it works out for you. And don't forget the pictures!!! :D