Show off your Plecos!


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
It should heal by it'sself, but some Melafix is probably a good idea, expecially if he was being picked on, maybe some PolyAqua if you have it on hand.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
He e-mailed me this morning saying he just coulden't bare to see the EBJD go, so he was going to keep him. That kinda ticked me off because he's been talking to me for more than a week promising me this fish (and never even showed any hesitation as to selling him) to the point where I was moving fish and snakes around planning for him to come and all the sudden he just can't sell him. The plecos were just a bonus since I really don't know where to put them and have no plans for them at the moment, so it's really not worth the drive to me without the JD, and I think I'll go off and slap him if I see him, LOL.

Pure said:
What happened Virgo?

Nice BN Mr Mouse *cough*She */cough* is very pretty.

Interesting color she has. Get me a pic after she settles down would ya.
She you say? The person at the LFS said she breeds them at home. Well, you can never trust the LFS, lol. Or she just couldn't see it well in the plastic container thing they have.

I'll get another pic when she gets settled in then.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Yeah, I debated it back and forth in my head, I thought about going out to get the plecos anyway, but hubby doesn't want me getting fish I don't NEED (IE: fits into plans I already have) and I don't even know what I would do with them. None of them were once in a lifetime deals, I can always find other plecos, hopefully ones that are a little closer to home or shipped. :)

I got the Royal, so that's my qota for fish that I don't have plans for for a while. LOL


Medium Fish
Feb 26, 2006
All I have is a Common, but I like him....think I'll keep him...*twirlysmi

Sorry if they are blurry...just snapped them.....oh, and didn't realize that all my deco was torn up...they are getting good at uprooting everything in there. I brought the measurements home for the 125 today. Hubby wants to put it in the wall, extending into a third bedroom we don't use, so that would be good for all the maintenance issues. Pacu and Pleco are gonna go in it sooner or later.

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Medium Fish
Feb 26, 2006
oooh, that one is pretty. I still want a Gold Nugget....maybe one day. Got two in at PetSmart Tuesday, but they both died before they were even acclimated. Shipping musta been rough. Besides, PetSmart wants right at $40 for one about 3 inches long, and I think I saw somewhere online where you can get them for around $17-20.