Thanks for the's some more pics!
Happy couple...female on right.
The couple again...female on bottom.
(blurry---thanks to 0.31 WPG---but gives you an idea of how they look without the flash)
The sub-dom male (at least I think it's a male).
Close shot of the female under 0.31 WPG and no flash.
I can't find any of them in the 38 gal. I think the angels and/or platies must have eaten them.
On the bright side, the plants are starting to take hold, so it's not a total loss.
Happy couple...female on right.
The couple again...female on bottom.
(blurry---thanks to 0.31 WPG---but gives you an idea of how they look without the flash)
The sub-dom male (at least I think it's a male).
Close shot of the female under 0.31 WPG and no flash.
VirgoWolf said:
Are you moving the cherries over tot he 3gal then or just letting them take over the 38gal? LOL
I can't find any of them in the 38 gal. I think the angels and/or platies must have eaten them.
On the bright side, the plants are starting to take hold, so it's not a total loss.