I know you see alot of newbs saying what do i need for a saltwater tank(me included) but had a few quick qeustions. I have a twenty tall and know a twenty long is better for SW. It is the current setup in my signature that i will be turning into salt. My friend is taking the fish off my hands in a week so i wanted to start a saltwater tank. I plan on getting one powerhead(maybe 2) and removing all media from my eclispe filter. I plan on using play sand and maybe some live sand and mix it so it will spread(not sure if that will work). I also plan on some live rock for biological filtration and no protein skimmer since this tank is rather small in terms of SW fish keeping. I also plan on buying and reading the New Marine Aquarium by Paletta if im currect before i start anything. The live rock i plan to buy is hopefully going to be uncured which will help start the nitrogen cycle in my tank and is also cheaper than uncurred. As of a cleanup crew i plan on something along the lines of what OCCfan got for his 16, now 20 gallon tank. I hope to put two false or true perculas in their and maybe a goby or starfish or shrimp. Im not going to upgrade my lighting from the orginal one the tank. This tank is less than a yr old. Wondering if i could keep my biowheel on the filter. I defiantly dont plan to buy or keep any corals at all. Thanks
Any comments please
Any comments please
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