Starting Twenty Gallon Salt, few quick qeustions


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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Once i clean out my fish tank im gonna mix the salt and water and test it and then after a day or two is it ok if i put in my live rock. Does it matter if ammonia and nitrite and nitrate are not all zero? Will that kill the live rock or should i wait to let them get to zero?


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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Today i took my fw fish to my lfs and they gave me 5 credit. There i bought Crsytal Sea MarineMix salt and a Crystal sea Hyrdometer and a minijet pwrhead.I was tempted to get a sweeping pwrhead but it was more than twice the price and she said many ppl have brought them back because they malfuntioned so i opted not to get one. My lfs is owned by a marine biologist and the woman that helped knew everything i have learned from MFT. She has been in the fishkeeping for thirty yrs.She didnt tell me to cycle my tank with damsels like my other lfs so i trusted her on what to get. She said thats the salt they used in their tanks and all their fish were so colorful and healthy looking. I cleaned out my tank and went to petsmart and got a Aquarium Pharmeauciticals(sp) master test kit because they were out at the LFS. I plan on 5lbs of base rock, 5LBs of fiji and 15lbs of marshall island. She also ensured me that i would have many hitchhikers and today is tuesday so if everything in my water it good then thursday im gonna go get about ten lbs live rock. Im really excited!! I might get some hermits but she said they were pretty aggressive so i might just get a few and many snails.


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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Oh my readings are. Salinity.1.025. thats what the store keeps theirs at so i assume if im getting fish from there then i should have it at that.
pH is 8.3, a little high but it should level out with a water change.Ohh, sry, i made it sound like i was getting a cleanup crew thursday, no i was just listing my options, Gonna get it two weeks from now if everything is in order
Thanks again

Jan 9, 2005
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I like hermits, they can get annoying if you have some delicate rock work but i think they're worth it. I've only lost 1 hermit crab out of 5, because everyone else found a bigger shell and he didn' he stood no chance. Definately up to you, but i think they're fun little critters.


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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Just got 10.5 pounds at 59 dollers
4.5 of base at 3$, and 4lbs of fiji and 2lbs of a type of rock starting with a P that was usually 12, but she gave me it for 8 and the fiji is 8. I have already found a decent snail, many baby white starfish, little red worms and a four legged starfish with only three legs, he is pretty small, but bigger than the babys oh yeah and some type of little snail w/o a shell it looks like. Im so excited!!! Ill post pics once i get them on the comp
Any comments please

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
I wouldn't let your salinity go any higher then 1.025. As for hermits the dwarf blue leg hermits are really good for cleaning up and do not cause any problem in the tank, I would go with 1-2 of them per 1lbs of live rock in your tank once it matures. How big is the sea slug (snail w/o shell) and colour? looking forward to pics!


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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Its now at 1.024-1.025, ammonia is at .25-.50 which is ok because she tested my water before i got the lr and she said it has some ammonia, ph is 8.2 so its all good. With that snail i have one less cleaner crew to get although i dont think i was suppose to get that witht he rock because its a good inch long snail although im not sure what type it is. It came off one of their show tanks with all the marshall island lr and 3 juvie blue regal tangs(dory),yes i just made a refrence to Finding Nemo, and anyway it was a big tank maybe 55 to 75 so i dont think it was meant to be on their. It wasnt those tanks that are like made of acrylic or plexiglass jsut to house fish and coral. This was a glass aquarium, the one peice i got from there was the P starting lr and it had a leather coral on it that she took off. Although i wish i could have had it

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Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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just rinsed my sand about 10 times and then added it. The water in the bucket i was rinsing it in went from milky to cloudy to less cloudy and i added the sand by cup fulls from the bucket to the tank and its pretty cloudy. I also took the bag of sand the guy gave me to seed my sand and dumped it around and then to my turkey baster and moved teh sand around . Its too cloudy for a good pic so Ill take one when it gets back to the norm. Oh the sand is caribsea aragonite fiji pink sand.


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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i got a 3/4 inch snail with my sand and dropped him in the tank before i added my sand and he got stuck between some of my lr and his little tentacle things i think are waving around. The only way i can move him is to move the rocks which i dont want to do.Any ideas


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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Ok, cause i dont want to just kill him. I defiantly plan on getting clownfish,2 of the false percs, its a newb fish but their just cool fish to watch for my 20 tall. I was wondering what other options could i have. Someone mentioned a watchman goby/shrimp combo is cool to watch. I just want to know what else would be cool beside teh two false percs in terms of fish and inverts. I also would like a cool starfish and a crab would be cool but i dont want anything that would be not reef safe because i might get some coral later on in like 8 monthes or something. I really like the skunk cleaner shrimp and on they have horseshoe crabs that dont get much bigger than an inch and forage int he sand and they say they are pretty docile. I wouldnt get this from them but ask my lfs if they could order it for me or something but im really open to anything. I dont want anything over 50 because im in highschool and dont have an income
Any comments greatly appreciated,

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Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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Anybody have any advice on any fish or inverts still, im gonna go in a few minutes and pick up the rest of the lr maybe, they got in some more.
ps-my uncle had a 55 gal salt and then a fresh and then he took it down and im going over to hsi house for dinner and im gonn ask him if i can buy the whole setup. My brother and i arnt gonna do alot of liverock, just base for filtration and then were gonna get a panthre grouper and other large fish. I have a 10gallon awating feeder goldfish,haha

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