step by step from fresh to a reef

Jan 15, 2004
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i finaly got my fans i ordered. i know kinda early to be thinking of fans, but they were $5 a piece on ebay so i had to buy them. well i inded up only getting 2 of them instead of 4. 2 wouldnt fit on each side. the good thing about these fans are that they are 120 volts ac so i dont need any transformers or anything. 106 cfm!!!! i thought thot was a lot for 4 and a half inch fans

here are some pics



Large Fish
Jan 15, 2004
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got the acrylic today. tomorow my dad is bringing the right blade home for the tble saw and construction will begin this weekend. too lazzy to take pics. i got a peice of black (for the overflow)and a peice of clear(sump)

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Large Fish
Jan 15, 2004
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ok got both the overflow and te sump done. for the overflow teh guy at the plastic shop sugested that we heat and bend the acrylic. thats what we did. got all the peices of the sump put in. on sunday we are taking the tank to a glass shop to be drilled. i decided again to change my mind about the lighting. instead of going with 1 250 watt hqi i am going to do 2 x175. found a good deal on ebay(
it comes with bulbs and every thing. im hopeing that with two lights instead of one that it will be spread out more and not so spotlightish. heres some pics



Jan 15, 2004
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yes 1979camaro that is the bulk head for my return. i know it is kinda big. i was origonaly going to use a 1/2 inch but the lfs didnt have barb that goes from 1/2 inch thread to a 3/4 inch barb. oh well. the overflow turned out very nicely. the heating idea was great too and i would suggest this to anyone who is going to make an overflow. all you have to do is clamp it to a work bench or somthing with the point you want the radius at the edge of the bench. then heat it with a heat gun and it bunds soo easy. it looks really good too. saturday we are taking it to get it Drilled.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
two holes in the bottom right?

my drilled tank has a corner overflow like yours but i just notched the top of the overflow box and put a return out of there...i like the idea of putting it on a bulkhead, though my only concern would be space constraints

Jan 15, 2004
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well after a few trips to the glass shop and back home we had to replan our plan lol. the glass place didnt have the right size hole for the 3/4" bulk head. so now we are going to run the return up the back of the tankmore of a hassle but itll work. also got the overflow siliconed inlooks pretty good. im starting to run out of funds:( im going to have t find a job(hah who is going to imploy a 14 year old) next: the wet test(once my dad gets back from vacation)


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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hey i'm with you on the job thing--i'm 16 (17 in a month) and i still dont have a job...i just do odd jobs around the house for cash
maybe that's why i dont have a girl friend--who wants to date a guy who cant drive and has no cash?

Jan 15, 2004
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today i set the tank up and filled it with water for the wet test and there was a leak in my overflow!! i was expecting it to happen because we ran out of silicone in the middle of doing it. i also found out that the pump sucks. when i had it all set up i couldnt feel the water from a couple inches away from the return. so wh are upgradeing to a 1055 gph pump!! hopefully this extra flow wil help it out a bit. i am going to use the other pump for circulation inside the tank. instead of buying 80 pounds of live rock to get the look i want im just going to get 40 pounds and make a rack for it all to sit on and for the fishies to swim the 2nd wet test


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
sounds like a plan...those PVC racks are really popular; the next tank i do (which i hope will be much larger than my current 55) i plan to use somesort of lattice structure like that to save money/weight. where was the overflow leaking from? how many gph was your old pump? how many feet of head?

Jan 15, 2004
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the overflow was leaking on the side about half way downt he tank. the old pump was 500 gph and it wasnt near enough. about 4 feet of head. im going to have to make the slots on my overflos a bit bigger to accomidat the new pump.