Things that annoy me


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Since I was out of my normal "place" and "routine" the past couple of days, I've become aware of some things that are annoying. Note I say annoying, but nothing that truly bothers me to the point of no end. Just thought I'd share. :rolleyes:

People who don't know the "rules" of driving. Why? The rules state clearly that you should read the signs. All of them. Just because there's a stop sign does not mean you can go after you've stopped, especially when there's another one posted right below the stop sign that says "Incoming traffic does not stop." This infers that you could be at that stop sign indefinitely, waiting on the traffic that does NOT have a stop sign and continues to go. :rolleyes:

18-wheelers. Why? They need a road all their own, preferably underground, that frees them from streets and highways. Better yet, get rid of them altogether and bring back trains. How long does it take a semi to pass another semi? TOO LONG. Hurry up and get out of my way. It is because of them I cannot drive on a nice smooth highway. :rolleyes:

Cellphones. Why? Because the vast majority of people believe it is literally a part of them, something they were born with. Can you not turn the thing off for 2 hours? I laughed when every other person with a cell phone (w/ camera & video) had theirs confiscated at a concert that clearly stated on multiple SIGNS that said "no cameras or cell-phones..." :rolleyes:

Okay, that's about it. Carry on. :)


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
I will agree with all of those, and I'll raise you an algae, and a cloudy water.

I don't know about you all, but there is nothing in the world that bugs me more than when my tank is cloudy. I wan't to dive in and fix it, but at the same time I realize that most often the best thing I can do is sit on my hands and let it go.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
well I guess I'm one that would annoy u driving. I come to a stop at signs but if ther is alot of traffic I find the first spot and get in. but alot of times I have to slow down because of the other people are going to slow for ma. I got a lead foot. and semis are needed because trains belive it or not are less efficiant. U have alot of semis that only go 50-100 miles but trains for the most part go thousands of miles to justify a trip. Then for reading all the signs, well some rules are made to be broken. lol Like the speed limit on SOME roads. school areas sure no prob I understand that but the interstate should be like the audobaun in Germany. I drive between 65-70 in 55 mph zones and 85-90 on the interstate. I know it's wrong but I like to go fast. Just part of who I am.

hypocrites. just bugs the heck out of me. they are all in my life, friends, school, TEACHERS!(haha i love it when i catch them and they look stupid and then deny it!)but geez, the whole principal of saying one thing and then opposing is total bull, shows your insecure, a follower, and a liar. Liars also bug me, sometimes they dont want to tell the truth, but when it comes down to the important stuff and they are still lyeing, such as an arrest, truly i didnt do it, he did, he says i did it, im in jail and the only witness is the liar.(just an example, this never happened) O also, it bugs me that when they are lyeing and you know it and proved it, and they still continue to lie.


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
Ah yes..The only reason I would ever break the laws of the road is because I didn't quite understand it....I.E.: There is one VERY confusing 3 way intersection..and when I say confusing, you can bet it's confusing! I don't know how many times I've nearly gotten killed at it (I try and avoid it at all costs). Everybody finds it particularly confusing..But other than that, I will only go about 5-10 miles over the posted speed limit (hardly ever over 5..).

Cellphones..Tell me, who really needs them? I have one only for emergencies, if I wish to be left alone, I turn it off..which is actually MOST of the time. Not like I got anybody to call me anyways. :)
We all have our pet peeves!


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I know a cronic lier. he lies just to try to be cool. I remember a few years ago he said a 2 ton I beam hit him in the head, he went sky diving when he was 4 and broke both leags and my personal favorite is Slipknot played in his back yard. He is great comic relife when we catch him in a lie and he trys to change it around. and the fact about being a hipocrit I kind of am when it comes to doing stupid things. I like the saying "Do as I say, not as I do" Goes verry true for 4 wheelers. I have broken my ankle wrist thumb and got a concussion doing stupid things on a 4 wheeler.

pet peeves--
LA freeway drivers. Need I say more?

people who cant let other ppl finish a sentence before jumping in.
People who criticize others but can't add anything to the conversation.
people who can't control their children (because they are bad parents)
most employees at chain pet stores
and gold teeth.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Turn Signals. I know older cars have them, and I'm pretty sure that most newer cars have them too, so why not use them every now and then?

Tires that are either three sizes too big or too small. Ok, so the big ones don't bother me near as bad as the ones that are two small. Looks like someone swiped a bunch of lawnmower wheels and stuck them on their car.

People who think they are better than someone else because they have/know 'X'. Really? That's nice, but I should care why?

Celebreties lives. Really? That's nice, but I should care why?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Massachusetts roads AND drivers bother the crap out of me. Anyone ever heard of Kelley Square? It's this place where about 7 roads just come together, without any sort of stop signs or right of way or direction... in a busy city. Drivers in MA have apparently made up their own rules for right of way. Like, if you're the first person at a light, turning left, for some reason they feel you get to go before those going straight.

People who treat pets as disposable also bother me. And those who buy puppies from pet stores... pet stores shouldn't be allowed to carry puppies, period. Kittens either. If the stores really feel the need, they can have a cat from a local animal shelter there, to help get it adopted.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
One of the things that bugs the crud out of me is when someone else's car radio is vibrating my car. I absolutely hate being able to hear someone coming a mile away because their car is vibrating the windows on my house and it gets louder and louder as they get closer. grrrr

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
-I hate drivers that go the speed limit in the left lane and don't bother moving over to the right.
-I hate cars that pull out infront of me when there is a huuuuuge space behind me, especially if they pull out and drive slow.
-I hate anyone who goes under the speed limit.
-I hate people that "roll up" beside me trying to act cool in their fancy sports car, i then proceed to dust them in my jeep when the light hits green. :)
-I hate the interstates, especially in Miami.

-Like Orion I hate hearing about celebrities lives, marriages, and children....who cares? Know why there is such a high divorce rate now...noo its not because of the average citizen...its these celebrity couples.
-I hate being cold, ironically i'd love to own a house in Colorado.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte citizens seem to have a real problem with merging onto highways. Instead of using the merging lane for what it was designed for (getting up to highway traveling speed then safely 'merging' into traffic) people will drive to the end of the merge lane.....slowly............then come to a complete stop , put on their blinker and wait until they can pull out in front of someone. IT DRIVES ME MAD :mad:
Another thing that drives me crazy is, if you turn your blinker on to change lanes and someone is in the lane next to you and slightly behind you they will actually speed up and keep pace so you can't move over. Or you have to slow down so you can get behind them. This happens on a daily basis......................I am not a very patient person when it comes to wanting to get home after a long work day and my middle finger is getting worn out. :p

I know everyone probably believes that their state has the worst drivers, but I honestly believe Charlotte HAS to be in the top 5.

Traveling to and from work you can expect to see at least 2 accidents at all times. This of course slows traffic to a crawl because everyone has to LOOK.
Ohhh....that vent felt good :D


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Personal Peeves

Man do I got a few of those.
-How about those of us not driving? for me it's when the city bus comes 10 minutres early or 10 minutes late, it can totally throw your schedule off if your trying to be on time for work. Also watching the bus drivers stop the bus at a tim hortons and grab a coffee when I'm two stops down the street waiting for him(especially in the winter).
-When I am driving, it's people that drive the exact speed as the person in the lane beside them, forcing you to go their speed as there is no possible way around them.

-smokers, I am an ex-smoker, and it's not that i hate smoking, I just hate coming around a corner, or walking past someone who exhales a cloud right down my throat, that drives me nutty.
-people who cut me off when I'm explaining something, or interrupt a lengthy conversation to throw in their two cents(and it is not even relevant)
-I poop and scoop my dog, why on earth can't anyone else?(I have a large pile growing on my boulevard)
-right now i'm taking some web design courses, I really love learning this stuff, there is nothing worse than when the rest of the class can't follow instructions that seem easy, or they just don't pay attention and the teacher stops teaching.
-finally, gotta agree with dogdoc, If something is wrong in my tank, there is nothing more tortureous than having to wait it out.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
I also hate when you are in the middle of telling someone something and they change the subject like what ever you were telling them is not important at all.

Connecticut drivers suck also. They are a mixture of New York and Mass. New York with the I don't care if you are there I want to be there and Mass where they just don't have a clue as to what they are doing. So what do you get stupid ASHLS.


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Gotta add one more, Rubber- Necking
I don't know who has the worst drivers, but all it ever takes is one accident, and everyone else to be a rubber necker and BANG! grid-lock.
I live near Toronto btw, it's where I learned to drive, and all I can say is WOW! It's a different style of driving big city compared to small, in Toronto you HAVE to learn to cut people off, otherwise you'll never ever ever be able to change lanes. Don't be scared to swap paint in downtown toronto.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Another thing I hate. I do PC Support for a job. I hate when people screw up their machine then tell me they did PC support before they got the the job they are doing now...usually data entry. Well I guess you weren't very good at it because you messed it up so bad you can't fix it and had to call me. Now what is the reason you are doing data entry again. BTW there is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING wrong with doing data entry. I've just had a couple of people do that to me.

OH or the other thing I hate is when you call someone to help them and they don't do what you tell them to do, because they are to busy messing around with what you already fixed. :mad:

Thank god for VNC, I can now have them run this I take over their computer from my desk and don't even have to talk to them if I don't want to.

slow drivers in the fast lane (if you want to go to 55 move over). If my Old Camero can go 90 your rolls can go alot faster.. so move!!

putting on make up while driving
people with pets on their laps as they drive
and the couple who has to make out taht red light and not go when its green

and my biggest peeve. Students. Mommy and daddy can't bail you out now so stop having them call me when you fail!!


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I hate almost everything Cichlid-Man hates, and,...

I hate it when people use Latin words in their sentences. I don't mind the use of etc., which is Latin, but why can't you just say, "minus", or "without", instead of having to be fancy and say "sans"

I also hate it when people act like they are better human beings because they have a vehicle that gets better gas mileage than you. Puh-leaze! Fuel efficient people will be going straight to hell whether they want to admit it or not.

I hate haters too, most of all.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Classic line from Goldmember, I believe,

There are two kinds of people I hate. First, people who are intolerant of people of other cultures. Secondly, the Dutch!